NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The wedding is August 9th. I need to either buy and tailor a suit by then. I'm slacking.:Lol

I'm torn because I don't really want to wear a plain black suit (which is what I have currently). I want something a little more casual.
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my ideal free agency signing which is a dream obviously would be to sign rondo and love both to max deals and thats with melo staying this summer... the backup plan is to sign 1 max player next summer and use the rest on durant... but thats if durant is leaving and if we get a player through trade whos contract is more than 1 year like david lee...and if its definite melo is leaving we might have to consider that trade to get a sf in barnes but parsons would be a better pickup
parsons would be a nice pickup, but hes gonna be a restricted FA. the only way i think we get parsons is if the rockets somehow sign melo. if anything it may be a sign and trade. a sign and trade for parsons, asik, and beverly would be the best trade if melo ends up in houston.
if they do make the trade for lee/barnes for chandler/felton, i think thatll be a huge upgrade for 3 reasons.

1) we'll actually have a big man that can grab 10+ rebounds a game AND score more than 8ppg.

2) we get barnes who is a young prospect that can play SF or PF.

3) we get rid of felton and his contract that goes through the 15-16 season.

and even if we do give up some cap space, by having lee an extra year, who do you guys think we would sign? you think marc gasol is gonna be worth max money? i dont even think rondo can command that much. please dont get delusional and think bron is coming to ny.
I agree with this wholeheartedly.

Who do yall think were getting in 2015? Lee is a VERY solid #3 option. Is there really THAT much of a difference of having Lee on the books for 1 more year in 2015 and signing a guy like Marc Gasol to a 4-5 year contract?

Lets say we keep Melo on board... By doing this trade (and getting rid of Felton) we would still have enough cap space to sign Melo a true Robin to his Batman (think Wade to his Lebron) and yes we would be paying Lee alot of money still but they dont make #3 scoring options much better than Lee so its not like that money would definitely be spent better or go to waste. Lee stretches the floor, has great touch around the hoop, fits the system we play (so underrated to alot of yall) and is a terrific rebounder. He would compliment this team perfectly in a Chris Bosh #3 option, honestly I think he is better than Bosh is right now offensively.

Yes Lee's contract is worse but IMO id rather have him on the books for $16 million in 2015 than Felton for his $3 million, because at least Lee would contribute and if we found a solid defensive center to pair him with it would mask his Lee's deficencies on that end like they do with Zach Randolph in Memphis.

Honestly getting Barnes, getting rid of Felton and his deal, and the fact that that trade makes this team better and younger while STILL getting rid of Felton's contract makes the salary cap hit worth it for me. Ive said it over and over again I think if we play our cards only thinking about 2015 we will lose the same way we did in 2010. Im not down to give up young assets or turn down young assets and guys who would help this team out immensely (and is obnly on the books for one season longer) for the sole purpose of 2015... But again, no Felton, no deal.

Also yall are nuts if you think we will get Rondo now. IMO Rondo went out the door as soon as we brought in the triangle. Phil is gonna spend that Rondo money elsewhere and get a PG that is just good enough and fits the system better.
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I AM NOT getting married.
It's a friend's wedding.

Thanks, though.
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Kevin Love plays no D, I'm not too fond of him because of it. Great rebounder, but not necessarily a rim protector.
Anyone catch Pat Riley today and what he said? He basically said "LeBron are you going to be a ***** and run away or you going to have the guts to stay?" :lol:

Dude has so much swagger, wish he never left us man :evil: :smh:

Still tho, **** Pat Riley.
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Congrats @HarlemToTheBronx

Did I miss a convo about tailors? Been looking for a good one not too expensive in the city. @Hank Scorpio

As for the Lee/Barnes trade, I wouldn't be mad at it.

Check a few pages back. There's this awesome tailor who used to be the head tailor at Saks, but he retired and now works out of his own home. Really nice guy and his prices are competitive. He does some amazing work.
Anyone catch Pat Riley today and what he said? He basically said "LeBron are you going to be a ***** and run away or you going to have the guts to stay?" :lol:

Dude has so much swagger, wish he never left us man :evil: :smh:

Still tho, **** Pat Riley.

Yeah that talk was definitely aimed at LeBabe. Pat Riley the Godfather.
If I said it once ive said it 1000x. If Phil wants to mold a player into a triangle aficionado... You take those 2 draft picks and DRAFT KYLE ANDERSON
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