NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Woodson has to go sooner rather than later..how long can this go on without making a change?
Honestly it's not even Woodson at this point. This team's confidence is shot right now. There is no effort, no ball movement etc. They just look completely lost and defeated. 
Woodson has to go sooner rather than later..how long can this go on without making a change?
Honestly it's not even Woodson at this point. This team's confidence is shot right now. There is no effort, no ball movement etc. They just look completely lost and defeated. 

I think it's a combination of both. Woodson is good to a point, but the team's mixture of talent has always been a problem. I never thought it was a complete team, although they have had some success. What's going on right now is a developing dumpster fire tho.
Woodson loves to yell at shumpert, best player next to melo on this team but give that bum smith a pass for all the trash he brings :x
Iman plays with no confidence. Woodson has to go. Iman needs to work with a new coach because that relationship is fractured.
yeah the powers that be (owner, management, woosdon) sucked the confidence out of shumpert it seems
Everybody saying woodson should go, and then what? Nothing there no coaches out there, you dont want calapari in NY remember him in Jersey he flopped. I say keep woodson for the year there no coach out there to bring in and change this horrible team.

Start fresh next season new coach new gm new players hopefully new owner. Who you gonna replace woodson right now with Herb williams. Cmon man seriously? I said it before i will say it again, get new management get new players and get back on a championship track.

Let Melo walk, let amare walk let chander walk let JR walk.

No picks = no future but you will have money if u dump all those horrible salaries.

Money=free agents=potential chip.
serious question......have we ever tanked? if so, when?

None that I can think of. The Knicks in recent history pass out their draft picks like Nino Brown passing out turkeys. There will always be the Ewing "conspiracy" though.
Everybody saying woodson should go, and then what? Nothing there no coaches out there, you dont want calapari in NY remember him in Jersey he flopped. I say keep woodson for the year there no coach out there to bring in and change this horrible team.

Start fresh next season new coach new gm new players hopefully new owner. Who you gonna replace woodson right now with Herb williams. Cmon man seriously? I said it before i will say it again, get new management get new players and get back on a championship track.

Let Melo walk, let amare walk let chander walk let JR walk.

No picks = no future but you will have money if u dump all those horrible salaries.

Money=free agents=potential chip.

Give Cal some credit. He took that Nets team to the playoffs one year. It wasn't ALL bad. New Management? Good luck. Dolan is like Jerry Jones on steriods, he ain't going nowhere, unless he hires someone that is smart AND he likes, this is what it's gonna be unfortunately.
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