NT: True Life- Meeting my "Long Lost" 18 Year old sister for the first time. Thoughts ?

damn man that took some serious courage.

females gonna be females though, can't really do anything about that. 

you're not a bad person. congrats. showed a lot of character. 
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Mecks, you a good dude. A damn shame she can't see it; her loss either way.

Move onto bigger and better things, have a good one homie.
She ain't hit u up since u got back, or unblocked you atleast?

First thing that comes to mind is that her mom was feeding her all these horrible thoughts.
props to you for taking the trip and putting in the effort...

keep on trying...thats your blood...shes having a baby at 18 while living at home with her mom so she could obviously need a little guidance..especially some male guidance..

good luck OP!

Naw, let it go OP. You're a good dude, you did what are real man would do but it's obvious she doesn't want you in her life. If you continued to pursue this relationship it's only gonna lead to a lot of heartache and disappointment for you. I have a bunch of half sisters and brothers too, and I have been done dirty on multiple occasions by my youngest half bro that I took under my wing and was willing to do anything for. After that, I had no choice but to cut him off. All the rest were from my father's relationship before my mom, are significantly older and never really checked for me as a kid. When I became grown, I already accepted that I would never try to build anything with them either. Sometimes you just gotta keep it moving and focus on those that really love you.
props to you op and repped you did the right thing and if its meant to be its meant to be no what ifs ands or buts so you did what you had to and even brought gifts man another story to add to the chronicles of your life
Never experienced something like this, but good luck on everything. Hopefully you guys can build some type of relationship and she is as willing to do so as you are.
try to build dat relationship op. dats ur new baby sis.
props to you op and repped you did the right thing and if its meant to be its meant to be no what ifs ands or buts so you did what you had to and even brought gifts man another story to add to the chronicles of your life
I hope that it all goes well and that things may change in the future
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