NY Come Pick Up Another L

far from basic

you wont know until you've had a hood burger from LA with heavily seasoned fries after a long night of savegery...
All due respect, the food does look basic AF.

@ "heavily seasoned fries."
All due respect, the food does look basic AF.

:lol: @ "heavily seasoned fries."

looks basic =/= being mediocre in taste. you most likely haven't even tried and are neglecting it. talk about judging a book by it's cover.
Y'all stay trying to give NYC L's and somehow we always end up coming out on top.

I think our only true recent L, was son that got steam rolled by them rednecks. :lol:
Son should've put some respeck on ny's name and shut the **** up
i mean...donald trump is from queens. so that is an L for us im pretty sure.

guiliani was our mayor...possible L :nerd:

and whenever that damn MTA fare hits 3 cash....super L
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Love how NYers choose when to claim the state vs the city. :lol:
I think most people would tell you new york state outside of the boroughs and its suburbs is mostly hicksville. Illinois and Georgia wouldn't argue those facts either.

San Diego is the most underrated city in the country.
Too much military tbh. They have a identity crisis with all the people constantly coming and going, way too many transplants that don't plan on staying. May have been a underlying reason why the chargers bolted outta there, lol had to do it.
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This ***** said $2500 lol

And is Henn really talkin big **** about business and entrepreneurship and he sells weed?

I thought alp was like 38.

You're slow if you don't recognize the growth of legal marijuana.

Still illegal on a federal level and all that "hard work" can be wiped out overnight, especially with this administration. But that wasn't my point.

Weed sells itself. Doesnt take some tremendous business accumen to sell addictive substances. I can respect the ambition, but i know dudes with GEDs making just as much if not more than Henn dog.

When you assume you make an *** out of u and me.

I don't sell. As stated earlier what I posted is ONE of my personal gardens within the legal limit. I don't want in the grow game that's too much work and overhead for something that can go bad easily (as you mentioned). Growers are my customers.

Glad your friends are doing well but don't compare their earnings to mine.

While you speculate about the current administration and fear monger, I've done my homework. Spent racks on my legal team we are prepared and ready for whatever comes our way.

Business acumen? Son my degree is in entrepreneurship and finance. This isn't my first business. While you were in here doubting over the past week I got a step closer to opening one of my facilities. Here's a lil preview. Sorry I don't have a drone like EWD but the space is a lot bigger than ninjas moms apartment.

I'm still talking big business. Ask the group of NTers that have PMed me wanting to invest and the few I've met in person who were interested in this venture.
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