NT, would you ever spank your child?

Yes i would. I was never spanked as a kid but i was born on 1990. We really didnt have alot of things to influence us like children have today. I didnt grow upwith money so we barely had any toys or anything of that nature. For instance, my nephew is only 4 but he can navigate through a computer with ease and allthese +!!%%*** cartoons that are purely stupid (cartoon network) and some that glorify homosexuality (Fairly oddparents, spongebob, etc.) are influencing him.As a result he is a problem child who yells all the time and run around stores etc. He needs to be disciplined because of it.

but on the topic, yes, i'd lay my hand on my child, but it won't be as bad as what my father did to me. I still turned out ok, so my kid should be oktoo.
I would spanks and whoops my child if they were acting up. %#%$ my pops whoop my ++# when from age 6-19. But not as bad thou like my pops toward me. Yes, thereare good and bad about being chinese.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Okay, so you guys are going to spank your child, then what? It's not like they learn anything.

They just learn that when to solve a problem you hit someone.
gettin my $@# whipped made me the man i am today..No Record,No Kids, No Gang Affiliation,College Student..I got friends who didnt get beat andthey buggin right now.
Yeah, really though, if he does something wrong then punish he shall receive.
Yes. There's definitely a difference between discipline and abuse. Some people are opposed to physical discipline. But I think it's all aboutpreference. It's just that a child need to learn their place. Just like shock therapy to drug addicts. They induce them wit the drug and then shock them sothat they remember the shock as the after effect of the drug. They learn that doing the drug would result in an unpleasant feeling.
i work with kids and believe in whoopin kids...Abuse is sick and sad.
but i can tell the kids who dont get disciplined at home and its a tragedy...
^ Hitting is not the only form of discipline.

In fact, being physical should be the LAST resort, the LAST form of discipline.

Unfortunately, it's too often the FIRST thing parents run to.
my pops used to whoop my +%+ when i mouthed off and whatnot. i think it's fine to hit a son, but i'd never hit a daughter... if i ever have kids
yes, if u hit the kid for doing something wrong, do u honestly think he/she is gonna do it again? NOPE haha...i mean don't beat the kids, but a spanking isnecessary.
spank yes..."beat" no. its a differnt story from talking about it to accually having a child. i never thought i would, but theres times where i do tojust let him know i'm serious. NEVER DO I, OR WILL I EVER, BEAT MY CHILD.
It depends on the child, but I think you have to in order to teach a child discipline. As a child you have to have some kind of fear of your parents in orderto respect them. Once you get hit for doing something remotely wrong or stupid, you will think twice before you do it again lol. My brother was the bad one soI would get it just cause I was in his pressence lol. Taught me a lot in life and that's why I'm always out before a situation gets worse, or betteryet I rarley put my self in a bad situation lol. Too many people yelling abuse over a simple spanking these days, that's why we have all these bad littlekids running all over the place.

Once I got older and did something stupid, my parents would give the "I'm so dissapointed in you look/ talk" and that was much worse then anyspanking I've ever recived cause you feel so bad for letting your parents down

But to answer your question yes
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by JP310

No i would prolly jus do what my dad did to me and my brother. Take off the belt and scare them

After a while, won't the child catch on and no longer fall for it???
idk. I never really did
He would make it"crack"
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Yes i would. I was never spanked as a kid but i was born on 1990. We really didnt have alot of things to influence us like children have today. I didnt grow up with money so we barely had any toys or anything of that nature. For instance, my nephew is only 4 but he can navigate through a computer with ease and all these +!!%%*** cartoons that are purely stupid (cartoon network) and some that glorify homosexuality (Fairly oddparents, spongebob, etc.) are influencing him. As a result he is a problem child who yells all the time and run around stores etc. He needs to be disciplined because of it.
I dont know why but I found this really funny
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