NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

They been going at it for 10 years already man. Where you been at? It's not as much of a rivalry as you think.
They were going at it in 2 different conferences with Melo being bounced in the 1st round every yr but 1, only met in the regular season so they played what, twice a year??

Then Lebby ends up in Miami and Melo in NY a lil while later. The Heat got to 4 straight Finals while the Knicks lose to the Celtics and Pacers, and win one Fluke *** game against the Heat. That's not a Rivalry. That's domination by one party. Melo used to give Bron that work in Denver. They played 12 games against each other in them days, Melo won 8 of em. When they both came East and played, lebron has always been on the much better team. Now things are a lil more even and they are in the same conference. Now they can and will really go at it.
That's the point I was making, it's not a rivalry at all. Comparing head to head Win/loss records is one thing (which I dismiss with those two anyway), but a rivalry in a true sense is another thing. These dudes are too friendly to have a real rivalry.
He says it's mostly due to him being a ball stopper and the ISO ball Melo plays. I think I've heard Chris Webber go at Melo a few times because of it.

That's a coaching issue. Kobe and MJ became great passers under Phil. Melo is a very underrated passer.
They became smarter passers under Phil. Mike averaged a career high 8.0 APG the year before Phil took over. He never averaged that much again in his career. Kobe fluctuated between 5-6 APG under Phil. 
That's the point I was making, it's not a rivalry at all. Comparing head to head Win/loss records is one thing (which I dismiss with those two anyway), but a rivalry in a true sense is another thing. These dudes are too friendly to have a real rivalry.

They became smarter passers under Phil
. Mike averaged a career high 8.0 APG the year before Phil took over. He never averaged that much again in his career. Kobe fluctuated between 5-6 APG under Phil. 

Yes, that's what I meant to say, but yes, that's true. Melo will be a much smarter player in this system.
NON Knick issue but just thought i would share. Ricky Rubio and his agent want a max contract from the TWolves:rofl:

in other words, he wants out.
Dude sees the writing on the wall with Love about to dip.

He probably figures either give me my max now and I'll just leave after that or I'll leave now for less money and try to get with a team that'll at least see the playoffs.
I don't like his game, especially for the money he'll want if he leaves LA. All in all disregarding what he does well he's a bum to me.

We're not getting a Love, Jordan, Melo front court. So stop dreaming now :lol:

wut...your post doesnt make sense. you dont like him "just because" is whats youre saying. he rebounds, defends, and can run the court. what else are you expecting from a center that makes about 10-11mil?

idk why you always say that things cant happen or people are "dreaming". reblocking you bruh for your pessimistic annoying *** comments. and as ive said before, give me reasons why it absolutely cant happen? thats right, you cant because all your statements are based on speculation and assumptions, where
as i look at probably and possibility. you cant tell me that having the cap room to sign both players automatically disqualifies us just because you THINK we wont get them.
I don't like his game. I don't like that he sucks at FTs. Way too much of a one sided player. I don't like his attitude on the court or on the bench. He seems like a clown to me.

I also don't like the idea of paying him a whole bunch of money he'll never actually be worthy of. Watch them Clippers game. Son is a liability in the 4th. Doc stay benching him.

As for why it can't happen, we can't afford Love and Jordan with Melo's contract but again I'm guessing you're living in a dream world like those Cavs fans thinking they can get Love without a trade where Love as a free agent doesn't want near the max if he walks from the 5 year max deal he could get in S&T from Minny. I already see Jordan trying to get something like 12 mil per if he seriously considers leaving LAC. Son is not Serge Ibaka. It's like when it's said we have cap space dudes just start thinking about signing anybody without actually taking the cap space in to consideration. I don't think we won't get both cuz I don't want the player here. I think we won't get both cuz we can't afford it. Talking about probably and possibly :stoneface: You not being realistic if you think you're doing that.

So that's the reasons why but go ahead and be naive if you want. Imma still reply accordingly.

Now as for this other **** if you want to be a whiny little ***** about what I say in this thread go ahead and be emotional about my posts. Your jimmies are easily rustled. I can't even address you telling me I always say ppl are dreaming like that's even a thing. Let me be annoying. I don't need ***** *** ****** reading my posts anyway. Wasting time complaining about what I post cuz you don't like it. Go on and block me then, just be sure not to address me again.
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That's the point I was making, it's not a rivalry at all. Comparing head to head Win/loss records is one thing (which I dismiss with those two anyway), but a rivalry in a true sense is another thing. These dudes are too friendly to have a real rivalry.

They became smarter passers under Phil. Mike averaged a career high 8.0 APG the year before Phil took over. He never averaged that much again in his career. Kobe fluctuated between 5-6 APG under Phil. 
Yes, that's what I meant to say, but yes, that's true. Melo will be a much smarter player in this system.
^ That remains to be seen. Let's see how it pans out.
Simmons didn't knock Melo in that article. It's actuallu very Pro-Melo. Simmons knocks the Knicks and Melo never having the right pieces around him to succeed.

Everyone *****ed about his “ball-stopping” — something of which he’s definitely been guilty, from time to time, over the past few years — but when your coach is in a basketball coma and your entire offense has degenerated into “throw the ball to Melo and he’ll have to create a shot,” what do you expect? Every opponent went into every Knicks game saying, “As long as we don’t let Carmelo kill us, we’re winning tonight.” And he still threw up 28 a night and played the most efficient basketball of his career. That’s a fact. It just wasn’t that much fun to watch.


This was a great read. I damn near felt bad for Melo when they mentioned Pistons passing on him for Darko and his agent not giving him the opt out chance like Wade and Bron. His choices are his own though. I thought he would look at the Denver fiasco and realize it was Chicago for him (money be damned), but he fooled me too.


This was a great read. I damn near felt bad for Melo when they mentioned Pistons passing on him for Darko and his agent not giving him the opt out chance like Wade and Bron. His choices are his own though. I thought he would look at the Denver fiasco and realize it was Chicago for him (money be damned), but he fooled me too.

Thats why he fired his agent after that.
We brought the orange jerseys back for next season :smh:

No sleeves on the Nueva York jersey tho :smokin
Rubio has terrible defense, can't make a jumpshot and

who's worse, felton or rubio?

dont blast me, but id rather have felton. at least he could hit the occasional 3 and drive to the cup SOMETIMES. other than passing, i dont see anything else that rubio does well enough to be in the league. at least not a starter in the league.

We were something like 0-7 wearing alternate jerseys last season :lol:

haha yeah i think the vetoed the jerseys after the all star break IIRC.
We were 0/6 in the orange. One of those was when Rose hit that BS game winner against us.

I love the orange, I need a Carmelo one.
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