NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If they trade Shump I might give up all hope for this team. Yes we need rebounding but not bad enough to trade away our only young asset. Melo is averaging 9 boards a night for us right now and if we get Faried itd push Melo to the 3 (and Jr to starting 2
) we'd lose the advantage of having other teams 4's guard Melo and lose all perimeter defense. Between Felton and Jr starting decent backcourts would average 40 points easy. Plus Faried is a runner and like others have said we are God awful on the fastbreak so he'd have to develop a better low post game to be effective on offense. Bottom line Faried would not fit with this team for now nor the future if they really want Love and it'd be an overreaction by the front office to pull the trigger, essentially just putting a bandaid over this teams bigger problems. 
I think the real problem is that Melo is not a championship team's first option and would be better as the 2nd. And this is coming from a huge Melo fan for 10 LONG years. He needs a point guard that can score just as well as him and get the team into an offensive set every trip down the floor (Kyrie?? 
) . Plus someone that will beat his *** for taking all those dumb *** long 2s and not driving it to the hole more often :smh: :smh:
I approve of this potential trade if Mozgov/Wilson/Gallo is in the deal.


don't know why but i busted out laughing with this ...

shump is my dude, hate to see him go especially for someone who dont fit . this year is a mess wayyyy too soon :smh:
Would take Faried and a Draft pick for Shump, Outright though I don't know man, especially cos I think this may be JR last season here for some reason
Would you rather have Faried on the court or Shumpert on the court vs the Pacers or Heat?

Shump's a young asset but so is Faried.

Regardless, this year has gotten off to a deplorable start. I'm not sure any trade or coach can change us that much.
I think Shump is better. I've been saying for a while, I don't know why Dolan and Woodson don't like him.

Faried is a great but i would rather keep Iman. We need rebounding badly and defense so I'm thinking it happens. The best part is I'm betting we include a pick with Iman. Hahahaha
but even if we do get faried ain't nothing changing much imo

woodson needs to develop young talent and give them minutes. keeping them on the bench ain't doing a damn thing
Man they better not trade Shumpert.... >:

Knowing this management team it will happen though.... :smh:
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Nuggets want Iman and a draft pick

well they can go **** themselves with that

knicks have set a bad precedent for any team wanting to deal with them because they always give in

everything is "we want this guy and that guy AND a draft pick"
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lets see how this new GM is under pressure when other GMs try to rip us off every time by including a pick…..
77 and Amare hurt. We have no defense. We're ******g screwed. I wonder if Denver would take 77, Amare and Chris Smith for Faried
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i agree the knicks always end up getting raped and im tired of it... the lakers who have the most championships always come out on top of trades but we cant... it doesnt make sense :smh: even with the melo trade we got the best player but also gave the kitchen sink to get him
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