NT, would you ever spank your child?

Originally Posted by tony AYOOO

hell yeah..gotta teach them discipline..can't have you kid acting a fool in public, hitting you, talking back..things like that
I will set a lesson once so I never have to again because I would feel bad spanking him and hopefully he will learn.

Abuse naw I couldn't do that but rest assured the day my future child is acting a fool he will catch hell, fire & brimstone so I won't have to doit again.
While I probably will hit my child a couple times (good lord knows my pops did_, I kind of believe the child then sees physical confrontation and an answer toa conflict.
Yea I got an 8 year old and I've only had to spank her once in her entire life only for telling a story. But hells yea @@@ is getting whooped if it callsfor it.

If it calls for a beating when she gets older...you gettin a beatin'!

That's why these damn kids grow up so crazy now cuz parents don't dicipline they're kids. They wana make laws against it but don't know what todo when one of them crazy bastards end up shooting up a school.
Majority of African Americans get whoopings. Others get time out. The ones on time out are the ones you usually see on tv for stabbing up a teacher or theymom.

Didn't mean to offend anybody with my ranting. If I did ,honestly I don't give a @$+
Yes I would spank them....only if all other precautions didn't work.
But I would not BEAT them like my parents did me....not a good look in the long run.
No i would prolly jus do what my dad did to me and my brother. Take off the belt and scare them
Originally Posted by JP310

No i would prolly jus do what my dad did to me and my brother. Take off the belt and scare them

After a while, won't the child catch on and no longer fall for it???
after thinking about it I won't really spank my kid for everything, especially not as a young kid.

oh let my kid think they big and bad toward me though, it's on.

they WILL know who's the boss, there will be no questioning that, other than that(which I believe I can get that point across with them at a young enoughage to never worry about that anyway) I don't really see myself spanking my kids unless something dire happens.
If raised correctly, parent's should never have to spank a child.

With that said, there are so many factors out of a parent's control, that spanking becomes necessary.

"There are so many factors out of a parent's control, that spanking becomes the easiest means to teach the child about discipline andconsequences."

Originally Posted by YungMooly

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I do.

That's your daughter in your avy?? She too pretty to be getting whipped G....

Yep. pretty face will fool you, bad a**!

just a spank on the hand here and there whenshe dont want to listen.
I was spanked with a stick, I came out disciplined

And I sure as hell will do the same for my kid. But I would never BEAT or abuse them to the point where they are getting serious bruises and crap
I'm going to beat(create fear) my kids they same way I was raised.. Old school discipline(not talking about abuse)

If your children don't fear discipline from you, you're not doing your job.
I'd spank the hell outta my kids. They'd have to sit on a pack of ice for 10 minutes when im done.

Its out of necessity.
Okay, so you guys are going to spank your child, then what? It's not like they learn anything.

They just learn that when to solve a problem you hit someone.
There is some foul language so don't watch if your sensitive. Mods, tell me if its inappropriateand I'll take it down.

*clip removed*
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