NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i've been a fan for around 13 years now and as much as i love my team i'm gonna have to disagree with you guys. Melo is NOT a dominant player. I guess our definition of dominant is different.
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Kwamare tho? 
u guys take things so literally lol im aware rondo is the better player i just like pablo better for this team, especially if we gotta lose shump to get rajon.  team is in win now mode i dont see how trading away key pieces for another big contract would help us
i've been a fan for around 13 years now and as much as i love my team i'm gonna have to disagree with you guys. Melo is NOT a dominant player. I guess our definition of dominant is different.

Talk to an old head about the Knicks and come back to me about your plight. :lol:

The main thing I remember about 94 is falling asleep game 7. Hearing the news from immigrants. Crying ant going back to sleep

Black after. That image isn't my first nba image but it's so distinct.
I remember crying after game 7 also. I refuse to watch ANY kind of recap from game 7 since then...and I still won't :frown:
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NY sports as a whole is looking real shakey right now. Yankees didnt make it & the giants...oh boy...well who would have thought that the NEW YORK JETS AND KNICKS is what we only have to rely in sports..
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I agree with you, Beh, that Melo needs to drive more.

It's easy to scout Melo because of how iso heavy of a scorer he is. He catches the ball behind the arc, he's gonna shoot over you or take one dribble and chuck. He catches the ball at the elbow he'll jab step and shoot over you.

That's why I wanna see Woody run more sets, hammer home the importance of moving the ball and moving without the ball.

I watched the Nets preseason game earlier for work and their offense looked smooth with the starters on the floor. Guys are setting screens away from the ball, dribble hand-offs are being ran, very little isolation.

It makes sense that they would have a nice offense play, J.Kidd is their coach.
Who's the offensive coordinator for the Knicks?
I hope who ever it is, will make a lot of adjustments for our roster has changed, plus, we dont need J.Kidd and the nets having our playbook in their hands.
JR really stay taking pics of his kids while driving like his best friend didn't die riding in his passenger seat :smh:

Eli is still my man, though. Rough patch right now.
Yeah, he has an unlimited pass from me.
It won't be with the rest of Giants fans. Let's say he plays the rest of the way like this, and doesn't have a good start next season, or not even that, let's say he doesn't play the same, Giants fans are going to be calling for his head without a doubt. 
JR really stay taking pics of his kids while driving like his best friend didn't die riding in his passenger seat
JR gonna do what JR does, nothing should shock you about him at this point. 
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