NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
^ You stay with the "I told you so!" :lol:

There were a few people in here who questioned Woodson. Big J 33 was his biggest critic if I remember correctly.
^ You stay with the "I told you so!"

There were a few people in here who questioned Woodson. Big J 33 was his biggest critic if I remember correctly.
It's not really about "I told you so", I just look at it practically. Look, I understand hoping that they do well, I was there, but I call it how I see it. I think you are a fool to think Woodson would be the answer to a run to the finals with this team. With that being said, I have other opinions, and fair ones at that, about the Knicks that are none too appreciated here 
, but I keep it light.
^ You stay with the "I told you so!" :lol:

There were a few people in here who questioned Woodson. Big J 33 was his biggest critic if I remember correctly.
It's not really about "I told you so", I just look at it practically. Look, I understand hoping that they do well, I was there, but I call it how I see it. I think you are a fool to think Woodson would be the answer to a run to the finals with this team. With that being said, I have other opinions, and fair ones at that, about the Knicks that are none too appreciated here :lol: , but I keep it light.

I can respect that. I agree Woodson isn't the man for the job but at this point in time who are you really going to go with? The players responded to him the best out of everyone. The biggest hope was that the team would be good enough to carry him through his coaching deficiencies but as we can see that didn't work out.
Knicks win the first game, we winning the chip. Knicks have their first loss, Woodson needs to go and we should rebuild.

Yup, Knicks season is officially back :lol:
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^ You stay with the "I told you so!"

There were a few people in here who questioned Woodson. Big J 33 was his biggest critic if I remember correctly.
It's not really about "I told you so", I just look at it practically. Look, I understand hoping that they do well, I was there, but I call it how I see it. I think you are a fool to think Woodson would be the answer to a run to the finals with this team. With that being said, I have other opinions, and fair ones at that, about the Knicks that are none too appreciated here 
, but I keep it light.
I can respect that. I agree Woodson isn't the man for the job but at this point in time who are you really going to go with? The players responded to him the best out of everyone. The biggest hope was that the team would be good enough to carry him through his coaching deficiencies but as we can see that didn't work out.
That's the big question. Who is out there? George Karl is out of the question, he doesn't mesh with Carmelo at all, and sees him as a defensive liability and rightfully so. Phil won't come because let's face it, the personnel isn't there like he'd want it to be. At this point, they have to stick with Woodson until some other coach comes up. Carmelo is a talent, but his attitude sometimes can scare coaches off. Karl's words about him didn't go unnoticed after he was traded from Denver. Me personally, I'd like Stan Van Gundy, but I have reservations about how he and Carmelo would mesh, and the fact that Dolan doesn't like the Van Gundy family anymore. Hell, JVG could come back and that would be a step up, but he's too good on tv now 
Last night hurt though. We had it, we were there.

I hated the final few plays we called for Carmelo.

Wish Tyson hit both FTs but I don't blame him.

Rose has never been clutch but he hits that BS.

Very impressed with how we played in the 4th.

Hardaway is solid.

Shumpert had an off night.

Felton and Pablo are both solid.
still really tight about that game last night. was up half the night reviewing the game

my eyes look like i've been smoking weed and a mule kicked me in the eyesockets

bargnani no way in hell should start. still scratching my head over that one. yeah he got a little hot during the fourth, but he was ugh most of the game

felton was doing his thing, but it was unsustainable. he can't be expected to drive the offense the whole time. asking too much

just want jr back already. it really would've made a difference

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I seriously thought Bargs would spring back to life in this team but now I actually don't think he will, I wouldn't start him next game that's for sure
November has just sprung and people want to over-react. My boy hit me up saying this is one of those games you remember down the line saying we should've won....its the 2nd game of the season jesus :lol:

I don't mind Bargs starting, but there should never be a lineup of Stat and Bargs up front that's for sure.
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November has just sprung and people want to over-react. My boy hit me up saying this is one of those games you remember down the line saying we should've won....its the 2nd game of the season jesus

I don't mind Bargs starting, but there should never be a lineup of Stat and Bargs up front that's for sure.
This. The season isn't even a week old and guns have been drawn in the NBA thread. It's a bit much, even for trolling purposes 
the dual point guard situation to start games would work best for us i think

it's like quick and hard out the gates and allows the team to establish an offensive presence

bargnani can then get into the game with a little more leeway provided by prigioni and felton

son was one big blunder early on and just prevented us from getting the proper footing we needed. he wasn't all to blame, but it impaired us for sure
and i'm not serious about firing woodson, but i do believe this is his last season unless he wins us a championship, which is pretty lofty expectation-wise, but that's all dolan
any knicks fan who really expects us to win a championship needs to be taken off the list

i mean crazier things have happened, but as of now we ain't just ain't there
refs always screw us, we're not nba teacher's pets like so many other players/teams who get favorable calls. that's not even about whining, it's what it actually is

so we just need to roll with the cards we're dealt because we can't control how the refs play us like red headed step kids most of the time

i need a drink
Melo played his *** off last night, found other ways to contribute despite being off.
where is everyone on team knicks and why aren't they posting in this thread?

refs always screw us, we're not nba teacher's pets like so many other players/teams who get favorable calls. that's not even about whining, it's what it actually is

so we just need to roll with the cards we're dealt because we can't control how the refs play us like red headed step kids most of the time

i need a drink

Refs are always going to miss calls and tend to miss more calls for the Knicks(sadly). The Knicks have to stop complaining about all the missed calls and get back on defense.
@stephenasmith: Inaccurate, sir. I said I'm not jumping OFF the bandwagon, but they need to do better.
I hate that we didn't drive to the hoop at all, especially at the end.

I also hate how the refs were calling everything but Tyson's arm is held at the end and no call :smh:
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