NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

This layup was so ill. :smokin

As stupid as we all know Dolan is and as flawed as a coach that Woodson is....it was actually the right decision not to fire him.

Pat Riley said recently, the key to success in the NBA is continuity and he's right. Fans and media were calling for Spoelstra's head in Miami during and after the first season with the "Big 3" and now look at them. You gotta give things time to play themselves out. Let players know that they have to play through adversity and earn their checks.

If a coaching change is gonna be made (and it should happen sooner than later) let it happen when the season is over and a new coach has a fresh start and a full training camp to implement their ideology.

In any case, we have finally been playing up to our potential since Melo's return. Hopefully we can get healthy and start peaking at the right time to salvage this season and beat a trash EC team in the first round.
The key to success in the nba is talent and stars that want to play together. Continuity doesn't mean **** if you don' draft properly
we just need a pg guard as reliable as charlie ward is that too much to ask? at least let toure cook :smh:
Supposedly JR may be suspended for the shoe incident with Marion. If that's true, I hope Dolan steps in and just banishes him from the team. He's embarrassed the organization enough and it would be addition by subtraction IMO especially with Felton and Prigs coming back this week
JR needs to go. NY wasn't built for boys. Go play this game elsewhere. We take this sport seriously here. Jacknut.
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He ain't gettin suspended the nba hasn't helped us out since the Ewing draft.

It was kinda funny tho how he did it so nonchalantly
Supposedly JR may be suspended for the shoe incident with Marion. If that's true, I hope Dolan steps in and just banishes him from the team. He's embarrassed the organization enough and it would be addition by subtraction IMO especially with Felton and Prigs coming back this week
a suspension by the nba seems heavy handed. i'd be ok with a fine from the nba and maybe a team-issued suspension

can't have that in the nba. can't have dudes pulling down opponents shorts, untying their laces, etc. any of that. like when scumbag wade threw away bibby's sneaker. dude shoulda caught a fine
Bulls just traded Deng and are putting themselves in position to sign a star. Bye bye Melo. They still have their amnesty which would be used on boozer
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Expiring contracts and a promising young player
son must be the only dude who can ruin a franchise through trades in NBA 2K 
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