NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

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  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

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  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

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Convert Shump into a PG with the ball in his hands like OKC did with Westbrook. And let him guard the point because Felton is too fat to get around pick and rolls in this P&R league. The league is currently filled with great PGs and subpar SGs, get this hawk guarding point guards, and let him grow by having the ball in his hands.

Could pay dividends long term, we're playing like **** anyways. And start Prigs, let Felton be a backup because in this current NBA when u factor his offense and D, he's a fringe starter/good backup.
If this experiment doesn't work, then u push for Rondo in free agency.

Btw I'm positive Stat will retire next year, for one season. And be given a role with the Knicks like B. Diddy where he was still a part of the team. Benefits him to get his body better, the Knicks to free cap space, and knicks nation will kill him if he doesn't.

Unless I'm not fully understanding how the retirement thing works with the cap and someone else can explain.
Shumpert is not a PG. He spent 3 years at GT as the starting PG if I'm not mistaken and was seen as a underachiever because he didn't have the proper skill set for the position. No amount of exposure is going to fix that. Let him stay at SG.
Yeah, Shump cant handle the rock. He looked terrible in Summer League with inferior talent. His jumper looks a lot better, he needs to be assertive, but controlled. He tries too hard.
I think it's worth trying. Nba game is different from college, you don't necessarily need excellent PG instincts if you have his athleticism. Also maybe the coaching he has access to now that he didn't have at GT (through Knicks and private) is what he needs.

I know we tried him at point in his rookie year as well which is what he was drafted as. But like in the old school when dudes like our own Clyde Frazier were playing, some players aren't PGs or SGs and are just Guards. Maybe he needs the ball more and more of a license to do his thing in order to reach his potential, especially with this roster because nobody on this team is giving Shump dimes.

Also, looking at the bigger picture again, since it's pretty obvious Felton isn't our long term answer at PG, I think even if the experiment doesn't work and we get another PG, the ball skills and increased comfort he'd get with the ball will help him in going back to a wing again, especially because I think he'd learn to play faster and get out on the break better.
Idk man in this modern nba with so many good fast young point guards it bugs me we have fat Felton. I'd love to see Shump play as a wing with an uptempo PG though.
All bad.


Phil only made those remarks about our team cause he was publicly slighted by Dolan.

He leaked to the media that he had interest in the Knicks position and Dolan didn't even contact him. I don't think we have a chance with him after that.

Even if we he did want to coach her, I don't think Dolan would hire him.
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The fact that we never even madePhil an offer is just sad. I'm mostly frustrated with the team because people are paying REALLY good money to go to those home games and they just play like they don't care. Do it for us man, do it for the fans! If the Knicks **** around and lose Melo and we have to rebuild again... I may just have to cancel my Optimum subscription to say "**** YOU, DOLAN!" |I
I think it's worth trying. Nba game is different from college, you don't necessarily need excellent PG instincts if you have his athleticism.
This part of your post got me. I'm sorry but this is nonsense. NBA PG play is way harder than college PG play. He's athletic, but you still need skill to play PG effectively. You cannnot mask the skill part of NBA point guard play with sheer athleticism, I'm sorry. Shump doesn't have that skill for the point, he should stick to the 2.
The fact that we never even madePhil an offer is just sad. I'm mostly frustrated with the team because people are paying REALLY good money to go to those home games and they just play like they don't care. Do it for us man, do it for the fans! If the Knicks **** around and lose Melo and we have to rebuild again... I may just have to cancel my Optimum subscription to say "**** YOU, DOLAN!"
Step one is cancelling Optimum, they're robbing you anyway 
. Yet another reason to despise Dolan.
All I know is that there was a time when Dallas waxed OKC 4-1 before advancing to the finals where a lot of people were saying Westbrook can't play point, and even suggestions that he should play 2 while harden played the 1. and now he's a top 10 player in the league. Nba's got a lot more iso and pick and roll. Obviously his ceiling wouldn't be Westbrook.

And I'm not saying it will work, just saying we suck anyways and I think it can pay dividends if it does, and that Felton should be on the bench and not guarding good opposing 1s and we're not going to have great ball movement on offense with this roster no matter who we have at point.
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