NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
ron got a point though... i love the 90s knicks but the all defensive team didnt win a championship for them. knicks need a balance of both offense and defense which is possible
Lmvao who has time to play nba2k14 w gtaV just released and madden came out...quick ques anyone know of any other forums that are just knicks
I'd be lying if I said I didnt miss Linsanity. That was probably the greatest period I've have as a Knicks fan in a decade.

Side note: is 2K14 worth buying? Looks like the same game again.
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So, it's my birthday (October 5th).

I got to spend the day with my closets friends and had lots of fun. Got to go back to queens and hit up Studio Square. Hit up some girls and got to meet some girls as well. My family isn't here with me, because they had to leave NY for a pilgrimage. It's the first time I've ever spent my birthday alone from my family.

If you guys go into General, you probably saw my thread and read about my life and the work I do. I grew up relatively poor and struggled most of life to beat the odds and fight against every disadvantage I've ever had. When I was younger, I realized that money is a major factor in life. I strived to be the best person I can be and made sure my family and loved ones are completely taken care of financially.

I got to a point in my life where I was able to take care of all the problems my family and I had and thought money would be able to "fix" everything in life. I made a lot of money in my young professional career and fulfilled all the dreams I had when I was younger. I got to buy the clothes and sneakers I wanted, the apartment I wanted and bought whatever my heart desired and had more than enough money left over when I spent the money. I thought that money would be able to buy me anything and whatever money couldn't buy, I thought my job or title would be able to take care of it.

I just want to let you guys know that money isn't everything in this world and it can't buy you whatever you want. Money can't buy you love or the company of someone whom you honestly care for. Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and grow to be an incredible person.

Money may be able to "fix" some of the immediate frivolous problems you may have, but it wouldn't resolve the issues long term. I don't want to make this a "girl problem" post, but I just want to let you guys know that you should cherish every moment you have in your life with your loved ones and know that the "little" things in life don't mean much. True friends, family and love are the strongest bonds anyone can have in this short life and we should never look past it and think money can "replace" or buy any of that. I realized this tonight. Long story short, I fell in love with someone and tonight was the night I realized that I may not every have a chance with this person and there's no amount of money in this world or no "title" I may have that can give me what I want. That's really what life is about. It's whatever you make of it and you bette make sure you make it a good one. All the **** that's around us is just for show. The real things in life can't be bought, made or entitled to us.

I just had all these people over at my apartment and we had the company of some of the most beautiful girls you can meet. This means nothing when your heart wants the one person you can't impress with your bank account or what you do for a living or the nice apartment you have overlooking Central Park. I'm not here alone again and all I can think about is the one person who I'd rather be with right now, but can't. Money can't buy her being with me. That's real life. No matter how great of a catch I am or how mentally, emotionally and financially stable I may be--Being truly happy can never be bought.

Live everyday to the fullest and never look past everything you have. I'm a little drunk right now, but I just wanted to share this with you guys. Sorry about the long, random post. I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest. Please, excuse this poorly written post. The alcohol is still in me and I don't think the Macallan is going to go away anytime soon.

Goodnight, Knicks fam.
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HBD Hank

I actually have a close friend who's a South Asian Muslim (don't rem if you're Muslim) who's in finance and doing extremely well.

dude felt just like you one night. he called me after a night of drinking and doing coke while partying in NYC, still drunk and high, and told me on his train ride back home he met a super beautiful indian chick in PT school who's engaged to a doctor and it made him feel so empty inside. basically had a full blown epiphany.

and about a month later he met a girl who he's now in a relationship with and is really happy with.

I've got to live the high superficial life as well, chillin with people dropping legit 6 figures in one night, got to drive ferraris and lambos and hang out with A list rappers. and I never learned so much about myself than I did in that time and that all of that doesn't mean **** in the end. when people are young they believe love is for simps but you get older and realize it's the most important thing in life to live happily. but til you meet the one or someone that can potentially be the one that you're dating, you can't dwell on that idea and emptiness, and you still have to enjoy your life and especially your youth or whats left of it because that **** doesn't last forever either.
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Btw Hank, care to elaborate on why you can't have that girl? Kid coming up from being poor, girl that he loves that he can't have even with the money and success...reminds me of Pip and Estella from Great Expectations, or the Great Gatsby, although it's more likely your situation is nothing like those.
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I was like 6 when the 94 finals happened, so besides the run in 99, last February with Linsanity was probably the most exciting time for me as a Knicks fan. That entire month was unreal. I definitely agree it's too soon for a movie, releasing it now makes it seem almost as if they're admitting his story/peak is over, even though it probably is for the most part.

HBD^, don't let girl problems, or any problems for that matter get you so down or defeat you, life's too short for that. Just make your best effort and if it doesn't work out, you'll find someone who loves you for who you are, and if you're having problems bc you don't like who you are right now, you have the power to change that.
Ok, I actually read what everyone posted. True words. I learned that a long time ago. For me, the purpose of living life is being happy. As long as I live comfortable with good health and family, I'm happy. I just started O.T. school and I'm very happy about it. As long as you know what you want out of life, you'll be happy. Girls are a dime a dozen. No need to feel down about one girl,when there's lots of girls out there. In time,that perfect match will come.

Happy birthday HS
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