NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I hate that we didn't drive to the hoop at all, especially at the end.

I also hate how the refs were calling everything but Tyson's arm is held at the end and no call :smh:

to be honest, tyson wasn't being held at all. i rewound that play more than coach woodson probably ever will and he was trying to make it look like he was being held, but he really just had his arm behind noah making it look that way
Melo is supposed to take the last shot, however he should make it a decent shot. Only positive I can really give them is that they finished strong again. Our 3rd quaters need help but our last 2 4th quaters showed intensity and not just rolling over. The last minute drive where Melo tried to pass to Chandler under the basket was the right play, but WHO was expecting Melo to pass the rock in that situation?! LOL
Melo played his *** off last night, found other ways to contribute despite being off.

I'll definitely give him credit there. He forced a few shots but he showed effort in other areas and actually tried to play defense. Did a great job pressuring the Bulls' big men when they tried to make moves with the ball in there hands.
Melo played his *** off last night, found other ways to contribute despite being off.

I'll definitely give him credit there. He forced a few shots but he showed effort in other areas and actually tried to play defense. Did a great job pressuring the Bulls' big men when they tried to make moves with the ball in there hands.

My biggest beef with Melo was the long turn-around he took down the stretch. I think we were up two, he missed, and then Rose gets the superstar call on the other end.
None of this matters because we aren't even a Playoff team anyways according to Shaq :lol:
kerr last night was pretty insulting as well

something to the effect of "this team would be lucky to reach even the second round of the playoffs"

like how are we not an improved team from last year? and dudes want to downgrade us to some barely 40 win team this year?
Another concern of mine is Tyson. He's playing like a man possessed but the big men behind him are so fragile. Eventually he's gonna hit a wall because there isn't anybody on the bench aside from maybe Kenyon who can provide some defense and Woodson has his weird rotation going on.
kerr last night was pretty insulting as well

something to the effect of "this team would be lucky to reach even the second round of the playoffs"

like how are we not an improved team from last year? and dudes want to downgrade us to some barely 40 win team this year?

Pisses me off every time I hear those idiots talk. It's like everyone forgot this team was the SECOND seed last year and they've only got better but somehow we are lucky to be considered the 5th best team?? I blame this on the hype for them bum *** Nets. Hope they lose every game...
That clear-path no call hurt us the most. Can't blame the refs, Tyson or Melo for the loss. We had our chance to win and Rose hit a Hell of a shot. It was either going to end up amazing or ugly for the Bulls last night. We got the short end of the stick.

80 games left.
thinking of driving around brooklyn to pick some fights with nets fans today

most likely park slope though because i'll get my *** kicked in brownsville
Some game notes:

-We had our chance to win. plenty of missed opportunities (hardaways WIDE open 3, clear path no call, melo iso'ing the last couple of possessions).
-i'm keeping bargs in the lineup. i still believe in him.
-i dont want amare playing anymore. i love him ****** but we cant afford his 3 post moves in exchange for 5 fouls and 3 turnovers.
-i felt beno shoulda got playing time. he can run the team a bit better than prigs
-i guess we really do NEED jr smith
Kerr was definitely chewing us up but we gotta be realistic. We improved this year, but so did Indy, Brooklyn, and Chicago.

I'm a fan, but we needed to take advantage of a rusty D. Rose. We shoulda got that win with or without JR.

Why wasn't Iman guarding Rose for that last possession? :smh:
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I dont have much patience left for Woodson and his lack of creativity offensively, honestly.
Pretty much this. Our offense is so hodgepodge its not even funny. It works for a while but eventually the players go cold and that's when everyone starts to look lost.

Anyways, I'm glad we fought hard but not surprised at the outcome. Don't know what it is about the Knicks but it seems to have become a regular thing to lose in this fashion. After Tyson missed that first FT the writing was on the wall. Looking at our team I feel like we have a lot of great pieces. Just don't know if Woody is the guy to put it together. He'll get a lot out of each piece, but he won't make us greater than the sum of our whole.
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