NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Had one of these the other day...wish they sold them in Florida

two from last night:

Mikkeller Misty Elliot - Triple IPA 10.5%. Got this as a four-pack for $28 so I had high expectations, did not disappoint, super drinkable and tasty.

Ayinger Altbairisch Dunkel
4 pack for $28, Jesus. And I thought Tired Hands triple IPAs were priced high

Right, I went to check out with the 4-pack + the 1 Ayinger, thinking it would be about ~$24 total. guy goes "total is $33.75" :stoneface:

this is a good example of why bottle shop visits are every 2 months :lol:, everything else is I drink is growler fills, whole foods, total wine, etc...
Decided to make some changes to my drinking habits as of late. Just watched the documentary Drinkers Like Me and I realized that, while not to the extent of the individuals featured in the documentary, I find myself using a lot of the same excuses and same logic to defend/normalize my drinking. It made me take a look at myself from the perspective of an outsider and think about how I would perceive another person if I saw them drinking the amount that I was drinking. Been keeping it limited to 2 days a week and I'm not mad about it.

It comes at a good time though. I feel as if the bubble is starting to burst. I just don't really get the same excitement about trying news beers that I did when I first got into the hobby/habit. The FOMO isn't there anymore because I realize that new, great beers are constantly coming out. To constantly be searching for the next big thing is exhausting on a lot of different levels. I'd really rather channel that time and energy towards other endeavors at this point in time.

I'll still be posting/viewing the thread, but I forecast my presence to be less known moving forward.
^Good stuff. Turned my habits into a Friday-sunday expedition like how most people are. Back to where I was when I started drinking craft beer. Brewery visit twice a month. Then mostly grocery store buys. 'Beer' fridge has turned into more vegetables, water, and food space. Now sitting on a 12 pk or less at any given time, and not 6-7 types of ipas that 'have' to be dranken asap.

Drinking less, the first beer back really pops more. Palate shift/fatigue is real. Even a 5 day break opens things up.
Interested in checking out the documentary mentioned

For awhile I’ve been on a one per day limit (mostly) if I have stuff to drink...which I usually do

I’ve gone from getting 6/4 packs to one or two of each beer

Occasionally I’ll have two beers in one day on a weekend

If I go to a brewery or a restaurant with a lot good choices I’ll make an exception but that’s not at all frequent with three young children

About a month ago I got to the point with IPAs that I feel like everyone I have tastes just like something I’ve had previously making it less interesting than before

I’m sure I’ll find myself declining offers from friends/trading buddies more frequently at this point since more times than not it’s IPAs
I haven't really cut back on drinking persay but I have cut back on the sticker can IPAs. I find myself wanting and reaching for more sessionable beers like session IPAs and pale ales. Less filling and you don't feel destroyed after having one or two.

However, I'll be headed to boston and treehouse/trillium next month. I do plan on stocking up on several TH cases and gladly drinking those beers every night :lol:
Bar near me has rebranded 3 times in 5 years. Was a craft beer bar, then a gay bar, now an Irish bar. Stopped in for the first time since it was an Irish bar on Saturday and found out they tapped a keg of 2017 Goose Island Bourbon County Knob Creek. Best $13 I spent this weekend.
What I drank tonight... very interesting... stout with honey... on a side note anyone try any barrier brewing beers and have any recommendations? The cans look interesting but the prices were very expensive....

Stopped by the Goose Island Block Party in Chicago this weekend. $10 donation, $3 beers. Had:
Hombre Secreto
2014 Barleywine
2015 BCS Heaven's Hill barrel
2016 Coffee stout

Worth it.
What I drank tonight... very interesting... stout with honey... on a side note anyone try any barrier brewing beers and have any recommendations? The cans look interesting but the prices were very expensive....

Barrier makes some pretty good stuff. Arguably a notch below the better local options (Other Half, Grimm, LIC, Sand City, etc.), but still worth checking out. They're always doing new beers, so it's hard to say which are worth checking out and which aren't. Money is their flagship IPA which is a very good beer/definitely worth trying.
ssu is a great stout for the price and availability. Did you happen to try any of the sabucinno sessanta stout that they brewed for Sabatinis pizza anniversary?
ssu is a great stout for the price and availability. Did you happen to try any of the sabucinno sessanta stout that they brewed for Sabatinis pizza anniversary?

I did not, although I probably should have when I was in today. You local to the area?

Can't wait for the variants, wonder what they have in store this year
I did not, although I probably should have when I was in today. You local to the area?

Can't wait for the variants, wonder what they have in store this year

I live up in the Wilkes Barre/Scranton area. My local bar is Sabatini's and I was just there this Saturday when the tapped the sabucinno sessanta stout, it was amazing and pretty cheap at 4.95 a 10oz.
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