NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


My body is ready
Disability check from the time I was out after surgery came in the mail today.  Much more than I expected it to be.  As a result, I decided to splurge:

Nice cop on the russian imperial, I've heard people call that Stones best beer, but I think I've only seen it at my local Bevmo's once sadly :smh:

I gotta do a stock locate on it :lol:
So jealous of those able to get founders and that peach dogfish head.
I tried torpedo extra ipa a couple days ago and thought it was just meh.. Then tried a few more of my six pack and couldn't put it down.. Never underestimate attempting a second or third tasting on beers.. I think I found my favorite easily available IPA.

I didn't realize Stone Imperial Russian Stout was rare..:smh: I spotted it twice locally 2 weeks apart, bought a bomber each time, drank those, and now nothing at my beer stores.

I did a side by side tasting of Stone Russian Imperial Stout and Oskar Blue's TEN-FIDY... The hop presence is quite pronounced in the Stone stout compared with the ten fidy. There is a certain hop bit/bitterness in the taste. It's not bad. But on the other hand, the ten fidy tastes a bit heavier and has a bit more of that alcohol/whiskey type taste that I prefer. It's a bit sweeter too. Lovely stuff. A 10.5% beer should not be this easy to drink.
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So jealous of those able to get founders and that peach dogfish head.
I tried torpedo extra ipa a couple days ago and thought it was just meh.. Then tried a few more of my six pack and couldn't put it down.. Never underestimate attempting a second or third tasting on beers.. I think I found my favorite easily available IPA.

I didn't realize Stone Imperial Russian Stout was rare..
I spotted it twice locally 2 weeks apart, bought a bomber each time, drank those, and now nothing at my beer stores.

I did a side by side tasting of Stone Russian Imperial Stout and Oskar Blue's TEN-FIDY... The hop presence is quite pronounced in the Stone stout compared with the ten fidy. There is a certain hop bit/bitterness in the taste. It's not bad. But on the other hand, the ten fidy tastes a bit heavier and has a bit more of that alcohol/whiskey type taste that I prefer. It's a bit sweeter too. Lovely stuff. A 10.5% beer should not be this easy to drink.
Torpedo is one of my go-to IPAs.  Probably my second favorite right behind Ballast Point Sculpin.  Easily accessible, and exceptionally delicious considering how widespread it is.  One of my favorite summer session beers.
Disability check from the time I was out after surgery came in the mail today.  Much more than I expected it to be.  As a result, I decided to splurge:
Nice cop on the russian imperial, I've heard people call that Stones best beer, but I think I've only seen it at my local Bevmo's once sadly

I gotta do a stock locate on it
Haven't tapped into either of them yet.  Currently working on a bottle of the Bois.  I like it a lot.  It's like a more drinkable version of Bourbon County Stout, which seems odd to me considering that it's an Old Ale.

If either version of the IRS is anywhere near as good as Enjoy By, my mind will be blown and that will solidify Stone's place as my favorite brewing company ever.
Review for Dogfish Head Raison D'Etre would be much obliged.

Eyed it on my latest beer run.

people love it; it's not really my style but I don't mind one here or there. I HATE raisons so that is prob why I am not crazy about it.

their Punkin Ale is one of my favorites and Theobroma is pretty damn good too
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Nice flavour on this Dark Trappist beer. Dutch made
 how was it? 

ill be enjoying this tonight with wifey. for sure one of my favorites.

And picked this up at work today

report back on the game of thrones beer. i was thinking about picking it up, but it was $13 at my store. the label art is dope as hell though.

There's gonna be a Founders tasting at the bar by my house on the 11th, which is perfect timing because Founders is arguably my favorite brewing company and I'll be turning 26 when the clock strikes midnight that night.  Here's what's being tapped:


Rye IPA 


Old Crumudgen

Devil Dancer 2012

Dirty Bastard

IMP Stout 

Breakfast Stout 

All Day IPA

Double Trouble IPA

KBS 2013

DOOM 2013

Backwoods Bastard 2011

Backwoods Bastard 2012

They're also supposed to have "a few rare bottles" according to their website.  Happy birthday to me.

:x crazy lineup

So jealous of those able to get founders and that peach dogfish head.
I tried torpedo extra ipa a couple days ago and thought it was just meh.. Then tried a few more of my six pack and couldn't put it down.. Never underestimate attempting a second or third tasting on beers.. I think I found my favorite easily available IPA.


I didn't realize Stone Imperial Russian Stout was rare..:smh: I spotted it twice locally 2 weeks apart, bought a bomber each time, drank those, and now nothing at my beer stores.

I did a side by side tasting of Stone Russian Imperial Stout and Oskar Blue's TEN-FIDY... The hop presence is quite pronounced in the Stone stout compared with the ten fidy. There is a certain hop bit/bitterness in the taste. It's not bad. But on the other hand, the ten fidy tastes a bit heavier and has a bit more of that alcohol/whiskey type taste that I prefer. It's a bit sweeter too. Lovely stuff. A 10.5% beer should not be this easy to drink.
Torpedo is one of my go-to IPAs.  Probably my second favorite right behind Ballast Point Sculpin.  Easily accessible, and exceptionally delicious considering how widespread it is.  One of my favorite summer session beers.
Disability check from the time I was out after surgery came in the mail today.  Much more than I expected it to be.  As a result, I decided to splurge:

Nice cop on the russian imperial, I've heard people call that Stones best beer, but I think I've only seen it at my local Bevmo's once sadly :smh:

I gotta do a stock locate on it :lol:
Haven't tapped into either of them yet.  Currently working on a bottle of the Bois.  I like it a lot.  It's like a more drinkable version of Bourbon County Stout, which seems odd to me considering that it's an Old Ale.

If either version of the IRS is anywhere near as good as Enjoy By, my mind will be blown and that will solidify Stone's place as my favorite brewing company ever.

How much did the Bois set you back? I got the Fruet which is apparently Bois' predecessor still sitting in my closet. Damn thang was $30 :lol: Waiting for a good occasion to pop it open.
Nice flavour on this Dark Trappist beer. Dutch made
 how was it? 

ill be enjoying this tonight with wifey. for sure one of my favorites.

And picked this up at work today
report back on the game of thrones beer. i was thinking about picking it up, but it was $13 at my store. the label art is dope as hell though.

There's gonna be a Founders tasting at the bar by my house on the 11th, which is perfect timing because Founders is arguably my favorite brewing company and I'll be turning 26 when the clock strikes midnight that night.  Here's what's being tapped:


Rye IPA 


Old Crumudgen

Devil Dancer 2012

Dirty Bastard

IMP Stout 

Breakfast Stout 

All Day IPA

Double Trouble IPA

KBS 2013

DOOM 2013

Backwoods Bastard 2011

Backwoods Bastard 2012

They're also supposed to have "a few rare bottles" according to their website.  Happy birthday to me.
crazy lineup
So jealous of those able to get founders and that peach dogfish head.
I tried torpedo extra ipa a couple days ago and thought it was just meh.. Then tried a few more of my six pack and couldn't put it down.. Never underestimate attempting a second or third tasting on beers.. I think I found my favorite easily available IPA.


I didn't realize Stone Imperial Russian Stout was rare..
I spotted it twice locally 2 weeks apart, bought a bomber each time, drank those, and now nothing at my beer stores.

I did a side by side tasting of Stone Russian Imperial Stout and Oskar Blue's TEN-FIDY... The hop presence is quite pronounced in the Stone stout compared with the ten fidy. There is a certain hop bit/bitterness in the taste. It's not bad. But on the other hand, the ten fidy tastes a bit heavier and has a bit more of that alcohol/whiskey type taste that I prefer. It's a bit sweeter too. Lovely stuff. A 10.5% beer should not be this easy to drink.
Torpedo is one of my go-to IPAs.  Probably my second favorite right behind Ballast Point Sculpin.  Easily accessible, and exceptionally delicious considering how widespread it is.  One of my favorite summer session beers.
Disability check from the time I was out after surgery came in the mail today.  Much more than I expected it to be.  As a result, I decided to splurge:

Nice cop on the russian imperial, I've heard people call that Stones best beer, but I think I've only seen it at my local Bevmo's once sadly

I gotta do a stock locate on it
Haven't tapped into either of them yet.  Currently working on a bottle of the Bois.  I like it a lot.  It's like a more drinkable version of Bourbon County Stout, which seems odd to me considering that it's an Old Ale.

If either version of the IRS is anywhere near as good as Enjoy By, my mind will be blown and that will solidify Stone's place as my favorite brewing company ever.
How much did the Bois set you back? I got the Fruet which is apparently Bois' predecessor still sitting in my closet. Damn thang was $30
Waiting for a good occasion to pop it open.
Same as the Fruet price.  Bought 2 because I'm not a smart decision maker. 
Local bar was giving away free pints of pyramids Weiss Cream because it wasn't selling too well. It's a nitro wheat beer. Bar tenders at the bar were giving it such a bad rep saying it had no taste and tasted like air. My mind did not understand. I hate wheat beers but I would drink it over a domestic anyday. Guy next to me says its the nastiest beer ever and orders an Amstel light. WTF??
Local bar was giving away free pints of pyramids Weiss Cream because it wasn't selling too well.?

I can agree with it being a low quality beer. I had the pyramid hefe the other day, saw it at bevmo for $1.49 a bottle so I got 2. The beer has no head, just forced carbonation it seems rather than than the normal CO2 that ferments with a high quality wheat beer (Erdinger, Fraziskaner etc..).

It's also a very bland tasting beer, the citrus/clove flavors just taste synthetic :x

I wouldn't say it's UN-drinkable, at least their hefe wasn't >D
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Realized Angry Orchard is too sweet for more than a 6-pack.

Going for the Dogfish Raison tomorrow.

Keep the suggestions coming.
Realized Angry Orchard is too sweet for more than a 6-pack.

Going for the Dogfish Raison tomorrow.

Keep the suggestions coming.

Angry Orchard is good for 1 or 2 after that it's too much

Try the DFH Festina Peche; you can't go wrong in the summer time

Another great summer beer is Bell's Oberon
Good looks, my man.

Usually do Sam Summer. Happy to switch it up.

Tried booking a tour for Brooklyn Brewery. Full until the end of June.

Went to BJ's with the wife tonight.

PranQster for myself. Blonde for the wife.


Delirium Tremens

4 new beer tries tonight

Crazy Mountain Amber Ale
Lost Coast Great White
Deschutes Red Chair NWPA
Big Sky Moose Drool Brown Ale

Crazy mountain may be the most unusual beer I have ever tried. It smelt of extreme citrus, like a lemon lime soda. Nothing but malt in the taste with this lemony bitterness that was hard to tell if it was hops that made it bitter. Not spit out of your mouth terrible. But just an odd one for sure.

Great white tried to blend coriander and lemony citrus. The taste was a bit conflicting. Orange would have been the way to go. I'd recommend this one if you like lemon/citrus aftertaste.

Red Chair.. Nothing really stood out. But before you knew it, the beer was gone. So there may be some redeeming qualities on this one.. Amazing hop smell upon cracking the bottle open.. Dale's Pale ale, to compare was a bit more crisp. Which made that one more to my likings. Red Chair was a bit sweeter masking the hop presence. So not quite a pale ale in the truest sense. But good non the less.

Moose Drool had at least an inch of foam the entire duration of the drink. Crazy smooth. Very subtle hints of chocolate.. Just an all around "light stout" type flavor profile. Easy drinking stuff

From a page back regarding the Weiss Cream beer by pyramid. That sounds like a true experimental batch. Nitro beers by their very name are geared for that smooth mouthfeel, leaving quite a bit of carbonation behind. How can you go from american marcro light beer carbonation that is extremely high, down to a nitro level beer? Sounds like they missed their mark on a whole bunch of fronts.. I let people like what they like. But at the same time, a judgement on what your drinking should come after fully knowing what you're getting into.

I stay away from barley wines, and sours 98% of the time. Even if given for free, I would know what to expect.. I'm about 50/50 on nitro milk stout by left hand vs. the normal milk stout.. Sometimes you want more carbonation. Other times the smoothness of the nitro prevails.

I do enjoy their apricot ale from time to time. Although that is of the lightest wheat flavored beers around with a blast of apricots. A true female intro beer. But its a great choice on a hot day when you don't really want any hops getting in your way. It's between a Smirnoff and a man's beer.
How sweet is the dogfish head peach beer? Ive noticed quite a few raspberry beers around now. I tried Abita Purple Haze, which to me was again like a very light wheat beer, mixed with some flavor concentrate.. It's as if they were at Sonic churning out slushes and pumped in some purple flavoring lol.
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There's gonna be a Founders tasting at the bar by my house on the 11th, which is perfect timing because Founders is arguably my favorite brewing company and I'll be turning 26 when the clock strikes midnight that night.  Here's what's being tapped:


Rye IPA 


Old Crumudgen

Devil Dancer 2012

Dirty Bastard

IMP Stout 

Breakfast Stout 

All Day IPA

Double Trouble IPA

KBS 2013

DOOM 2013

Backwoods Bastard 2011

Backwoods Bastard 2012

They're also supposed to have "a few rare bottles" according to their website.  Happy birthday to me.

I HATE YOU. KBS on tap is worth it enough.... The Backwoods??? I still hate you.
Double Whites will get you, we went to a lunch meeting and we all drink during them, I had a couple Long Trail Double Whites and went back to the office like whoaaaaaa
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