NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We need to stop with this "Should've", "Would've", "Could've" non-sense.

No matter how we slice it, we still have to deal with the roster we have now.

God, we suck :smh:
The new starting 5 should be Shump, Felton, Melo, Stat and JR. Then we could see 212 and 718 on the court at the same time. Great for NY bball...
-game on national TV
-game against Woodson's former team
-Dolan guaranteeing a W
-JR starting

All implications that if we lose tonight Woodson is fired.
MY 5 would be like this felton, shump, artest, melo and kenyon

i dont like starting jr because he would take away points from the bench... and i would like to put felton on the bench but im not sold on pablo as the starting pg and toure i have to see him play more to start pg

pablo, jr, bargs, amare

id keep the 9 man rotation so guys can get a rythym out there and hardaway would be cut from the rotation for now... and when chandler comes back kenyon could be put on the bench then it would be back to 10 man rotation
@NBATV: RT if you want to see the Knicks on @NBATV next Tuesday! #FanNightVote

Y'all should read the comments to this tweet :lol: :smh:

Looking forward to the summer of 2014.
@I_Am_Iman: Man it been a min since I been to AtL. Saw some people had some laughs. I needed that. Let's get this win doe.
Faried doesn't fit with the Knicks, especially if the plan is to have Melo and Love. Faried's game is uptempo and the Knicks are probably one of the worst fast break teams in the league.
@BrandonTierney: I wish I owned the Knicks. I would solve every single problem in 4 minutes. And I'm not kidding.
I can't believe the Nuggets would even consider making this trade.

If this is at all possible go ahead and do it. Dude is an animal, he'll help us out defensively and on the boards.

I'd rather trade Shump for a lottery pick tho. Try calling Michael Jordan up, he's always ready to make a GM mistake.
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