NT's "True" Hollywood Stories (athletes, too)...post up anything you got that's funny.

I'm currently doing a project for McGraw-Hill at 2 Penn Plaza in NYC.

Like around last week, I come back in the building after smoking a cig. I walk into the elevator and I was the only one there. As I'm looking into my phone 3-4 dudes pile in the elevator. One of the 4 dudes was mad tall. He ends up standing next to me. Dude towered over me so I had to see who was dude. And it was Larry Johnson :lol: :pimp: . I gave him dap and told him I was a big Knicks fan. Dude wasn't a douche at all. After that he got off around the 13-14th floor (don't remember which exactly) to go to the Knicks offices. That's when I found out the Knicks, Rangers and MSG had offices at 2 Penn Plaza. I had no idea :lol:
It was during this time that Natalie Nunn was going to USC. One of my boys smashed her :lol:


We also used to kick it with Carole Rodriguez (Nick Young's girl) :smh:
Everyone was trying to get at her but she wasn't out there like that.

cant even front, I would wreck the Nunnmeister several times

that Rodriguez chick is lookin mighty fit, i wouldve accidentally tripped and landed with my face in her booty if that was really at the beach
Haven't met anyone big yet but everyone that i know who's met Michael Jordan all told me that he is an a-hole .
Hooped acouple times with Michael Irving when he was broadcasting. Like any typical football player, he talks MAD sht the entire game. I almost always never wanted to be on his team, cuz he would ball hog and try n shoot 3's all day, But he was cool tho

Oh and sold a zip to Mac miller when he was intown. My boy got us in backstage so before we the concert we blazed one with mac and juicy
Saw Mickey Rourke, Tom Green and Dennis Rodman all in the same gentleman's club one night, a couple months after Sin City released. Didn't speak to Tom Green, dude was wasted and later that night jumped on stage and was doing some dumb ****. Dennis Rodman was mostly in the VIP room all night, I only spoke to him for a minute and he seemed like an ok dude. Mickey was cool as **** tho, nobody seemed to recognize him other then me and one of my buddies. Told him I was a huge fan since I first seen Diner and The Pope of Greenwich Village and that I was happy to seem him make a comeback with Man on Fire and Sin City. He then bought me a shot and we further talked about other films, boxing, and 2Pac for another 20 minutes or 30 minutes. Finally a dancer came up to him and he told me "Later dude, about to get my **** suck." He saw me later that night in the lap dance area and offered me some coke but just told him no thanks.

My brother worked for Skullcandy so I've got to chill with all of their NBA crew. KD actually sent a video to my little bro and me wishing us good luck at state basketball. Super nice guy.
Deron Williams is a cool dude too. I told him a story about him giving me one of his shoes after a summer league game and me getting them stolen and he laughed and then gave me a signed jersey.
Andre Iguodala is definitely the coolest dude though. He cooked us wings, let me drive his whip, and just is the most down to earth dude. I actually have a candid video of me asking him about the picture he has with the niketalk shirt. He said he doesn't have a username but that he gets on the website.
Met Larry Bird when I was in junior high and he was with the pacers. Asked him for his autograph and he asked what I would do for it...kinda awkward dude.

Another cool KD story

You gotta elaborate on the Iguodala one though. Did he just start cooking you wings for no reason? :lol:

And Larry :lol:
Ive chilled with manti teo a couple of times this year, and a bunch of other guys on the football team since I knew some of their siblings. Most of the football guys get pretty rowdy, but teo is about that mormon life and doesn't drink, least I've noticed. I met Mike Ditka and MJ before and Ditka was cool and actually had a conversation. MJ was a huge tool... I asked for a autograph after trying to talk to him, and he gave me the death glare, then signed my paper lol.

my stories suck compared to the ones in here lmao. Only famous people I know are d1 athletes, who aren't even that famous. Probably some rich guys i've seen at the country club to, I know some scrubs for the bears golfed here a couple of times and left horrible tips lmao.
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This one happened two years ago, I was travelling every week for work so I can't even remember where I was coming from anymore, but I'm boarding a flight and I see a big a** dude in first class, take a second glance and it's Warren Sapp. I didn't really care so I just kept it moving, but my co-worker nodded at him and said what up, Sapp nods and my co-worker fake grabs at the pillow that was on Sapp's seat joking around and all of a sudden his entire demeanor changes and he's like "Why don't you come back here and try that again?!" I was like 
. Co-worker isn't a big guy, but I couldn't say he was shook, more like 
 "this guy is really gonna try to do something to a guy my size??" I hear some guy cracking the hell up, turn around and see it's Jimmy Johnson doubled over laughing. Got to my seat and turned to my co-worker and was like "Did Warren Sapp just challenge you to a fight??"
I went to SMC with Ocho and Steve Smith. Steve had to do nothing. He just showed up to class to check-in and was out. 

He worked at Taco Bell and would spit in peoples tacos just for the kicks. He was cool people but definitely a hot head.

Chad, was all flash and only dude in L.A. rocking golds in his mouth. He used to work the cologne kiosk at the Fox Hills.

I also knew and was there the day Diamond from 6-0 crips was killed on the roof. R.I.P., bro.
I went to SMC with Ocho and Steve Smith. Steve had to do nothing. He just showed up to class to check-in and was out. 

He worked at Taco Bell and would spit in peoples tacos just for the kicks. He was cool people but definitely a hot head.

Chad, was all flash and only dude in L.A. rocking golds in his mouth. He used to work the cologne kiosk at the Fox Hills.

:wow: now that's good. Love the 90's stories
I worked at a sushi spot called Mikuni  in Sacramento back when Metta World Violence played for the kings.. and when ever he and his family came in, they always ordered chicken katsu and brought their own ketchup.
Another cool KD story
You gotta elaborate on the Iguodala one though. Did he just start cooking you wings for no reason? :lol:
And Larry :lol:

Sorry haha. Dre and my brother are really good friends and he came and just stayed at the beach house for a couple of days. He claimed he made the best wings so we held him to it!

Met Dorell Wright when he was raw in the Warriors, He was playing in a pro am game.
Met Steph Curry in downtown :lol:. He was just done shopping at UO when I bumped into him. This was during the lock out.
Met Lawyer Milloy downtown boston. I was there with few friends just chilling. We are outside the W and we are eating some snacks we bought at 7/11. So we are sitting at tables of a restuarant that is closed because its like 12am. Lawyer Milloy is with this Dime white chick. He see's the 4 of us and says "sup Fellas" we say sup not knowing who dat is. So i say to my friends "i think that was lawyer milloy" they saying im dumb. I look at his twitter and he is tweeting of how he is in Boston for the first time since he left the Patriots. He was doing a Football Camp. So i tweet him saying.. "yo was that you yesterday outside the W hotel with some white chick? I was with my boys u said sup to us?" Than 3 minutes later.. he blocks me on twitter. :smh: He must be in a relationship. Idk y he blocked me. felt bad man.
I played a pickup basketball game with NBA Legend Dana Barros back in 07'. He was draining 3's from NBA distance. Was crazy. He wasnt trying though. All he did was shoot and gunned. Was at basketball city in boston.
I worked at a sushi spot called Mikuni  in Sacramento back when Metta World Violence played for the kings.. and when ever he and his family came in, they always ordered chicken katsu and brought their own ketchup.
I just got home from Mikuni's in Midtown! I see DMC out there all the time, JT, Donte and Cisco used to go to BJs in Natomas all the time after games.
I've shared these stories (they aren't that great) a few times in S+T, I meet/run into Kings players all the time 

But I was at Thunder Valley Casino out here, which is like 25 minutes from Sacramento, playing some black jack by myself while my girl and her friends were drinking and I was waiting for some of my boys to meet up with me to gamble. I was playing at the $5 tables for a few hands and I start getting bored by myself so I'm looking around looking for my girl and her friends or my boys, and a few tables over, sitting by himself was Carl Landry (this was last summer a few months after he had been traded to the Hornets). Dude was just chilling there playing by himself and not a soul recognized him 
. Me being the drunk *** I was, walk up and plop myself next to him to play. I text my boys I'm play blackjack with Carl Landry and none of them believe me till they walk by and I introduce them (in my drunkeness) to "my new friend Carl", dude was loving it. My friends were to shy to join us so they go off to play pai gow or some ****. Anyways me and Carl end up playing for probably an hour and eventually had a pretty lively table.

We chopped it up a lot, talk about his time in Sac, the Kings, how much he hated the Maloofs, college/Purdue (I used to live in W Lafayette), the NBA in general, at the time he was a FA and he told me he really wanted to go to Milwaukee (he's from Wisconsin) or OKC... he ended up going to neither and resigned for a year in NO. We even got Fatburger together 
 the guy was super chill. Eventually I had to dip out, as we parted ways and me and my crew made our way to the parking garage a few folks asked me if that was Landry and if we were friends. Everytime I go out to that casino now I joke with my friends maybe I'll run into my boy Carl since he still has a house just a few minutes away from the casino. Actually the day before thanksgiving, during the Kings Lakers game there was a sale of former Kings player's jerseys and I picked up a home and away authentic Landry jersey for $10 each 

I've chatted up with drunk *** Bobby Jackson a few times at that same casino.... I see him there seriously every other time I'm there 

A few weeks ago when the Nets were in town I chatted up with Josh Childress and Tyshawn Taylor at Dive Bar in downtown Sac.... Childress is pretty cool, but has terrible taste in women, had the nattiest broads all over him 
 I should have asked him about NT, I feel like he has to at least lurk on here.... Taylor was cool, thought he was Jeff Green for the longest time till I asked Josh when he stepped away. Asked him to bring out Thomas Robinson and he didn't seem like he really liked him. The next day neither of those dudes got any burn against the Kings.

Last year at a club in Sac, I would see Travis Outlaw and his boys out there every couple of weeks. Felt bad for him since he never got any burn, he seemed to really llike Jimmer tho.

Used to live a few houses down from Kevin Martin when I was in HS and lived with my parents. Also played ball with Kevin Martin and some of his boys, dude is kinda weird. Real quiet and I think I misunderstand him as a douche. He comes off real weird is all I can say.

Brad Miller is around alot in Roseville, he actually lives in Granite Bay now that he's retired. I've seen him randomly at grocery stores, walmart, dollar trees, McDonalds, seriously everywhere. Say hi to him everytime and I think he actually remembers me. Love the guy.

As I mentioned earlier, I used to see Jason Thompson, Donte and Cisco after games at BJs.
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