NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

TW sucked me back in with a $1 off six/four pack coupon deal.. Ended up with quite a few locals but sadly TEN FIDY was sold out. On a bit of a stout kick, I made the jump for some Avery Uncle Jacobs Stout ($11/12 oz bottle) and some 2014 Marble BBA Imperial Stout ($12/bomber. Ive seen it as high as $15 some places, so really not that bad). With those buys, my streak of stout bomber non buys is over.

It could be worse. I saw the Sriaracha (or however you spell it) Rogue stout bomber for $13.. I see the general circus "mass" appeal of it. Just to "try" it crowd. I said to hell with that and picked up some known Imperial Stouts that should fit the bill better.

I really liked Parabola the last time around if any of you guys want to do a La Cumbre type trade. Their Nelson DIPA should be coming out mid April.. PM me and we can figure something out.

After picking up some local six packs, I decided to try another beer store. I got some SN PA and Torpedo. I will finally get a quality chance at revisiting these guys. I hate bypassing known genre breakers. Spotting seemingly fresh singles is harder than it would appear. Even the tallboy can four packs and cans seem to still be dated Nov or Dec. 2014.
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Had a fun weekend still working through some of these my Instagram is pretty much all drinking now #WCBDrinking

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Been sick as a dog for the last week and timing couldn't have been worse. Went and picked up my bottles but basically only tried the Huna (which is delicious). Really wanted to try some whales but didn't have it in me 
. The event was so much better than last year too. 
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Been sick as a dog for the last week and timing couldn't have been worse. Went and picked up my bottles but basically only tried the Huna (which is delicious). Really wanted to try some whales but didn't have it in me :smh: . The event was so much better than last year too. 
Super jelly! Trade me one!!!
Trying the Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.
It is good :pimp: Rogue's doing something right with their beers [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji]



Some od my recent drinks. Xocoveza is from December it was damn good. The Dogfish Raisin D'Extra was super sweet and boozy. Ill post up some more in a few
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Not too into the holiday. Sorta like Cinco de mayo. Many try to drink within a general stereotype.

With that, some family did go with those traditional beers. I won't say no.

Locals first

We picked up a growler of some German Dortmunder Lager from a local brewery. I think we start with this lighter guy.. German... Ireland.. ehhh close enough

Santa Fe Brewing Irish Red Ale (it's their spring seasonal. I love when May comes around and they sell this for $4/sixer. It's a somewhat malty,no hops red ale

Beyond local
Smithwicks- I snuck one in the other day. Malty smooth flavor.. Not bad.. I got a buddy who says he just doesnt like "red ales". Irish Reds are so much different than the other american reds that use more hops.. Oh well. His loss

Harp Lager- Kinda ehh for me, but at this point who will care

Maybe finish with some IPAs.

I despise Guiness draught, even Murphy's is barely manageable.. Maybe I bust out a ten fidy and call it a day

what about you?
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How are you guys celebrating tonight bros?

My office held a St Pattys day party. It was between a Guinness or Harp....Guinness it is!

Call me picky but most lagers seem to taste like how Becks taste for me. Skunky. They are delicate beers. Ill give them that. I drank some local breweries dortmunder lager and that is borderline skunky.. Just the overall flavor profile lends that way. The better breweries or the fresher the beer is, the less weird it seems to be. It's either a 4 plus star beer, or just one that is a touch flavorless or harsh../ No middle ground for me.

And with stouts, it is REALLY hard to find one that is undrinkable for me. Its a big reason why I go to new breweries and I end up with stouts. They seem to be ones that can hide the impurities the best, or ones that are easier to brew.

With that ramble, you made a great decision. A few local breweries were having irish stout releases.. Your office didnt want to go the local route?
comparison ford, that other acre beer sounds like something that would be good in a trade :wink:
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