NTs reading comprehension FTL

How is my arguement absurd? I merely suggested you not sit on your hands if you feel so strongly about it. If you are too jaded to think you can make adifference, than that's fine, your opinion. Obviously, childish and nonsensical...

No where have I said that I think the Holocaust is a more prevelent event than slavery. I merely said why I think the Halocaust is brought up more thanslavery. You seem to have a penchance for jumping to conclusions without basing them on anything substancial.

I doubt a letter from someone is going to change over 50 years of bias in the giant mess that is known as the U.S educational system.
Ahhh but you don't KNOW, do you? I guess we can just assume that it wouldn't and continue with being reactive as opposed to proactive.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

How is my arguement absurd? I merely suggested you not sit on your hands if you feel so strongly about it. If you are too jaded to think you can make a difference, than that's fine, your opinion. Obviously, childish and nonsensical...

No where have I said that I think the Holocaust is a more prevelent event than slavery. I merely said why I think the Halocaust is brought up more than slavery. You seem to have a penchance for jumping to conclusions without basing them on anything substancial.

I doubt a letter from someone is going to change over 50 years of bias in the giant mess that is known as the U.S educational system.
Ahhh but you don't KNOW, do you? I guess we can just assume that it wouldn't and continue with be reactive as opposed to proactive.

Yes, in the past 50 years no one has ever wrote a letter about this issue.

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

How is my arguement absurd? I merely suggested you not sit on your hands if you feel so strongly about it. If you are too jaded to think you can make a difference, than that's fine, your opinion. Obviously, childish and nonsensical...

No where have I said that I think the Holocaust is a more prevelent event than slavery. I merely said why I think the Halocaust is brought up more than slavery. You seem to have a penchance for jumping to conclusions without basing them on anything substancial.

I doubt a letter from someone is going to change over 50 years of bias in the giant mess that is known as the U.S educational system.
Ahhh but you don't KNOW, do you? I guess we can just assume that it wouldn't and continue with be reactive as opposed to proactive.

Yes, in the past 50 years no one has ever wrote a letter about this issue.

Did you, though? Did you maybe ask a friend if they had a similiar stance, and maybe see if they wanted to make a change?

Relying on others before us can be a dangerous trait.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

History has a tendency of repeating itself.

Why never forget the holocaust? SO IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN
so then why dont we talk about slavery as much as the holocaust.
going by your logic that means that people dont care as much if slavery happens again
I don't know about you guys, but in AP US we have probably dealt with slavery for the past 10 chapters, albeit in only one as the main focus. Othertragedies do receive attention as well.
gee, i dont know why we should never forget the greatest genocide known to man...
NT is beginning to disgust me with their pseudo counter-culturism, naminglytheir new found hatred for all things judaism. im a jew by birth (but do not identify with any religion) and this outright offends me. id like you to tell myfamily members who were put in internment camps and in some cases killed that it wasnt a big deal.

Victims Killed Source
Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2-3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8-2 million
Roma 220,000-500,000
Disabled 200,000-250,000
Freemasons 80,000-200,000
Homosexuals 5,000-15,000
Witnesses 2,500-5,000
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

gee, i dont know why we should never forget the greatest genocide known to man...
NT is beginning to disgust me with their pseudo counter-culturism, namingly their new found hatred for all things judaism. im a jew by birth (but do not identify with any religion) and this outright offends me. id like you to tell my family members who were put in internment camps and in some cases killed that it wasnt a big deal.

Victims Killed Source
Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2-3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8-2 million
Roma 220,000-500,000
Disabled 200,000-250,000
Freemasons 80,000-200,000
Homosexuals 5,000-15,000
Witnesses 2,500-5,000

I am Jewish as well.....Your point?

Besides providing the knowledge everyone in this thread JUST talked about being spoon-fed for the first 10 years of their education?
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

gee, i dont know why we should never forget the greatest genocide known to man...
NT is beginning to disgust me with their pseudo counter-culturism, namingly their new found hatred for all things judaism. im a jew by birth (but do not identify with any religion) and this outright offends me. id like you to tell my family members who were put in internment camps and in some cases killed that it wasnt a big deal.

Victims Killed Source
Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2-3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8-2 million
Roma 220,000-500,000
Disabled 200,000-250,000
Freemasons 80,000-200,000
Homosexuals 5,000-15,000
Witnesses 2,500-5,000
No one said that.

Log off.
i dont experience what the OP is talking about how the holocaust is put at the top like that
Same question can be asked about how were always reminded about slavery

not to sound "racist" or anything
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

gee, i dont know why we should never forget the greatest genocide known to man...
NT is beginning to disgust me with their pseudo counter-culturism, namingly their new found hatred for all things judaism. im a jew by birth (but do not identify with any religion) and this outright offends me. id like you to tell my family members who were put in internment camps and in some cases killed that it wasnt a big deal.

Victims Killed Source
Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2-3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8-2 million
Roma 220,000-500,000
Disabled 200,000-250,000
Freemasons 80,000-200,000
Homosexuals 5,000-15,000
Witnesses 2,500-5,000

and this is precisely why i almost always attempt to avoid racial and/or social posts on nt because there are just too many folks on here who are flat outignorant or lack the ability to argue OBJECTIVELY, so naturally most of these post become a covertly or overtly racially charged and end up doing more harmthan good. It's just sucks that for every daytona5000/tbone/bastich/sun of knowledge there is a 1000 fools on here

Originally Posted by RellNye

How come we are told to never forget the Holocaust but when other forms of injustices throughout history are brought up they don't receive the same attention or aren't taken as seriously?

Same attention according to who? You? What about in February? You know Black History Month?
Its because the jews were killed and they are apparently so more significant than anyone else... I mean honestly how many times in middle and high school didthey talk about the war front in northern africa and for how long??? they place all the emphasis on the Jews and barely mention how ******s, blacks, gypsies,and anyone with any type of physical handicap was killed when compared to how much they speak about the Jews
Originally Posted by drock2010

Same question can be asked about how were always reminded about slavery

not to sound "racist" or anything

That's the point of this thread.

Slavery isn't covered that much (in my experience)
South America
Native Americans

List goes on. No one is saying the Holocaust isn't a tragedy of epic proportions. It should DEFINITELY be taught, no one is saying otherwise. OP is simplyquestioning why it is so greatly stressed repetitively like no other significant tragedies have ever occured and that it was purely a genocide of Jews. All arevalid points worthy of discussion.
To give a possible answer to the original question.

I think that we are taught about the Holocaust so extensively is because few other single events rival its magnitude

I think that as Americans we are taught about the Holocaust so extensively because it is a piece of American history. The US was a force of good against aforce of evil. Of course this would be taught in American schools. I am not saying that slavery is not a piece of American history, it is an enormous piece ofAmerican history. But during slavery, along with other historical events, the US was certainly not a force of good, so it isn't emphasized.

Slavery also is not confined to America, it is a practice that has gone on for thousands of years. So like The Yes Guy said, it would take alot of time to teach objectively and evenly. Whereas the Holocaust was a single event event and can be taught easily.

I think that other injustices, like Stalin's Purge, are probably taught less because they are not American history. Although I don't see anyonecomplaining about the lack of coverage of the killing of up to 2 million people.

A combination of these things PROBABLY contribute to why the Holocaust is taught so forcefully.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

gee, i dont know why we should never forget the greatest genocide known to man...
NT is beginning to disgust me with their pseudo counter-culturism, namingly their new found hatred for all things judaism. im a jew by birth (but do not identify with any religion) and this outright offends me. id like you to tell my family members who were put in internment camps and in some cases killed that it wasnt a big deal.

Victims Killed Source
Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2-3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8-2 million
Roma 220,000-500,000
Disabled 200,000-250,000
Freemasons 80,000-200,000
Homosexuals 5,000-15,000
Witnesses 2,500-5,000


not to split hairs or anything, but a genocide is defined as the planned systematic extermination of an entire group of people. what the US government did tothe native american population wasn't a planned extermination. it was mass murders and ethnic cleansing, which is the removal of a group of people from a specific area.
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Kif

To give a possible answer to the original question.

I think that we are taught about the Holocaust so extensively is because few other single events rival its magnitude

I think that as Americans we are taught about the Holocaust so extensively because it is a piece of American history. The US was a force of good against a force of evil. Of course this would be taught in American schools. I am not saying that slavery is not a piece of American history, it is an enormous piece of American history. But during slavery, along with other historical events, the US was certainly not a force of good, so it isn't emphasized.

Slavery also is not confined to America, it is a practice that has gone on for thousands of years. So like The Yes Guy said, it would take a lot of time to teach objectively and evenly. Whereas the Holocaust was a single event event and can be taught easily.

I think that other injustices, like Stalin's Purge, are probably taught less because they are not American history. Although I don't see anyone complaining about the lack of coverage of the killing of up to 2 million people.

A combination of these things PROBABLY contribute to why the Holocaust is taught so forcefully.
This is probably the best answer in this thread, pertaining to the OP's question.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Is there another event that cost 6-7 million people their lives in 5-6 years?
There's one that killed at least 1 million in 100 days. One of, if not the fastest rate ever. Rwanda April-July 1994.
Holocasut is not the greatest genocide.... it is def Rwanda.... by far.... everyone just makes the holocaust into some sort of sob story and peopleautomatically feel so sorrry for jews during WWII..... disgusts me
Lieutenant Kif : you're right about me putting up a native american to illustrate the greatest genocide known to man (the title goes toMao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000 people killed btw) but you can throw the native americans inthere as an atrocity that is barely touched upon in history books
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