offical 10/14/08 thread

oohh snap that %#! really is on google skeptical....but..what if...

if it did happen it would be the single most important even in human history...
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

oohh snap that %#! really is on google skeptical....but..what if...

if it did happen it would be the single most important even in human history...

they been here times before just that if eveybody can see it then

the more the gov't lies to us makes you wonder they can hidden anything

they said the gov't knows of over 50 diff type of

i wouldnt doubt it now aint like it bad then the stuff they did to us
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

What time is this suppose to occur Tues? I have Astronomy at 4 on Tuesday. Not sure if I'm going to start my homework then.

I think this lady just watched Independence Day one too many times, I mean sure its been on TV like 10 times within the last two weeks.

If I'm not mistaken, I think I read that she predicted (well, not predicted...telepathically was contacted from an alien
and was made aware of this upcoming occurrence
) this in like August...but it's just now making the rounds. I readshe's a respected medium and has nothing to gain from this for putting herself out there like that.

Hypothetically...If this !%$+ was to mouth would be the floor
all i know if something goes down for real that day....................

NT gon be funny as hell.
Ok so this alien craft which is supposedly coming is it going to hover all countries or just the US?
i seriously don't know what's worse, the info and speculation in this thread, or the fact that I keep coming back looking for updates.
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