NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I'm asian and I'm pretty much only attracted to white girls...... so I dont think i'd ever really get that far enough with another race girl to even consider dating that person, if that makes sense....
This. I like all races, but I just have a white girl mindset...
Its really sad that opinions are forced on children.

Im so glad my parents aren't like that and actually put me in an ethnically diverse high school on purpose.

And to answer your question NO, but I do have preferences within races.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

I'll date any skin color, but they have to be latino.

at the same time
Some of you say ya'll wouldn't have something in common with a person from the opposite sex if they were a different race from you, why is that?

Is it so segregated over there that you don't think you'll have that much in common with them?

I'm sorry, but it baffles me. It's like there's no leeway, no wanting to try and learn about another race or just trying to get along. It's like some people don't put any effort in, and unfortunately they could be missing out on a whole lot of amazing stuff.

*Kanyeshrug* maybe it's me and the culture here in New Zealand, but I'll be damned if I ever let that kind of thinking keep me away from making friends or from potential relationships.
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Some of you say ya'll wouldn't have something in common with a person from the opposite sex if they were a different race from you, why is that?

Is it so segregated over there that you don't think you'll have that much in common with them?

I'm sorry, but it baffles me. It's like there's no leeway, no wanting to try and learn about another race or just trying to get along. It's like some people don't put any effort in, and unfortunately they could be missing out on a whole lot of amazing stuff.

*Kanyeshrug* maybe it's me and the culture here in New Zealand, but I'll be damned if I ever let that kind of thinking keep me away from making friends or from potential relationships.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree 100%, personally, I think it's stupid..but w/e [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. btw, how's New Zealand? [/color]
date/sleep with.. any chick under the sun. Marry and have children, only my own ethnicity. My people fought wars to survive generations so they can pass down these genes.
I'm black and have dated a vietnamese girl, a black girl, a half white-filipino girl, a white girl before, and I'm with another white girl now.
If she's feelin' me and I'm feelin' her, we're going to talk. No mess. No matter the race, height, weight. She just has to look good to ME.
My parents and sisters had only this to say: No dummies allowed. Otherwise, marry who you want.
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Some of you say ya'll wouldn't have something in common with a person from the opposite sex if they were a different race from you, why is that?

Is it so segregated over there that you don't think you'll have that much in common with them?

I'm sorry, but it baffles me. It's like there's no leeway, no wanting to try and learn about another race or just trying to get along. It's like some people don't put any effort in, and unfortunately they could be missing out on a whole lot of amazing stuff.
I just happened to only connect with white (mostly Italian or Jewish) girls thus far.
It's not like I try not to be attracted/get along with other girls or refuse to open up (it seems like you're twisting it up that way)

But I did grow up in a 9x% white neighborhood on LI and go to a pretty white college, so that alone makes my interactions with "other race" females limited.
The way I see it, it's just a consequence of circumstance.  Plain & simple.  The family the is a totally different issue though, and I'm not trying to change the minds of 70+ year old relatives.  They were raised in different times.
Some of you say ya'll wouldn't have something in common with a personfrom the opposite sex if they were a different race from you, why isthat?

It has more to do with how and where someone is raised vs their so called race or ethnicity. I dont know, I just find the white girls around here so uninteresting.
I've noticed that black women don't tend to date out of there race that much, anyone else notice that ?
i was told straight to my face by this thick white girl i was smashing senior year of college that she could never introduce me to her parents cause i wasn't white enough (mixed). this was at georgetown btw, which, unfortunately, i think was more the rule than the exception there.
I'm black and currently kinda with a spanish chica.

Latina's are soooooooo easy to pull.

I fall for a good-looking light skinned black women, though.
no...open to all races.

my parents actually are pretty open too...they have the whole, "who ever makes you happy, as long as she treats you right..." attitude
I'm with a Mexican chick right now and have dated girls with different ethnic backgrounds before so it doesn't matter to me. I love all types of women
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