OBAMA lied about ending the War in Iraq to get elected

Mar 31, 2005
After today's news... it's evident this man spoke nothing but lies during his campaign to get people like myself to vote for him.

[h1]Obama announces end of Iraq combat mission[/h1] [h2]President says 'highest priority' will be security of troops and civilians[/h2]

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Friday declared that the United States would end its bloody and costly combat mission in Iraq by late summer of 2010 - but a dramatic force reduction was not expected until after Iraq's elections at the end of this year.
"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," he said in a speech at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune, N.C. "As we carry out this drawdown, my highest priority will be the safety and security of our troops and civilians in Iraq."

Even with the end of the combat mission, which would come three months later than Obama pledged during his presidential campaign, a force numbering between 35,000 to 50,000 American forces will stay behind in non-combat roles(yeah RIGHT!!!), with the final troops not slated to leave until Dec. 31, 2011.

Obama's decision to leave a sizable force was welcomed by some congressional Republicans, including former presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, while some Democrats were concerned too many troops would remain in Iraq.

"I am cautiously optimistic that the plan as laid out by the president can lead to success," McCain said Friday on the Senate floor.

The pace of the withdrawal will be guided by the needs of Gen. Raymond Odierno, the top commander in Iraq, administration sources said. They said Odierno felt it was important to keep an adequate combat force in Iraq at least until national elections this December.

One official said Odierno wants a "substantial force on the ground in Iraq to ensure that the elections come off." Another official said Odierno wanted flexibility around the elections. "The president found that very compelling," the official said.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers in a briefing Thursday that ground commanders in Iraq believe the plan poses only a moderate risk to security, McCain said.

There were no assurances that the residual force would not be pulled into battle should Sunni Muslim insurgent holdouts or disaffected Shiite Muslims resume wide-scale fighting.

Obama's announcement did not specify the rate of withdrawal either before or after those elections are held. During the campaign, Obama had said it would be roughly one combat brigade per month over 16 months.

Depending on the number of forces left behind, the military will have withdrawn between 92,000 and 107,000 American fighting personnel from Iraq nearly 7 1/2 years after the United States invaded and toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein.

According to an AP count as of Thursday, at least 4,251 members of the U.S. military have died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003. Total Iraqi deaths are unknown but number in the tens of thousands and are perhaps above 100,000.

Remaining troops' threefold mission
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Iraq pullout plan
Feb. 27: TODAY's Ann Curry talks to David Gregory, moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," about President Obama's plan.

Today show
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[/td] [/tr][/table]Obama said the U.S. force that remains after the combat mission is closed out will have a threefold mission:
  • To train, equip and advise Iraq forces;
  • To offer force protection for both U.S. military and civilian operations that will continue in the country;
  • To engage in targeted counterterrorism missions either alone or in conjunction with Iraqi troops.
Senior administration officials said the plan was drawn up after a month of consultations with Gates, Mullen, Odierno and the military service chiefs.

Obama has settled on a 19-month drawdown. He had promised the faster pace of 16 months during his campaign but also said he would confer with military commanders on a responsible exit.

17,000 more troops for Afghanistan
In the meantime, Obama has ordered the dispatch of 17,000 more American forces to Afghanistan, to fight resurgent Taliban insurgents. As U.S. troops leave Iraq, that would free even more forces for deployment in Afghanistan.

The president and his advisers decided on the Aug. 31, 2010, date for ending the combat mission, the officials said, based on estimates that the threat in Iraq would be acceptable by then. There has been great concern about a new eruption of violence that could tip the country back into the horrendous brutality that swept through it in the last half of 2006 through the late summer of 2007.

Obama and his national security team briefed congressional leaders on the plan Thursday evening. Before the meeting, Democratic congressional leaders - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - both questioned the need for residual forces as large as 50,000.


"I am happy to listen to the secretary of defense and the president," Reid said. "But when they talk about 50,000, that's a little higher number than I had anticipated."

Boehner skeptical, McCain supportive
Some Republican lawmakers were skeptical for a different reason. They were concerned that troops might be pulled out too fast and security gains sacrificed.

"While it may have sounded good during the campaign, I do think it's important that we listen to those commanders and our diplomats who are there to understand how fragile the situation is," said House Republican leader John Boehner.

Let me just quote everything he has said or done about ending the war in Iraq previously...
"I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war."
A quote from Barack Obama's speech at an anti-Iraq war rally in Chicago, October 26, 2002."I intend to end this war," he said then.

Nov. 16.2003 Obama tells Chicago community activists that he would have voted against the $87 billion package, explaining, "At a certain point, we have to say no to George Bush." See video here.

April 26.2007 Obama vote in favor of bill to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq within one year. The measure is promptly vetoed by President Bush.
On January 30, 2007, then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama introduced the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 (S. 433). The plan would have stopped the 2007 U.S. Troop Surge of 21,500 in Iraq, and would also have begun a phased redeployment of troops from Iraq with the goal of removing all combat forces by March 31, 2008. The bill was referred to committee and failed to become law in the 110th Congress.
"I am running for president because it's time to turn the page of a failed ideology ... so that we can make pragmatic judgments to keep our country safe," he said. "That's what I did when I stood up and opposed this war from the start."
"My first day in office I will bring the Joint Chiefs of Staff in, and I will give them a new mission, and that is to end this war - responsibly, deliberately, but decisively."
This war distracts us from every threat that we face and so many opportunities we could seize. This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and the resources that we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century. By any measure, our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for keeping America safe.

I am done supporting this man. Seriously what CHANGE? 35k to 50k troops to remain in Iraq, that's his policy on ending the war in Iraq? Give me a break. Obviously this man is continuing the US Govt use of a military force to control the oil resources in the middle east.

Obama bashing button is turned on.
You werent that naive to think that him or mccain could keep their words once they got into office? Some things they'll be able to do and some others theywont, its politics
I guarantee they will come home earlier than if McCain was president. He would probably be starting a war with Iran right now.

No matter what you say, Obama was the best candidate.
Originally Posted by socluis90

So you want him to get everyone out at once asap?
No but 2011? Come on now. That's 3 years from now. What is that another? 600 Billion spent in Iraq? I mean after all the crap he talkedabout how Bush and his failed policies in Iraq, Obama is just continuing Bush's policies.
2012 is when the earth loses power all over due to the sun-ray blast

which is going to cause major melt downs in citys & Country's all over the world ....

To which is our time to strike & get back for all the hard times , no food , deaths , that we been eating up since day one

Get Ready
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by socluis90

So you want him to get everyone out at once asap?
No but 2011? Come on now. That's 3 years from now. What is that another? 600 Billion spent in Iraq? I mean after all the crap he talked about how Bush and his failed policies in Iraq, Obama is just continuing Bush's policies.
Welcome to the wonderful world of politics
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by socluis90

So you want him to get everyone out at once asap?
No but 2011? Come on now. That's 3 years from now. What is that another? 600 Billion spent in Iraq? I mean after all the crap he talked about how Bush and his failed policies in Iraq, Obama is just continuing Bush's policies.
Only 50k of the 150k will stay after August 1 2010. You can't just pull everyone out at once. The MAJORITY of the troops will be out of Iraqin a year and a half.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Obama won because he was clearly the best candidate and is already showing he will be a much better president than Bush. Go post this nonsense on the Hannity forums.

SunDoobie was definitely an Obama supporter during the election, this isn't some adamant Republican throwing salt just cause. I think he had to adjust hiscampaign rhetoric to meet "conditions on the ground." I'm disappointed too, but I'm not surprised.
Don't get me wrong, Obama was a better candidate than McCain but dude just contradicted everything he said in his campaign about ending the war in Iraq.
you can't just stop a war in the first year of a presidency.

It took five years since promised to get out of vietnam

Welcome to the wonderful world of politics

That's why you can't trust politicians. I voted for Obama too but your kidding yourself if you think any candidate isn't going tostretch the truth or lie to get votes. Some of you got so hyped up about a democrat and first black president and you went ahead and drank the kool-aid. Ifyou take everything a politician says to heart your going to be disappointed pretty often.
Originally Posted by vctry20

you can't just stop a war in the first year of a presidency.

It took five years since promised to get out of vietnam

Exactly. If you really thought this war would end as soon as Obama got into office I feel sorry for you. There is no way you can SAFELY end a war so quicklyinto a presidency.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore

2012 is when the earth loses power all over due to the sun-ray blast

which is going to cause major melt downs in citys & Country's all over the world ....

To which is our time to strike & get back for all the hard times , no food , deaths , that we been eating up since day one

Get Ready
This surprises anyone?


Politicians lie, stretch the truth, whatever, to get elected, and then rarely follow through on campaign promises.

He told people what they wanted to hear about the war, about jobs, about everything, and they ate it up.
hmm....begin a former marine ...that whats expected ....some troops will be left behind for a bit to clean up some mess and make sure stuff dont pop off again....won't be surprise if a fulltime military duty station stays there ....if u look back ..US military present in every countries that we invaded before
I was not really a supporter of either candidate, but this issue was one that ended up getting offset by the economic situation..perhaps fortunately for Obama.I think that he offers a lot of promise to our country, but there is no way he can follow through on I a majority of his pre-election promises. You would beignorant to think otherwise. Did he know this prior to being elected? Of course. I think both candidates would have taken a very similar path to troopwithdrawal in Iraq. The difference is McCain made the 'mistake' of telling us, and Obama did not.
cry me a river

were eventually gonna set up a base in Iraq, just like we have in California, North Carolina, New Orleans, and Japan.

theres gonna be troops in Iraq FOREVER.

stop complaining, you thought Obama was some Pure politician that could change the world by himself, well you were wrong.

Anyone smart knows that bringing the troops home wasnt gonna be a 1 year ordeal. Obviously you've never studied much history.

A country takes years and years to be established, Iraq is starting from scratch. We took 200 yrs to get thus far and we still dont have everything right.
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