NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If your family has some sort of influence on who you date, I feel sorry for you.[/color]
thanks dude

Originally Posted by II Jovo II

Im white, I would give a LIGHT skin black girl a title shot...
As for me dating her? No.. My parents wouldnt really be all for it, and I personally would not want to put them in that situation. Im sticking to white women, I have yet to be with a black girl, and in all honesty I dont plan on it either.
you sound like a black man
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by So Authentic

I was talking to a friend of mine (white chick) and she said she would never date a black guy because her parents would freak. 
I have yet to encounter a white chick who willingly would date a black dude.
Are you serious? Where the hell are you from? Black male white female are the most common interracial couplings. And I know white girls who only date black guys... YNS.
How many combos  are  there
What do you mean? Theres alot.
Well, I'm a black woman, and working in the service industry, I get hit on by all races of men. I also do not discriminate on what race of person I would date. I have a preference, though.
Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox

A hot chick is a hot chick.
But as far as dating, I couldn't face the heat of bringing a girl outside my race to my old school Italian family. Too much drama, but it's overly convenient that I am attracted/best relate to white girls more or less
I hope all Italians don't think like that.

Not intentionally, or soley based on race... but yeah... I'm inclined to believe that the chances of being compatible with a woman in a RELATIONSHIP (not just in the sack
) would have more than a little to do with having a common upbringing, common experiences, and a similar view of the world around you. And in a world so distracted by color, I fail to see how it wouldn't make sense to assume that race would have something to do with that. So while I have absolutely nothing against most shades of women, I definitely have preference for darkskinned chicks.
Being from the bay area I have the luxury of being able to be date any race and sex(s) without a problem
Originally Posted by So Authentic

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So Authentic:
I was talking to a friend of mine (white chick) and she said she would never date a black guy because her parents would freak. 
I have yet to encounter a white chick who willingly would date a black dude.
WHAT?! I know girls... WHITE girls... that only date black guys, and you don't know any white girls that would date a black guy?!

Where the heck do you live?
Hillbilly Redneck Texas.
I can look outside and see cows.

I live in Texas and some White girls date black guys.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If your family has some sort of influence on who you date, I feel sorry for you.[/color]
you should know thats prevalent in Hispanic families (especially Dominicans)
....this Dominican girl from the BX, i know has the most racist parents ever...
I rather date my own kind only cause of the fact we would have a lot more in common. I have dated mexicans before though, Im asian
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox

A hot chick is a hot chick.
But as far as dating, I couldn't face the heat of bringing a girl outside my race to my old school Italian family. Too much drama, but it's overly convenient that I am attracted/best relate to white girls more or less
I hope all Italians don't think like that.


Originally Posted by HyphySole

Irather date my own kind only cause of the fact we would have a lot morein common. I have dated mexicans before though, Im asian

Diverse menus in Cali
I have seen a bunch of interracial relationships, but it's no thing

I'm white and on my way to possibly dating this black girl, my first, but I hope it plays out

again, it's really no big deal on race/ethnicity when it comes to girls for me
nah don't care. End of the day its who makes you happy. If you all happen to get married and your fam doesn't like it, nuts to them.
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