NYC Sportbike "gang" vs. Alexian Lien Thread vol. Let's Try this Again.

Living with your mom is not a NY thing. Not a single person I know in NY lives with their mom unless they are still in school.

So you are telling bc the ppl YOU KNOW dont do it, doesnt make it a new york thing.
Fool, im from ny. Shut up.

"Not all police stop and frisk ppl, thats not a ny thing"

but It's not a NY thing, just because you know a bunch of losers who comfortable with living with their parents don't mean you can speak for a whole state
I'm also from NY and don't know a single person 30+ still living at home, :lol:
Join Date: 2001
Posts: 328

my man really came out of the woodworks to blast Ninja 
OK new guy. My post count was reset during the transition. I've been blasting NH for years now. But it's true, most of my posts do blast NH. NH stays in the better threads on NT
He wasn't coming at you bro.
For real though LOL at dudes just defending NH at all costs...

Dudes 30 years old borrowing his mom's 96 Odyssey and living in her house but he went and spent G's on da cuban links and shoes taking up half the square footage in their apartment.. 

"Its an NY thing"..... unbelievable.
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So if you are "30" live in nyc and have a decent job but cant find reasonable places to live or rent, you wouldnt consider staying with your parents?
I quote 30 bc idk how old ninja is
But im 26 and know plenty of ppl in ny who live with their parents.

Judge me but id stay wit mom dukes ina heart beat.
Single family home, just her and my lil bro, 5 bedrooms, 2 car garage, big yard, cooked meals, and seeing my fam everyday.
I live in cali and pay all my fams bills back home, i wouldnt hesitate to move back and continue trend if the opportunity presented itself in the right fashion.
but then again, unlimited yams when u dont live at home.

Ps i aint denfending anyone but i do call it how i see it.
And i can see a lot of yall dont have any real genuine experiences in life.
Basically just school kids who went to college off of mommy and daddys hard work.
And think they know it all.
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So if you are "30" live in nyc and have a decent job but cant find reasonable places to live or rent, you wouldnt consider staying with your parents?
I quote 30 bc idk how old ninja is
But im 26 and know plenty of ppl in ny who live with their parents.

But why don't you just get a roommate if you have a "decent job" and learn how to live on your own?
My dude NH doesn't plan on moving out any time soon hes said it in the past... He riding that fixed rate housing wave and yea, hes 30.

Not sure how we got talking about this though....
And i can see a lot of yall dont have any real genuine experiences in life.
Basically just school kids who went to college off of mommy and daddys hard work.
And think they know it all.

Calls it like he see's it.

Assumes that which he does not see.

Brah I've lived on my own since I was 22 and I paid for my own school and I've got that DM license after owning a bike for years... I'm still not backing these clown motorcyclists that we're talking about here.
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Nah bro, that's NOT an "NY thing"

I typed up a long *** response but realized how stupid it is to even bring. Up valid points against such a stupid comment...
So if I say "I hate the gheys" it's cool cause I didn't say ALL.
So I guess I can say I hate black's ok though guys, I didn't say ALL blacks.
See how you sound?

As for stop and frisk it's a numbers game fam. And unfortunately the violence, guns and drugs are chilling on the inner city corners. We get our act together and THEN we can talk about how unfair that practice is. Until then, NYPD just playing by the numbers. It ain't never going to be perfect.

And the reason why nobody wants to help the police is because nobody in the hood wants to be a snitch.

The main difference here is that cops aren't a historically oppressed group of people. An opinion is just an opinion, what hurts is when that opinion is used as the basis for policy to systematically disenfranchise and disadvantage individual for simply being a member of a group... a group to which they do not choose to belong, but into which they are bor, i.e. race, sexual orientation - not occupation. That's why such sentiments are taken differently when they are directed at the empowered vs. the disempowered.

So, while you can certainly claim it's ignorant, naive, or a gross exaggeration to say you "hate the police," such a sentiment is never on par with the analogies you offered. Apples to oranges - it's subtle, but extremely important.

FTR, the number of negative interactions I've had with police far outweigh positive ones. I'm white, in my mid 30s, have post graduate education, etc. When I was younger and running wild, I wouldn't say I didn't deserve to have any interaction with police, but they were routinely rude, unnecessarily disrespectful, forceful, and regularly overstepped the boundaries of the law. When I "needed" them (car got stolen) my experience was even worse. I called and waited - I was told to wait for them. While waiting, I was "loitering" and got stop and frisked by a separate set of cops before the responding officers came (about 90 minutes later). They were disinterested, unhelpful, and overall did not care about catching the thieves. I could go on with tons of stories, specifics, and personal anecdotes, but that's the not the point. The point is that such attitudes are often justified.

...Now, how much do I have to pay Ninja for his SN?
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Nah bro, that's NOT an "NY thing"

I typed up a long *** response but realized how stupid it is to even bring. Up valid points against such a stupid comment...

I'm going to agree w/ Steezy here.

It's not a NY thing, despite what Big Vic Lo has to say.
Judge me but id stay wit mom dukes ina heart beat.
Single family home, just her and my lil bro, 5 bedrooms, 2 car garage, big yard, cooked meals, and seeing my fam everyday.

And i can see a lot of yall dont have any real genuine experiences in life.
Basically just school kids who went to college off of mommy and daddys hard work.
And think they know it all.

That's not your home though, you can't brag about how your mom living.

You seem bitter that some people have parents that were able to pay for their kids education but in the same breath don't seem bitter about a kid living off their parent.

Pick a side bro
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My cut off was 23 years old and me and homie have pretty similar upbringings, both only child's from immigrant moms living in small apts growing his defense tho, I'd say that's a trend in Da heights, he really is not the only dude grown enough pulling this stunt out there....but whatever his choice...this is sort of like beating a dead horse.
Nah bro, that's NOT an "NY thing"

I typed up a long *** response but realized how stupid it is to even bring. Up valid points against such a stupid comment...

Im convinced you arent really from ny.
But maybe you are bc u never know how to be wrong
And i can see a lot of yall dont have any real genuine experiences in life.
Basically just school kids who went to college off of mommy and daddys hard work.
And think they know it all.

What's your point? Some people have more fortunate circumstances than others. This doesn't change the fact that people don't live with their moms in NY. People who live on their own have will more "real genuine experiences" than someone living at home with their mom.
I find myself debating on terms that are objective.
Leaving me to feel uneasy with continuing to reply
No doubt they were wrong to follow him and beat him, but Lien should be locked away for running over the guy and continuing to drive... Like who does that? That's awful.
No doubt they were wrong to follow him and beat him, but Lien should be locked away for running over the guy and continuing to drive... Like who does that? That's awful.
Man see how do you not get that stopping at any point in this was putting his life in danger?

By BIKERS accounts, his car was getting kicked/punched and tires slashed BEFORE he took off and ran over the guy.

His fears were proven correct when he was beat in the middle of the street and they attempted to assault his WIFE too.

I seriously don't understand how people cant put themselves in his shoes as hes surrounded by 50-100 bikes who just STOPPED TRAFFIC on the WSH.

There was no way out for him and flight was his only option. Jesus.
if we're gonna keep bashing ninjahood, we gonna just have to make a thread dedicated to him. Any thread he posts on....99.999999% of the time it gets derailed. :lol:

so how bout it guise?!
Man see how do you not get that stopping at any point in this was putting his life in danger?

By BIKERS accounts, his car was getting kicked/punched and tires slashed BEFORE he took off and ran over the guy.

His fears were proven correct when he was beat in the middle of the street and they attempted to assault his WIFE too.

I seriously don't understand how people cant put themselves in his shoes as hes surrounded by 50-100 bikes who just STOPPED TRAFFIC on the WSH.

There was no way out for him and flight was his only option. Jesus.

I'm not justifying their actions.. because they certainly should be held liable for their actions... but they started all of that AFTER he hit someone and continued.. they weren't just vandalizing every car on the highway, clearly the driver had a blatant disregard for those biker's life. Honestly thats inexcusable.

Sidenote: This Ninjahood slander has been going on for years :rofl:
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