NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Sour in the rye and tart of darkness... Mmmmmmmmm delicious brews. Yea the bruery is pretty pricy around my way but it's so Damn good I have to splurge every once in a while.
3rd one this year.. WOOP

Should be the best one as well. 8)


Welp... After much trial and tribulations, my summer session lineup is SET in stone. I will be trying no other new beers this summer.

Dale's Pale Ale
Pyramid Apricot Ale
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis
Local brewery Pilsner style

Dale's Pale Ale is a IPA by all style standards. The IBU is upwards of 65. So it's not quite at the level of many 7.2% IPAs that sit in the 100 IBU range.. So for me, this is the perfect balance.. Session drinking 7% IPA's won't get you very far. This Dale's Pale Ale feels just a tad more sessionable than a higher IBU IPA. You can stretch yourself just a bit further with this stuff while it tasting very close to a high class IPA

Pyramid Apricot Ale is not like many high "class" beers. For me, it's not like any other beer I tend to prefer... The hops aren't there. The malt isn't quite present. So it really just adds up to a nice pleasant apricot tartrness that rides through the entire drink of the beer. It really just tastes like a mix between a moderate to light lager and some smirnoff flavored drink. I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I need that sweetness in my drinks.. At 5.1%, it tastes nothing of the sort. The reviews are rather low. But I have always been a fan of the apricot as a fruit. So this taste is perfect for my summer palette.

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis.. I had a hefe tasting a couple weeks back and this one placed very close to the top, with a few euro beers taking top honors.. Since this one was on sale this past week, I bought a few six packs for a more thorough investigation.... The carbonation was perfect. The banana taste was just about as perfect as you would want. It all depends on the pour as you sometimes lose that carbonation on the pour. As odd as it sounds, drinking from the bottle gave me the best results... They want you to swirl the last 1/3rd into your glass to get the remaining yeast. So I would normally drink one until the 1/3rd mark, and then pour another into a glass. Then the 1/3rd back into the pint glass so it gets extra yeasty.. It's never overdone though. It's really the best of both worlds imho. Top class thirst quencher .

Locally brewery Pilsners... These guys are just very light in color and in hops. It's all about the session drink with many pilsners.. These guys are no different.

I never thought drinking according to season would be so true. I always wanted to be different and have stouts in the summer or light blondes in the winter. But my body is adjusting right along with the weather and the beers I consume follow suit.
I don't think I'll be posting in the next couple of months about consumer beers.

I do have some home brew news to report very soon. We brewed a rauchbier (smoked malt taking center stage). Our beer featured about two times as much smoked speciality malt as many recipes online asked for. We love the smoked taste. The hop profile is very modest, in the 20 ibu range. ABV is in the 5-6% range.. Pictures to follow

Our next beer from May was an experimental beer. It's simply titled Ginger Beer. But is much more than that.. We threw in three whole lemons into the boil, pepper mint, a hint of hops, a couple cups of brown sugar, and some extra wort from a prior beer as a base (Wort is simply un-fermented 'beer'. Sometimes when you brew you tend to get some extra wort that is above and beyond what you need to boil. Instead of wasting it, we used it with another beer).... Long story short, the fermentation dropped this one to a 1.000 (most beers drop to 1.010 to 1.020 range on the hydrometer). The lower the number is usually a good sign of how dry the beer will be... This one is basically a wine... It's just very sweet.. 8.1% ABV.. Quite the surprise to drink to be honest. I can't compare it to much.. It's drinkable for us but maybe we are biased... Pics to follow

Two others sitting in the fermenter ready to go in a weeks time.

5.5% Cream Ale.. This one has a very light malt list. You actually use some flaked rice, and minute rice. The recipe called for a 4% beer. We just aren't really having that. So we upped the base grain and the hops a touch.. This one should be quite the session drinker

6.5%+ Hopped Up Red Ale... This one was sitting at about 65 IBU with 3-4 specialty grains attached to it... We added some hops to the fermenter a couple days ago in preparation of it being done on Thursday.
As far as the Victory Golden Monkey goes, Stillin is right. They WILL sneak up on you. I remember at my boy's BBQ/House Party for memorial day having about 4 Yuenglings then I see the Golden Monkey. I had 5 of those and before I knew it I went into the house because I had to go lay down on the couch lol.
Sour in the rye and tart of darkness... Mmmmmmmmm delicious brews. Yea the bruery is pretty pricy around my way but it's so Damn good I have to splurge every once in a while.
Thinking of stopping back at the beer distributor and picking up the Saison Rue, but I just can't justify how reckless I've been with buying beer this past week. 

Currently drinking a Jai Alai IPA from Cigar City Brewing.  I'm really impressed by this beer.  The hops are definitely there, but they're not overpowering and it's balanced out nicely with the malt backbone.  I could see myself sessioning this beer all day.  For 7.5% ABV, this is insanely drinkable.  This ranks somewhere in my top 3 IPAs.  Probably the best thing to come out of Florida since Andrew Reynolds.

Can any NT'ers get their hands on Zombie Dust from Three Floyds?  I'd be willing to pay double what you pay for a sixer.  Dying to try it. 
AF: My expectations for HoH Watermelon were too high. Like, but don't love. Would actually like a stronger hint of the fruit.

Festina I liked a whole lot more than Raison. Obviously so much smoother, but Wally would excommunicate me for the price I paid in relation to ABV, etc.
Co-sign on Pyramid Apricot, I think it's excellent. That and Anderson Valley Summer Solstice(which tastes a bit like cream soda) are my favorite "summer" beers ever.
Sour in the rye and tart of darkness... Mmmmmmmmm delicious brews. Yea the bruery is pretty pricy around my way but it's so Damn good I have to splurge every once in a while.
Thinking of stopping back at the beer distributor and picking up the Saison Rue, but I just can't justify how reckless I've been with buying beer this past week. :lol:

Currently drinking a Jai Alai IPA from Cigar City Brewing.  I'm really impressed by this beer.  The hops are definitely there, but they're not overpowering and it's balanced out nicely with the malt backbone.  I could see myself sessioning this beer all day.  For 7.5% ABV, this is insanely drinkable.  This ranks somewhere in my top 3 IPAs.  Probably the best thing to come out of Florida since Andrew Reynolds.

Can any NT'ers get their hands on Zombie Dust from Three Floyds?  I'd be willing to pay double what you pay for a sixer.  Dying to try it. 

It's worth the price I think. At least everyone in a while.

I hate you for easy access for Jai Alai. I wish I could get it at the local spot lol. I did however trade for some of the oak aged and it did not disappoint! Delicious beer.

If anyone hits you up about the 3F hook up let me know. I'm ALWAYS down for more 3F goods. I really would like a gumballhead shirt and some glassware from the brewery.
Was in the Twin Cities all last week so had a bunch of Surly Bender and Furious, various Summit, Leiny's Honeyweiss, some Grainbelt Premium and an Alaskin Brewing brown ale (I think).

But the Surly 6th & 7th year anniversary beers were by far the highlight. 

Surly is opening a new brewery that should be producing within two years. Hopefully this means they'll be able to supply enough demand for the state of MN, and then some. Cheers. 
I had Sierra Nevada Hoptimum for the first time. I thought it was going to be a hop bomb but it is actually well balanced for an Imperial IPA. No heat either at over 10% abv.
Was in the Twin Cities all last week so had a bunch of Surly Bender and Furious, various Summit, Leiny's Honeyweiss, some Grainbelt Premium and an Alaskin Brewing brown ale (I think).

But the Surly 6th & 7th year anniversary beers were by far the highlight. 

Surly is opening a new brewery that should be producing within two years. Hopefully this means they'll be able to supply enough demand for the state of MN, and then some. Cheers. 

Those are beautiful. *small tear*

ill post some more pics when its finished next week-finishing grouting, getting the top finished, arm rests, kegerator set up and fish tank running this week

(top of the bar)

Sorry to derail the thread-back to the beers
nice bar^^^

waited a whole year to try newcastle: bombshell. very disappointed 

drank a 6pk in like 20 minutes trying to catch a cool buzz before roaming around SF (walking) but all it did was leave an ugly taste in my mouth for an hour even after eating candy 
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Magic Hat, Blue Moon, Flying Dog; those are the beers I perfer. But I just drink 40's most of the time. Schlitz 40oz
I think I'm starting to like IPAs. I had Bells Two-Hearted Ale this past weekend and it was phenomenal. Very refreshing
I think I'm starting to like IPAs. I had Bells Two-Hearted Ale this past weekend and it was phenomenal. Very refreshing

Never had any of Bells' stuff, but from what I've read about two-hearted, you should give Sculpin a try. It's by far my favorite IPA (single or double). Way too drinkable.
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