NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
talking to my coworker today... hypothetically speaking

Cavs send the #1 pick, Kyrie, and Bennett to the Wolves

Wolves send Rubio and Love to the Cavs

Lebron signs back with Cleveland

A) if you were the Cavs would you do it?
B) if you were the Wolves would you do it?

we claim win/win for ALL parties including Bron
talking to my coworker today... hypothetically speaking

Cavs send the #1 pick, Kyrie, and Bennett to the Wolves

Wolves send Rubio and Love to the Cavs

Lebron signs back with Cleveland

A) if you were the Cavs would you do it?
B) if you were the Wolves would you do it?

we claim win/win for ALL parties including Bron
Why would Lebron go back to Cleveland with no Kyrie or #1 pick??
talking to my coworker today... hypothetically speaking

Cavs send the #1 pick, Kyrie, and Bennett to the Wolves

Wolves send Rubio and Love to the Cavs

Lebron signs back with Cleveland

A) if you were the Cavs would you do it?
B) if you were the Wolves would you do it?

we claim win/win for ALL parties including Bron
Why would Lebron go back to Cleveland with no Kyrie or #1 pick??

Rubio/Love/Lebron/Deng/Varijeao :x
Why would Lebron go back to Cleveland with no Kyrie or #1 pick??
Not saying it would happen but probably because Rubio is better than Kyrie and Love is better than a #1 pick. The passing on that team would be ridiculous they would just need some outside shooters
Isn't Deng a FA?

Love is better than a #1 i'll agree to that because you know what you will get from Love and a #1 is unproven...

Kyrie > Rubio

not even close imo...
Kyrie is the most overrated player in the nba. Bron would be better off with Rubio.

Random thought that popped in my head thinking about that Melo meeting with Phil/Fisher/Mills. Is there any chance that Mills says anything in that meeting besides hello and goodbye?

Like I feel Mills is simply there to be Dolan's watchdog and Phil/Fisher **** with him like George Clooney and Brad Pitt do to Matt Damon in Oceans 12.

Like I honestly feel that dinner could have went down something like this scene in Oceans 12:

Kyrie is overrated? What? Lol
I went on a classic GR8 rant to my boys about this earlier in the year when I said that Kyrie wasnt a top 10 PG. They all thought I was nuts but I ended up winning them all over.

To save yall and me the effort. The dude is talented but he just really doesnt make his teamates better, which is the primary responsibility of any point guard.

Just look at what great point guards like Kyle Lowry and Goran Dragic were able to do with rosters arguably less talented than Cleveland's, on teams that had lower expectations than Cleveland. It makes all the difference. Which is why, more than anything, I think the Knicks lack of point guard production crushed us this year.

Last year we had tons of ball movement spearheaded by a 2 PG attack with a rejuvinated Felton and Kidd. Woody didnt change anything up. I mean losing te locker room leadership hurt us a little but it was point guard play that did us in because we were reliant on it like most NBA teams are nowadays.

This year we lost Kidd, and Felton reverted back to being fat and sucky like he was in Portland, and the team around them just crumbled. Most NBA systems nowadays are overly reliant on point guards to facilitate the ball movement for the entire team. This, more than anything, is why I like the idea of Phil and the triangle here because we dont necessarily need to go out and get a great point guard now to be successful. The triangle as a system facilitates team ball movement and can plug the point guard in to the system as just another role player. Which is good, because we aint getting an elite pg anytime soon.

On another note I actually cant stop watching that Oceans 12 scene and imagining it go down like that at the Melo dinner.

With Phil as Clooney, Fisher as Brad Pitt, Melo as the fat dude theyre meeting with, and Steve Mills as Matt Damon
Being Greek, I was hyped when we picked him. Then I realize he couldn't come into the league for like two years. Lost track. Has he made his nba debut?

Any recent rumors on Phil making a serious move for a draft pick.
I want some oxtail now

And idk who the hell told Bronson its ok for him to try to crowd surf. Gonna get someone killed.
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