Obama Couldn't Even Qualify for A Secret Service Agent Position...

Originally Posted by haiti5

^its fine to have an opinion. however, to post biased propaganda without showing both sides is idiotic and you deserve the bashing that you getting in this post.


guess you havent read everything ive said but w.e, think that i'm close minded @$# does it matter to me....
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Palin wouldnt qualify to be a crossing guard.

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

you know its funny every time something negative is said about Obama someone that supports obama points the finger at Palin, last time i checked PALIN IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY but Obama IS. Regarding the whole drug thing, i mean Bush is a coke head, and I'm sure most politicians are into some shady stuff so its pretty much irrelevant, however 95% of Obama's supporters on this forum are just supporting Obama because they think its the "hip" thing to do. In the event Obama does win, I hope he makes me eat all my words, (he wont) but It will be funny to see the Obama posts after we go into such a deep recession due to Obama's policies that our kids will feel it as the middle class get taxed to oblivion. Real talk, McCain is the man for the job RIGHT NOW, in 4 more years Obama will be more prepared, and better groomed to become president, and at that point he might very well be the better choice and if he is he would gladly get my vote, but the way the economy is right now its not time to have a democrat in the white house (I'm a democrat btw)

Proof? Or are you just assuming this to be true?

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

you know its funny every time something negative is said about Obama someone that supports obama points the finger at Palin, last time i checked PALIN IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY but Obama IS. Regarding the whole drug thing, i mean Bush is a coke head, and I'm sure most politicians are into some shady stuff so its pretty much irrelevant, however 95% of Obama's supporters on this forum are just supporting Obama because they think its the "hip" thing to do. In the event Obama does win, I hope he makes me eat all my words, (he wont) but It will be funny to see the Obama posts after we go into such a deep recession due to Obama's policies that our kids will feel it as the middle class get taxed to oblivion. Real talk, McCain is the man for the job RIGHT NOW, in 4 more years Obama will be more prepared, and better groomed to become president, and at that point he might very well be the better choice and if he is he would gladly get my vote, but the way the economy is right now its not time to have a democrat in the white house (I'm a democrat btw)
I feel ya, OP. I feel ya... I changed my vote to McCain by the way, but not because of this.
I actually learned about the whole Obama terrorsit thing in class. That Guy Bill ayers served on a fund raising committe that Obama was on too.
You can have smoked weed and qualify as an FBI agent. There is like a statue of limitations on it.

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

you know its funny every time something negative is said about Obama someone that supports obama points the finger at Palin, last time i checked PALIN IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY but Obama IS. Regarding the whole drug thing, i mean Bush is a coke head, and I'm sure most politicians are into some shady stuff so its pretty much irrelevant, however 95% of Obama's supporters on this forum are just supporting Obama because they think its the "hip" thing to do. In the event Obama does win, I hope he makes me eat all my words, (he wont) but It will be funny to see the Obama posts after we go into such a deep recession due to Obama's policies that our kids will feel it as the middle class get taxed to oblivion. Real talk, McCain is the man for the job RIGHT NOW, in 4 more years Obama will be more prepared, and better groomed to become president, and at that point he might very well be the better choice and if he is he would gladly get my vote, but the way the economy is right now its not time to have a democrat in the white house (I'm a democrat btw)
1) The reason people bring up Palin is because McCain is a 72 year old man with a history of health problems. It's entirely in the realm ofreason to think that maybe, just maybe, McCain doesn't live through his first term. If elected, McCain will be the oldest person to ever win office(outside of reelection). The average life expectancy of an American male is 76.

2) Obama's supporters are supporting him only because it's the "hip" thing to do? That's one of the worst cop outs I've ever heard.Because he's HIP? Really now? People are supporting him SOLELY because of his hip image. Not because they might share similar views on education, energyreform, health care, foreign policy, and taxation.

There is obviously something behind Obama and his message that is getting young people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed, excited about the election.This is going to be a historic turnout and for some reason, people will be surprised since people in my age bracket don't tend to vote.

3) Obama's tax plan benefits the middle class more so than McCain's. There's this chart that was posted in several other threads that put each planside to side and you could see that for the majority of Americans, Obama's tax plan would help them out a lot more.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Rexanglorum wrote:

To the OP, I am not looking to insult, or belittle you. I am not trying to be like a few of the people in this thread who are just looking to pile on you
and your ideas. I can respect your ideas even if I disagree with them.

I am wondering though how you address the undeniable reality that many laws have flown in the face of justice and the most basic principles of human freedom
and human dignity. We can all agree that laws that have legitimized slavery, for example, were wrong. How can you be so certain that in this particular time
and place that an activity's being illegal makes it immoral? Why do you have so much confidence in legislators today, when past congresses and
parliaments have created laws that we can all agree were, beyond any doubt, unjust?

I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Exactly what I was thinking while reading this thread.

as for not responding yea sorrry, been out for a while. On the topic of illegality and immorality, I think its best to say that immorality is subjective, and imo (in this day and age where morality is completely out the window, as are laws that are "legitimate") I really can't think of a situation where breaking a law is not immoral. Like I said, it is my morals, my beliefs, which I have the right and freedom to express. It is my moral belief that smoking marijuana, be it 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, is wrong. Being brought up by a man who worked for the United States Customs Service, where anything of that nature is considered "wrong or immoral", I guess it'd be fair to say that I might be am probably biased.
That right there, that's why your arguments/accusations are void. Earlier you said you know nothing of marijuana, yet to you it's immoraland harmful. Your biases towards 'all things illegal' don't support your arguments, because you're not looking at the facts disconnected fromyour feelings. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with everything you've said in this thread. As many people have pointed out, there are many moreLEGAL things that are worse for you in every way. There's a reason it's illegal, and a reason it's getting more support for legalization (but thatsa different topic completely).

Obama's use of marijuana 20 years ago have no effect on his present day self. To say "he should not be qualified for the presidency because hedoesn't qualify for the FBI" is wrong, because how many times has he smoked pot? You can be granted entrance to the FBI as long as you've smokedpot LESS than 7 times in your life, and that came straight from an FBI employee's mouth.
lawdog1 wrote:
I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Too add, as a lawyer, I feel pretty strongly that bad laws are enacted all the time. A good portion of my time is spent challenging what my clients view to be unfair, unjustified or otherwise improper laws.

I am flattered that you consider my posts insightful. So in all likelihood, I will be starting law school in the next two or three years and thefact that you challenge laws that can be seen as unjust and unfair laws sounds intriguing and something that I would maybe want to do. What type of law do youpractice where you find yourself challenging bad laws?

I got my BA in Economics and it has really helped me to see how laws can affect standards of living, sometimes even a very small or unremarkable piece oflegislation can contain some set of incentives that can cause a dramatic increase or decrease in quality of life. When viewed in that context, challenging badlaws is almost a civic duty for those who can do so. Aside from constitutional law, what other areas of law allow someone to frequently call the validity oflaws into question?

To the OP,

I respect where you are coming from, especially in light of the fact that you have a parent in law enforcement. I can understand why that culture would requirecompliance and respect for the law in all but the most extreme cases and therefore you give a law the benefit of the doubt. I do disagree but you are no moreguilty of having biased (despite many NTers misusing the term, bias is only bad if it is inserted in what is supposed to be a neutral assessment of something)views than anyone else. I, for instance, have my own background and ideas to which I have been exposed a great deal and in my cultural universe, the onus is ona new law, especially a law that takes away some sort of individual liberty, to prove itself as something that improve quality of life and is worth following.

Obviously, we need certain laws to protect people from force, fraud and a few other harms that can be inflicted on them by others. Governments are entrustedwith the power to legitimately use force and coercion, they have a monopoly on it because that is seen as better than a system where there is permanent powervacuum. This monopoly of force has potential to be abused and laws should be limited to protecting people's natural rights and laws that fail to do this,like bans on drugs, should be subject to this popular veto. If a law is already widely broken, no one is harmed by its being broken and if its actually beinguniversally enforced would cause a great deal of unhappiness among the community, that law is probably should not be a law that is enforced by the state'smonopoly of force. In fact, a bad law like the bans on drugs, hurt the whole idea of law and order because all laws are taken less seriously when many peoplefrequently are breaking the bad laws.
After a rough skim of the thread with an insightful title, it looks like

- bns doesn't like the Obama ticket
- bns doesn't like the McCain ticket

So who are you voting for???
It's not a decision of who you like more.

It's a decision of who is better, in comparison to the other, to run this country.

The lesser of the two evils.

So tell me, who is better? Obama and Biden or McCain and Palin.

Keep in mind that statistically, there is a 1 in 3 chance, if not more, that McCain does not survive in his first term, meaning Sarah Palin would be runningour country.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

lawdog1 wrote:
I can't help but notice that the OP has not responded to any of your three very insightful posts in this thread. I think that says something.

Too add, as a lawyer, I feel pretty strongly that bad laws are enacted all the time. A good portion of my time is spent challenging what my clients view to be unfair, unjustified or otherwise improper laws.
I am flattered that you consider my posts insightful. So in all likelihood, I will be starting law school in the next two or three years and the fact that you challenge laws that can be seen as unjust and unfair laws sounds intriguing and something that I would maybe want to do. What type of law do you practice where you find yourself challenging bad laws?

I got my BA in Economics and it has really helped me to see how laws can affect standards of living, sometimes even a very small or unremarkable piece of legislation can contain some set of incentives that can cause a dramatic increase or decrease in quality of life. When viewed in that context, challenging bad laws is almost a civic duty for those who can do so. Aside from constitutional law, what other areas of law allow someone to frequently call the validity of laws into question?

To the OP,

I respect where you are coming from, especially in light of the fact that you have a parent in law enforcement. I can understand why that culture would require compliance and respect for the law in all but the most extreme cases and therefore you give a law the benefit of the doubt. I do disagree but you are no more guilty of having biased (despite many NTers misusing the term, bias is only bad if it is inserted in what is supposed to be a neutral assessment of something) views than anyone else. I, for instance, have my own background and ideas to which I have been exposed a great deal and in my cultural universe, the onus is on a new law, especially a law that takes away some sort of individual liberty, to prove itself as something that improve quality of life and is worth following.

Obviously, we need certain laws to protect people from force, fraud and a few other harms that can be inflicted on them by others. Governments are entrusted with the power to legitimately use force and coercion, they have a monopoly on it because that is seen as better than a system where there is permanent power vacuum. This monopoly of force has potential to be abused and laws should be limited to protecting people's natural rights and laws that fail to do this, like bans on drugs, should be subject to this popular veto. If a law is already widely broken, no one is harmed by its being broken and if its actually being universally enforced would cause a great deal of unhappiness among the community, that law is probably should not be a law that is enforced by the state's monopoly of force. In fact, a bad law like the bans on drugs marijuana, hurt the whole idea of law and order because all laws are taken less seriously when many people frequently are breaking the bad laws.

I started off highlighting the really good points in your post and I damn near highlighted the whole thing.

I never was a fan of your style of language or all your ideas but I agree for the most.

Tell me though Rexanglorum , do you really believe that the ban of ALL drugs is bad? I'm afraid I might be puttingwords in your mouth and jumping to huge conclusions. If you do, why?

This personally is something I have a very strong opinion about. I feel this is the root argument that people are missing in this War on Drugs debate. Peoplesimply are not educated enough on drugs. Some drugs are VERY dangerous to say the least and have VERY real consequences. Whenever people say things like"all drugs should be legal" (not saying you did), I feel it lumps vastly different drugs in the same category.

I think if Americans (especially kids) where properly educated on drugs and the real things they do to you, they wouldn't need propaganda to scare kids offthe drugs. Honestly, helping at a Planned Parenthood has gotten me more about drug prevention than promotion for the drugs I do like. I can truthfully say thatthis propaganda machine has really hurt our country in people's perception of drugs. If all drugs = bad. And marijuana is one of those "bad"drugs, how does that play into people's mind when left and right citizens are hearing about marijuana not being that harmful. Or even worst, people areseeing lifelong marijuana users get along just find. How do they perceive other drugs now? This is especially true for our younger citizens.

I cannot stress enough how quickly and drastically a lot of drugs can completely 100% ruin your life. It honestly scares me whenever people equate marijuanawith cocaine, meth, or even your legal opiates. .

One last word, I have tons of powerpoint slides, with very detailed information about drugs. It's from a book called Uppers, Downers, & all Arounderswhich is used in a class at my university. I won't have chapters abouts hallucinegens (including marijuana) until a week from now but I have pretty mucheveryother drug. If anyone is interested just pm me...and dont' worry folks, I didn't make this powerpoint so it won't be biased
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