Obama Couldn't Even Qualify for A Secret Service Agent Position...

What does smoking have to do with morals? I wish you guys would come with a better argument as to why Barack shouldn't be President. And would you get overAyers already?
Originally Posted by bns1201

damn i didnt realize that so many NT'ers had stiff necks....yall dudes are straight up lookin to the left. Am i literally the only one that thinks this whole board is devoid of morality and the ability to see that this guy just aint the real deal. And before november 4th comes, i still have to make my decision on who I'm voting for, but you can bet on it that Im not puttin either of the 2 main (obama/mccain) on my ballot.....i feel like this whole board is jumpin on the hypetrain that is, and riding it along with everyone else in this country. But ya'll are just failing to see that morality has clearly been thrown out the window here.
What does smoking weed have to do with morality? I know plenty of people that use drugs on a regular basis that have great morals (at least in myview) and people who have never taken drugs that have no morals. Sorry, I just don't see the connection.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

remember George and Martha Washington smoked marijuana/?

yea, do you remember? gtfooh John Titor. From what i know dude only grew it, but other than that i cant say i REMEMBER him smoking marijuana.
I knew this would happen
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on you and your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedom and human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular time and place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and parliaments have created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?

I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Too add, as a lawyer, I feel pretty strongly that bad laws are enacted all the time. A good portion of my time is spent challenging what my clients view to beunfair, unjustified or otherwise improper laws.
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on you and your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedom and human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular time and place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and parliaments have created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?

I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Exactly what I was thinking while reading this thread.
Chill.....I don't understand people looking so much at needless stuff....Vote for Obama if your beliefs are similar to his, same goes for McCain. They arecompletely different from each other! If you are more conservative you go McCain, if you have more Liberal you vote Obama! its as simple as that!
This thread is terrible. I would go ahead and destroy the straw-men arguments some of you have presented, but I have midterms within the week that I need tofocus on.
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Rexanglorum wrote:

To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on you
and your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedom
and human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular time
and place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and
parliaments have created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?

I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Exactly what I was thinking while reading this thread.

as for not responding yea sorrry, been out for a while. On the topic of illegality and immorality, I think its best to say that immorality is subjective, andimo (in this day and age where morality is completely out the window, as are laws that are "legitimate") I really can't think of a situationwhere breaking a law is not immoral. Like I said, it is my morals, my beliefs, which I have the right and freedom to express. It is my moral belief thatsmoking marijuana, be it 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, is wrong. Being brought up by a man who worked for the United States Customs Service, where anythingof that nature is considered "wrong or immoral", I guess it'd be fair to say that I might be amprobably biased.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by JBug88

and Bush was a coke head....


and did I say anything about bush....dude shouldnt be president either. Personally I cannot stand either candidate, or their VP's...but to allow this dude in to the highest office is ridiculous....i mean is there even a backround check for the damn presidency?

WOW. Do you know how many presidents had drug problems, and how many presidents were in cahoots with some bad people?..get real ock.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Rexanglorum wrote:

To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on you
and your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedom
and human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular time
and place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and
parliaments have created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?

I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Exactly what I was thinking while reading this thread.

as for not responding yea sorrry, been out for a while. On the topic of illegality and immorality, I think its best to say that immorality is subjective, and imo (in this day and age where morality is completely out the window, as are laws that are "legitimate") I really can't think of a situation where breaking a law is not immoral. Like I said, it is my morals, my beliefs, which I have the right and freedom to express. It is my moral belief that smoking marijuana, be it 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, is wrong. Being brought up by a man who worked for the United States Customs Service, where anything of that nature is considered "wrong or immoral", I guess it'd be fair to say that I might be am probably biased.
I am not a marijuana user, but i do not think it is bad. Some of the most succesful people smoke it. In fact, alcohol is far more dangerous thanmarijuana and we serve that in bars and liquor stores. Because alcohol is legal, people don't look at it as "immoral." Also, I don't knowif you know this, but weed looks to becoming legal, already legal some places for medical use.
you know its funny every time something negative is said about Obama someone that supports obama points the finger at Palin, last time i checked PALIN IS NOTRUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY but Obama IS. Regarding the whole drug thing, i mean Bush is a coke head, and I'm sure most politicians are into some shady stuff soits pretty much irrelevant, however 95% of Obama's supporters on this forum are just supporting Obama because they think its the "hip" thing todo. In the event Obama does win, I hope he makes me eat all my words, (he wont) but It will be funny to see the Obama posts after we go into such a deeprecession due to Obama's policies that our kids will feel it as the middle class get taxed to oblivion. Real talk, McCain is the man for the job RIGHT NOW,in 4 more years Obama will be more prepared, and better groomed to become president, and at that point he might very well be the better choice and if he is hewould gladly get my vote, but the way the economy is right now its not time to have a democrat in the white house (I'm a democrat btw)
whoa did someone just make the connection that if something is illegal that must also be immoral.

well although i dont agree with John Locke most of the time, this instance the approach of the greater good can be shown and defended against this statement.Take for example those who housed runaway slaves in the north during those times. Now that was an illegal act punishable by loss of property and/or death. Canyou honestly tell me that housing runaway slaves was immoral?..
^its fine to have an opinion. however, to post biased propaganda without showing both sides is idiotic and you deserve the bashing that you getting in thispost.

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

I really can't think of a situation where breaking a law is not immoral.
And thats why your argument(s) can't be taken seriously.
Seriously. Its not that hard to come up with an example. Let's say your child is seriously injured at home and needs to go to the emergencyroom. You know an ambulance is going to take too long to get to your house. You put the child in your car and proceed to the hospital, but in getting there,you run a stop sign and travel in excess of the speed limit and therefore break the law. That's immoral?
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