NT: True Life- Meeting my "Long Lost" 18 Year old sister for the first time. Thoughts ?

Good luck with everything man and hope it all works out. 

Maybe I'm a ******* but I don't think I would care, let alone try to build a relationship with her. I just don't see how you can care about someone you've never met etc. 

My pops was locked up and deported when I was young. I have no problems with the man or anything but I also never call him anymore because I just don't feel like we have anything to talk about.

Hope everything works out for you though
My dad has 5 other kids and I've never met or seen any of them all I know is that I'm the oldest. He sent me a text out of the blue like 2 years ago but I didn't respond. I'm grown now and that ship has sailed. I wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him today since it's been over 10 years since we've been in the same room.
some girl sent me a message on FB a few years ago saying she thought she was my sister...

my stomach dropped for a minute cuz my parents have been married my whole life and i have another brother my dad had before he met my mom...

turns out she wasn't my sister...

good luck on meeting yours...i always wanted a sister
Props to your dad for not giving up his search.

He obviously wants some sort of relationship with his daughter. I think when you meet your sister, you should tell her your dad's side of the story. I mean, you owe him at least that much.

Happy for you though.
My mind has been all over the place literally forgot about this thread lol.... I left LA yesterday at 2:30 AM got to Phoenix around 7:40 (apparently that's really good time?)

I was trying to see her yesterday but she said her mom wouldn't let her leave because they are getting the baby's room ready. I was a tad :/ but I had been up for 36 hours so I really did not mind, I took a shower then fell asleep around 2pm Long much needed nap until 8pm. Went out for dinner with my girl and decided to just hit my sister up the next day.

Today I tried calling various times and I felt like she was dodging me, then I thought I was just being Paranoid, which proved true because just 30 minutes ago she texted me and told me to come by her house. Now I'm just sitting in my hotel getting the baby's presents/gifts ready and leaving for the 20 minutes drive to her house. I'm nervous as hell but also am feeling really happy . Ill update you guys with pics.

And keep telling jokes man you guys are crazy :lol:
Props to your dad for not giving up his search.

He obviously wants some sort of relationship with his daughter. I think when you meet your sister, you should tell her your dad's side of the story. I mean, you owe him at least that much.

Happy for you though.

I do intend to do this, and I'm pretty sure this is the reason HER mom won't let us meet alone. I also think that it could be because her mom wants to make sure my dad isn't using me to get to her. I just feel odd that her mom won't let us meet unless she's there. Like what is she afraid of ? I don't know what my sister knows as her relationship with out father is not important to me at this stage. Maybe as (if) we get closer ill talk t her and "straighten" things out, but quite honestly that's not what's important to me now.
Good stuff Mecks. Hope everything went well.

I had a similar situation only my brother was from my mom and pops.

My mom ended up abandoning my dad, sister and I and ended up taking my 6 month old brother with her. Never showed up again. 6 years ago, I ended up getting some help.

A family member gave me an address in Mexicali ( I live in LA). Only thing is that they didnt know if it was a good address. Needless to say, I took the drive anyways. 3-4 Hours later, I was in Calexico, sleeping in a food 4 less parking lot

because it was too early to go bang on some doors. As soon as sunrise came, I crossed the boarder and went on a hunt. I found the house (aka shack, he's poor) and started to throw rocks at his window because the gate had no doorbell.

I made a car alarm go off and they woke up in a panic.

Ended up reconnecting with my brother, mother and meeting my new 3 step brothers.

Theres a lot more to the story, but only shared the stuff that matters.
That's dope Mecks. I saw your tweet earlier about her dodging you. Good to see she wasn't...
I wouldn't worry too much dude.  She can't possibly hate you because she's never met you and you made the trip to see her, so you obviously want to have some kind of connection with her.  If anything pops off just remember cooler heads prevail, and keep it moving...
I've been looking for my brother for 4 years now. He's graduating this year and I really wanted to make it out there. My W#%@% dad doesn't know where he is even though he's paying child support. It sucks man. :smh:
So this isnot going the way I saw it happening in my head. I still haven't met her. She always has some excuses.,,
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