NTs reading comprehension FTL

Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

^u mad?

Yeah, I'm mad.
The whole point of this thread is to point out the fact that almost all of the other atrocities/ mass murders/ whatever you want to call them get downplayed incomparison to the Holocaust. Can we all agree that this is true?
NikeTalker23 wrote:

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

You catching feelings ?

Still haven't shown me where I downplayed anything, just making useless remarks and now I'm "ignorant"

Ok buddy.

Just take your L and log off.

Don't be stupid bro, I'm not a kid. All you've been doing this whole thread has been downplaying the importance of the Holocaust. Quit trying to play dumb. Where in the Middle East are you from?
Egypt, why does it matter ?

You still haven't shown me where I downplayed the holocaust. Quote something for me.

You can't find anything, so just save yourself the embaressement and log off.

EDIT: just as I expected.

niketalker23 = clown.

Can't even find a single instance were I downplayed anything.

I'm done with you lame.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

You catching feelings ?

Still haven't shown me where I downplayed anything, just making useless remarks and now I'm "ignorant"

Ok buddy.

Just take your L and log off.

Don't be stupid bro, I'm not a kid. All you've been doing this whole thread has been downplaying the importance of the Holocaust. Quit trying to play dumb. Where in the Middle East are you from?
How about we talk about your downplaying of other tragedies throughout history that don't nearly get as much attention as the Holocaust?

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

NikeTalker23 wrote:

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

You catching feelings ?

Still haven't shown me where I downplayed anything, just making useless remarks and now I'm "ignorant"

Ok buddy.

Just take your L and log off.

Don't be stupid bro, I'm not a kid. All you've been doing this whole thread has been downplaying the importance of the Holocaust. Quit trying to play dumb. Where in the Middle East are you from?
Egypt, why does it matter ?

You still haven't shown me where I downplayed the holocaust. Quote something for me.

You can't find anything, so just save yourself the embaressement and log off.

You can read for yourself. I'm not going to quote all your comments, I'm watching the Florida game and you're not that important. You know whatyou've been doing. Are you Muslim?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The whole point of this thread is to point out the fact that almost all of the other atrocities/ mass murders/ whatever you want to call them get downplayed in comparison to the Holocaust. Can we all agree that this is true?

Indeed. All it took was 6 pages.
I went to private white schools and learned about slavery jus as much as the holocaust. I honestly don't think its more publicized than slavery, and Ihonestly I don't care. As a black man I'm concerned with my brothers sisters nieces etc learning about slavery and becoming educated from thesacrifices of our ancestors.
The 20th century saw many genocides carried out on an industrial scale. There are two sets of reasons why the holocaust stands out more than the deaths inArmenia, The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia or Rwanda. The Holocaust was more visible more documented and was shown more through art and second, the othergenocides were less visible and less talked about in the US.

The Holocaust was more visible because at least part of it took place in Western Europe so even before the war was over we could see the camps and the campswere photographed and the dead and the survivors were filmed by the Nazis and by the Allies. It was more documented because the Germans kept meticulousrecords. The third component is the fact that half of the Jews in the World live in the US, because of hard work they have made it in academia andentertainment and there are many books and movies about the Holocaust so there is large body of work in English about the Holocaust. A final component is thatGermans today are not as chauvinistic as Turks, or Japanese or other groups, who still play down their ancestors' atrocities.

At the same time, most other genocides were not photographed widely, the death camps were never liberated and in the case of China, the same regime is in powerthat killed tens of millions in the 1960's. There is less literature about other genocides because in many cases we have very few people in the US who aresurvivors or descendants of survivors. Although that can and does change, genocides become more visible with immigration as is the case with the ArmenianGenocide. The growing Armenian community in Southern California has raised awareness about that Genocide.

The final reason for many Genocides being less talked about has to do with the fact that many in arts and academia are at least some what sympathetic to theSoviet Union and to Communism so they will give less exposure to Genocides or other mass killings that were done by far left regimes. This should hopefullychange as time goes on because younger people who, even very left leaning young people are more willing and able to see the problems of authoritarian left wingregimes. People who came of age before the end of the Cold War were unaware of the extent of the atrocities committed by Mao or by Stalin so they often timessaw Communism as no better or so worse then our system and academics who came of age before the Cold War saw the Soviet Union as a model for better society. Sowhen you speak very highly of a society and say that we should copy that society and later when information comes out showing how wrong you were, you are notgoing to be very willing to make that information widely available.

Hopefully, with our generation, the post Cold War generation getting older, is now having some of our members finishing PhD programs and in a few more years wewill see tenured professors who were born in the 1980's, we will see scholarship about Cambodia, China, Russia and else where that is not tainted byprofessors who has once endorsed those societies. Again, even hardcore socialists today recognize that the ways socialism was implemented in those places wasunsuccessful and they feel no need to defend or white wash for it.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

The 20th century saw many genocides carried out on an industrial scale. There are two sets of reasons why the holocaust stands out more than the deaths in Armenia, The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia or Rwanda. The Holocaust was more visible more documented and was shown more through art and second, the other genocides were less visible and less talked about in the US.

The Holocaust was more visible because at least part of it took place in Western Europe so even before the war was over we could see the camps and the camps were photographed and the dead and the survivors were filmed by the Nazis and by the Allies. It was more documented because the Germans kept meticulous records. The third component is the fact that half of the Jews in the World live in the US, because of hard work they have made it in academia and entertainment and there are many books and movies about the Holocaust so there is large body of work in English about the Holocaust. A final component is that Germans today are not as chauvinistic as Turks, or Japanese or other groups, who still play down their ancestors' atrocities.

At the same time, most other genocides were not photographed widely, the death camps were never liberated and in the case of China, the same regime is in power that killed tens of millions in the 1960's. There is less literature about other genocides because in many cases we have very few people in the US who are survivors or descendants of survivors. Although that can and does change, genocides become more visible with immigration as is the case with the Armenian Genocide. The growing Armenian community in Southern California has raised awareness about that Genocide.

The final reason for many Genocides being less talked about has to do with the fact that many in arts and academia are at least some what sympathetic to the Soviet Union and to Communism so they will give less exposure to Genocides or other mass killings that were done by far left regimes. This should hopefully change as time goes on because younger people who, even very left leaning young people are more willing and able to see the problems of authoritarian left wing regimes. People who came of age before the end of the Cold War were unaware of the extent of the atrocities committed by Mao or by Stalin so they often times saw Communism as no better or so worse then our system and academics who came of age before the Cold War saw the Soviet Union as a model for better society. So when you speak very highly of a society and say that we should copy that society and later when information comes out showing how wrong you were, you are not going to be very willing to make that information widely available.

Hopefully, with our generation, the post Cold War generation getting older, is now having some of our members finishing PhD programs and in a few more years we will see tenured professors who were born in the 1980's, we will see scholarship about Cambodia, China, Russia and else where that is not tainted by professors who has once endorsed those societies. Again, even hardcore socialists today recognize that the ways socialism was implemented in those places was unsuccessful and they feel no need to defend or white wash for it.

Although you brought up the formidable point of Communism, still the point is missed. Really the arts?...Lets get real here.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

The 20th century saw many genocides carried out on an industrial scale. There are two sets of reasons why the holocaust stands out more than the deaths in Armenia, The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia or Rwanda. The Holocaust was more visible more documented and was shown more through art and second, the other genocides were less visible and less talked about in the US.

The Holocaust was more visible because at least part of it took place in Western Europe so even before the war was over we could see the camps and the camps were photographed and the dead and the survivors were filmed by the Nazis and by the Allies. It was more documented because the Germans kept meticulous records. The third component is the fact that half of the Jews in the World live in the US, because of hard work they have made it in academia and entertainment and there are many books and movies about the Holocaust so there is large body of work in English about the Holocaust. A final component is that Germans today are not as chauvinistic as Turks, or Japanese or other groups, who still play down their ancestors' atrocities.

At the same time, most other genocides were not photographed widely, the death camps were never liberated and in the case of China, the same regime is in power that killed tens of millions in the 1960's. There is less literature about other genocides because in many cases we have very few people in the US who are survivors or descendants of survivors. Although that can and does change, genocides become more visible with immigration as is the case with the Armenian Genocide. The growing Armenian community in Southern California has raised awareness about that Genocide.

The final reason for many Genocides being less talked about has to do with the fact that many in arts and academia are at least some what sympathetic to the Soviet Union and to Communism so they will give less exposure to Genocides or other mass killings that were done by far left regimes. This should hopefully change as time goes on because younger people who, even very left leaning young people are more willing and able to see the problems of authoritarian left wing regimes. People who came of age before the end of the Cold War were unaware of the extent of the atrocities committed by Mao or by Stalin so they often times saw Communism as no better or so worse then our system and academics who came of age before the Cold War saw the Soviet Union as a model for better society. So when you speak very highly of a society and say that we should copy that society and later when information comes out showing how wrong you were, you are not going to be very willing to make that information widely available.

Hopefully, with our generation, the post Cold War generation getting older, is now having some of our members finishing PhD programs and in a few more years we will see tenured professors who were born in the 1980's, we will see scholarship about Cambodia, China, Russia and else where that is not tainted by professors who has once endorsed those societies. Again, even hardcore socialists today recognize that the ways socialism was implemented in those places was unsuccessful and they feel no need to defend or white wash for it.
This is a good point. No one is willing to stick up for Nazis (for good reason). Also they're not around to cover up the Holocaust. Russia,China, and the US are all still around to down play their atrocities.

Also you can't blame slavery on a single group. Everyone did it, and it wasn't always racial.
Really the arts?...Lets get real here.

Arts includes movies and literature. There are many movies and books that are entertaining to non Jews, that happen to be centered on the Holocaust. Somethinglike Schindler's List or Maus would be examples of that.

The same is true about the arts being sympathetic towards Communism. Movies, literature and most types of arts and entertainment are made by people who areeither apolitical or if they are political, tend to side with left wing ideas and will give Communism a pass like those in academia tend to do.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Really the arts?...Lets get real here.

Arts includes movies and literature. There are many movies and books that are entertaining to non Jews, that happen to be centered on the Holocaust. Something like Schindler's List or Maus would be examples of that.

The same is true about the arts being sympathetic towards Communism. Movies, literature and most types of arts and entertainment are made by people who are either apolitical or if they are political, tend to side with left wing ideas and will give Communism a pass like those in academia tend to do.

There are countless books, documentaries, and other various media forms highlighting several injustices throughout history.
Whether it be in the Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Armenia, Tibet......ect.ect....The list goes on.

I see your point, but the issue isn't a lack of these outlets, it is a lack of attention to these outlets. If I can get ahold of these "arts" Iam pretty sure School districts, and cities can get ahold of these primary, and secondary sources.

Your final point about leftist academics is quite true, however, I fail to see the correlation.
You state that Leftist regimes are responsible for most of these genocides, where in most cases (atleast in the middle east and Africa) they are by governmentsof democratic backings. With quite stable governments

Orientalism is one of the main reasons these genocides are overlooked and often minimized, but that is another thread and another day.
the mainstream controls the way we do things there was many holocausts including a African American holocaust...better yet were also censored from what hashappened to the american indians...and how about the conflict with Gaza it wasnt always like that and we cant onli blame Jews their the scapegoats...Zionism isa factor tht triggered a change in tht civilization, the europeans had much to do with it...The media elites show us wht they like us to hear cause not onli dothey control our textbooks they control activities in our hood wat we watch on their tv networks and how to portray the different communities.... in the newsthey have segments about britney for an hour but they mention a fallen soldier for a minute....they say 2 people died 6 got injured but they never tell you whtthese injuries were or else no one would sign up to join the army if one doesnt join the army the elites and their companys lose money on guns and vice versa2% of the billionaire elites control 98% of the population...Nas said it"Propaganda Visual cancer" fancy commercials and video games also monetaryrewards attempt to lure people into armies..when the recruiter says "YOUR ONLI JOINING AS A ARMY NURSE" your enlisting yourself as a soldier...peoplesign up because of the hard american economy and expect some help to pay off college bills but will they make it back from war" just think about the word"FAT" most females look in perfect shape but they consider themselves fat cause the media has changed the way we should look and how we should be.www.pslweb.org is a pretty informative source on whats really happening in the world...and as for the holocaust they dont want us to know how it was triggeredby a coalition of countries not just one.. a nice link is also www.freedocumentaries.com watch palestine vs Isreal 101 they also have alot about the holocaustand other genocide filled times like in Rwanda.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The whole point of this thread is to point out the fact that almost all of the other atrocities/ mass murders/ whatever you want to call them get downplayed in comparison to the Holocaust. Can we all agree that this is true?
Yes that was the goal of this thread.

Lock please.
Niketalker23 got roasted and then said ignorant comments. The recipe for any sonning.
there is no way 6-7 jews were killed.... it is just not possible.... Israel and America just use this as a big sob story so people feel sorry for them..... majority of those jews killer were soldiers anyway.... so this 6-7 million nonsense is just a complete over-exaggeration. why dont you people open ur eyes and look at what they are doing to Palestine... holocaust similarities??? u bet

In your world, wouldn't that mean that Israeli war crimes towards Palestinians are "exaggerated" and "just not possible" and are just abig sob story to used by the Palestinians?

The thing about people like you is that you guys are in the tortured position of having to den yand emphasize the holocaust. It seems like White Supremicistsand Militant Muslims will deny that the holocaust took place but in the same book, the same propaganda piece, the same sentence, will liken the Palestinianexperience to the holocaust, which you guys had just been claiming did not happen. Or someone will follow a round of holocaust denial by celebrating Hitler forgetting things started and/or promises will follow that Hamas or some radical Muslim or White Supremecist group will finish the job.

It is lik ethat commercial for car insurance "I want my shirt starched and not starched." You guys are saying "we want to call all Jews liars bysaying that none of them were killed by Hitler and we also want to celebrate that Hitler killed so many Jews." Could you hate mongers at least keep thestory straight.
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

Holocasut is not the greatest genocide.... it is def Rwanda.... by far.... everyone just makes the holocaust into some sort of sob story and people automatically feel so sorrry for jews during WWII..... disgusts me
Only a million dead in a summer in Rwanda? Don't turn into Rwanda into some sort of sob story, so people will automatically feel sorry forRwandans. It disgusts me.

^ Sounds absurd right?

You have to be one of the most hypocritical posters, I've seen in a while. Not to mention almost everything you type deserves a
. Someone send this dude to Banned Camp.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

Holocasut is not the greatest genocide.... it is def Rwanda.... by far.... everyone just makes the holocaust into some sort of sob story and people automatically feel so sorrry for jews during WWII..... disgusts me

Thank you sir. How is a million dead in a summer not absolutely astonishing. Barely anyone knew about this until Hotel Rwanda
, which just creates hella awkward moments whenever people bring it up to me.
At least some people realize this. Try going to Germany or any other European country, theyre in great shape, well except for some of EasternEurope. Then try travelling through Rwanda and Africa. Its a freakin ****hole. (yes I know theres no cursing but theres really no other way to put it, sorry)
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The whole point of this thread is to point out the fact that almost all of the other atrocities/ mass murders/ whatever you want to call them get downplayed in comparison to the Holocaust. Can we all agree that this is true?

Indeed. All it took was 6 pages.
WHY? Why is that the case?
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