NTers WITH 15,000+ posts - How? Why? vol. wow

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Jordman23

That's what I always think.. To me post count means nothing. I've been here over 6 years and still haven't reached 2k with this single username. I guess some people just want attention or have no lives.

Says the guy w/ his phone number in his sig

We should call it
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I dont understand why people take so much pride and joy over their post count.
If you have a high count you got a a high count, but when you're like yeaaahhh i got alot of posts im cool, thats just nerdy.
If i'm nearing some rediculous amount ima have to quit cause that just means i've wasted too much time on the computer.
But I rarely see people with over 10k posts brag or put down people who only have a few hundred.

And when they do, they're only met with equal people saying "you have 15,000 posts so you must be a loser"

While I don't think post count directly relates to respect online, there are plenty of people with that high of a count who have been long standing, contributing members of the board.  Of course they're also those who have amassed a huge amount and clearly are post !%+*$#, racking up 5,000 posts in a matter of months.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

So now we got dudes thinkin' it's cool to have low post counts? I guess sittin' on the bench is what's good on NT now.


NT is like a High School.  You got the kids that talk a lot, the kids that drop knowledge, the kids that talk out of their *@+, the class clowns, etc. etc.

Then you have the kids that just walk around the Quad, and never have anything to say, damn Emo kids

I'm about to hit my 4 year anniversary with this SN (I had another one banned by JRose with 1,500, joined in '04)

4 years = 1,460 days
10,140 Posts = 6.94 posts per day

Not that difficult.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

So now we got dudes thinkin' it's cool to have low post counts? I guess sittin' on the bench is what's good on NT now.


NT is like a High School.  You got the kids that talk a lot, the kids that drop knowledge, the kids that talk out of their *@+, the class clowns, etc. etc.

Then you have the kids that just walk around the Quad, and never have anything to say, damn Emo kids

I'm about to hit my 4 year anniversary with this SN (I had another one banned by JRose with 1,500, joined in '04)

4 years = 1,460 days
10,140 Posts = 6.94 posts per day

Not that difficult.
This man speaks the truth.

I find I only really post when I have something to say, I'll lurk in ones I'm hesitant about posting in or ones that don't need my two cents. Each to their own, my friends.
Originally Posted by Stoker55


I remember when cool people like Khlav Kalash were the only post @%*+!%

Random, but anyone remember Jersey-Joe?
i remember jersey-joe. and khlav klash. he used to wild out with muscle. so god damn long ago its nuts. 
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Dirty probably has the highest post count out of anyone. I don't see why it bothers people if someone has a high post count though..

It wouldn't take long to make 20 posts a day.

I just calculated mine..
I have ~14.5 posts per day since I joined.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

So now we got dudes thinkin' it's cool to have low post counts? I guess sittin' on the bench is what's good on NT now.
try not to take the internet so seriously
Sports section alone does NUMBERS on post counts
. Game threads can be epic come playoff time. That along with the regular season for Football/Basketball/Baseball.


Link to calculating my post/day?
people that contribute usually have more post. People that spectate usually have less. Simple as that
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Sports section alone does NUMBERS on post counts
. Game threads can be epic come playoff time. That along with the regular season for Football/Basketball/Baseball.


Link to calculating my post/day?

   It really can.

I never even think about how much a post, but its probably a good amount.
I'm not surprised at how low my post count is. I was lurking on here about a year and a half before I joined, and once I did, I very rarely strayed away from the JB forum. Hell, I didn't give the General forum a thought until recently. Sad, but true.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

people that contribute usually have more post. People that spectate usually have less. Simple as that


My post shot up when i started modding.
With a bit of rounding.. I have .372 posts per day. Just because you read or agree with something.. You don't have to say it. Just how I feel.
It's easy when you're active/bored. You can rack off mad posts in an hour, especially when most of your web entertainment is consolidated to NT. Why sign up if you just gon sit on the sideline? membership aint necessary to browse.
been here 4 years and found that some post a lot, some post a little.  Not really a big deal.

One day I might make 15 post and than I wont post for another 2 weeks, its like that.
Most I ever had on an account here was about 1500, and that was because of the thread where Oh You Mad's pharrells got got

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