Offical Manny Pacquiao VS Ricky Hatton May 2nd 9pmET/6pmPT HBO PPV

I will not quote anymore, too many quotes in this thread is giving me a headache. Both JMM vs Pacman fights couldve went EITHER way. The first fight was adraw, the second couldve been a draw as well, but I believe it was close enough fight where the judges looked for something to give the decision to eitherfighter, and I believe it was the early Knockdown. I dont know, but I believe that was the way Pacman got the slight split decision victory in the 2nd fight.Knockdowns score heavy on cards, so that was probably the reason.

Marquez fanbase is completely out of anyone hands. Is he underrated? Yes. Can you do anything about that? NO. So, your going to have to deal with it.

Anyone who watches sports knows that bandwagon fans will be there, and to argue against them is just a complete waste of time.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

When did Manny ever change his character?

Not going to explain this again.

As for this clown "kneehighballer" or w/e. You seem like you're bored with life or something or easily amused. Going "haha" everytimeyou type something, seek help kid.

Oh and Sriracha, we can agree to disagree on the Marquez Pacman thing. I feel like Marquez won the 2nd bout, you don't. W/e....

I do agree however that Sriracha hot sauce is some tasty stuff....
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Nermindee

dont get the "truth" mixed up with actual motive and perception of what he is talking about... he is clearly trying to belittle what manny has accomplished, its alright you can join the hate wagon along with him. The more you guys hate, the more mannys destruction of hatton gets even better.
u gotta be dumb as well

where have I belittled pacman?
show me ...
go in the boxing thread and show me... anywhere
u just typin to type and be seen.

now, tell me where my statement about Pacman not being an all time great welterweight is false or "hate" as u ignorant people choose to say when u have no basis or facts to refute what is being said to u
Don't even bother with this %$#!!...I swear, some of these dudes been extra gassed lately talking big...anything seen as a "slight"to Manny is "hating" now...

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

PS. The boxing world should be thankful. Stuff like this will bring boxing's popularity upp
Thankful for what, though?...A lot of these fanboys only know about Manny and that's it.

I respect the sense of nationalism and all that but you're talking out of your @@%. Stick to camping out for Yeezys my dude.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Nermindee

dont get the "truth" mixed up with actual motive and perception of what he is talking about... he is clearly trying to belittle what manny has accomplished, its alright you can join the hate wagon along with him. The more you guys hate, the more mannys destruction of hatton gets even better.
u gotta be dumb as well

where have I belittled pacman?
show me ...
go in the boxing thread and show me... anywhere
u just typin to type and be seen.

now, tell me where my statement about Pacman not being an all time great welterweight is false or "hate" as u ignorant people choose to say when u have no basis or facts to refute what is being said to u
Don't even bother with this %$#!!...I swear, some of these dudes been extra gassed lately talking big...anything seen as a "slight" to Manny is "hating" now...

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

PS. The boxing world should be thankful. Stuff like this will bring boxing's popularity upp
Thankful for what, though?...A lot of these fanboys only know about Manny and that's it.

I respect the sense of nationalism and all that but you're talking out of your @@%. Stick to camping out for Yeezys my dude.

Co-Sign on all that Ill...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

When did Manny ever change his character?

Not going to explain this again.

As for this clown "kneehighballer" or w/e. You seem like you're bored with life or something or easily amused. Going "haha" everytime you type something, seek help kid.
Seriously...I wanna know where u saw a change in Manny's character.
Oh and Sriracha, we can agree to disagree on the Marquez Pacman thing. I feel like Marquez won the 2nd bout, you don't. W/e....

I do agree however that Sriracha hot sauce is some tasty stuff....
Originally Posted by kicks4days

Ive heard this two times already. It was the 10th round

yoo my fault, pacquiao took de la hoya in 7.

last fight pac predicted that he would take de la hoya in 7, and roach predicted this current fight would end within the 3rd round, both predictions came truewhich is prolly why 7th round stuck in my head. regardless 10th or 7th round, my argument is still valid, prolly even more so.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

When did Manny ever change his character?

Not going to explain this again.

As for this clown "kneehighballer" or w/e. You seem like you're bored with life or something or easily amused. Going "haha" everytime you type something, seek help kid.

Oh and Sriracha, we can agree to disagree on the Marquez Pacman thing. I feel like Marquez won the 2nd bout, you don't. W/e....

I do agree however that Sriracha hot sauce is some tasty stuff....
Seriously...I wanna know where u saw a change in Manny's character.
Then reread my posts, not going to state this over and over again.
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

people need to give respect where respect is due and manny deserves respect.

ok mayweather beat hatten in 7, because he fights defensive and is a counter puncher

manny beats hatten in 2, because he goes for heads

when mayweather and manny faceoff, its going to be a good is not going to be lopsided...give respect where respect is due

mayweather is going to bring his game, manny is going to bring his game, its going to be a great fight.

on a lighter i the only one that thinks hatton's wife can get it. anyone else catch HBO 24/7. she carries herself like she a freak. talkin about "her thong" and "sucking toes"....
iono fam she can get it




she knows she's bad

@ Hatton though
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Laced Up Jordans wrote:

HighRep87 wrote:

SneakerHeathen wrote:

When Pacquiao gets back to his hotel room....

& He finally looks at himself in the mirror....

He'll probably be seeing a few Pacquaios....


There will always and forever be only one Ricky Hatton, the man who will do what Marquez did...

Beat Paquaio....

The catch?

This time someones going to get credit for beating that hype machine.

Hatton in 7.


Manny is now OFFICIALLY a National Hero in the Philippines. Hell, he could be elected to President right now if he wanted to

He's planning to seek a political career in the Philippines after he retires fromboxing.

I heard the people of the phillipines do not want him to get in politics right now, because it will take away his boxing.

I'm as big a Manny fan with as much pride as the next Filipino-American, but he should NOT be involved in politics in any way at any point in his life.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

I'm as big a Manny fan with as much pride as the next Filipino-American, but he should NOT be involved in politics in any way at any point in his life.

Why is that? If Ahhh-nold can become gov of california why cant Manny become a politician?
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

people need to give respect where respect is due and manny deserves respect.

ok mayweather beat hatten in 7, because he fights defensive and is a counter puncher

manny beats hatten in 2, because he goes for heads

when mayweather and manny faceoff, its going to be a good is not going to be lopsided...give respect where respect is due

mayweather is going to bring his game, manny is going to bring his game, its going to be a great fight.

on a lighter i the only one that thinks hatton's wife can get it. anyone else catch HBO 24/7. she carries herself like she a freak. talkin about "her thong" and "sucking toes"....
iono fam she can get it




she knows she's bad

@ Hatton though

damn ricky... just retire, you get to go home to her
Why do you make it seem like it's wrong to like Manny because of his recent success? You act as though if you didn't know the guy before he was famous,you're not allowed to be a fan. It's not that serious, it's called being a casual fan. Don't be mad because we're not boxing experts likeyou claim to be. We just have a feeling of national pride (for us Filipinos), we like the guy cause he's been dominant his past few fights, and we like theguy cause of the people he beat.

I honestly do not follow boxing almost at all besides watching Manny and don't think I, along with other casual boxing fans who support him, should be madat just cause we jumped on the bandwagon. It's not like you can blame us.

On a side note:

Ricky Hatton looks like Seamus Finnigan from Harry Potter when he grows up.

Originally Posted by So Slickening

Why do you make it seem like it's wrong to like Manny because of his recent success? You act as though if you didn't know the guy before he was famous, you're not allowed to be a fan. It's not that serious, it's called being a casual fan. Don't be mad because we're not boxing experts like you claim to be. We just have a feeling of national pride (for us Filipinos), we like the guy cause he's been dominant his past few fights, and we like the guy cause of the people he beat.

I honestly do not follow boxing almost at all besides watching Manny and don't think I, along with other casual boxing fans who support him, should be mad at just cause we jumped on the bandwagon. It's not like you can blame us.

You're wasting your time. Everything you've said is null and void. Why?

"we like the guy because he's been dominant his past few fights"...

Past few? He's been dominant for nearly a decade...

As for the whole filipino thing, not mad at that. Good for you guys. Its not that I'm angered at. Its overzealous fans making outrageous claims. Thengetting all bent out of proportion when someone posts a differing opinion on the man.
Celebrity Tweets during the Pacquiao fight..... lol @ Steve Nash

[h3]Celebrity Tweets on Pacquiao-HattonFight (Updated)[/h3]
There probably are more, but these are what I've found on Twitter so far. In chronological order:

Jalen Rose
: @james_frinzi this will be toe to mk sure u don't miss the intros!...I'm taking Pacquiao...

Russell Brand: Ok. Sat next to @iamdiddy at the Hatton fight. It's an undercard bout andone of the boxers and Diddy just winked at each other. He's down.

Sean P. Diddy Combs: At fight with my new best friend @rustyrockets!!! The energy is at an alltimehigh!!! Wish yall were here!!! Let's go!!!!

Russell Brand: This place is alive with Hatton fans- a mighty English army- there is chanting Iam going to encounter pressure to join in.

Mariah Carey:
This is quite violent..

Russell Brand:
Ok. Now Jay Z has turned up and the fella @iamdiddy was winking at DURING THE FIGHT has won. Hatton next. This is an unusual situation.

Jason Richardson: Who u got Pacquiao or Hatton? I'm going with the homie Pac

P. Diddy Combs:
Who's gonna win the fight???? Pac man or Hatton??????

Travis Barker:
PAC MAN IS PUNISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D A M N !!!!!

Russell Simmons: Lots of people here 2 knockdowns wowowowo. This is a fight

Mariah Carey: Woah

Mariah Carey:
"I can't even know what to say"

Brian Viloria: He is out! Manny Pacquiao wins!!

J.E. Skeets: Pac!

Nazr Mohammed: Oh my goodness. Hatton just got knocked out cold. Hope he's ok. Crazy!!!!!Didn't even put his hands down 2 break his fall. Damn!!!!

Jason Richardson: Told u so?

Mariah Carey: Unbelieveable.

Lamar Odom: That was a quick fight.

Sean Combs: Now that's a !!@+@* knockout!!!!! Damn!!!!

Brian Viloria: Brits are shocked...almost to tears...Filipinos really excited...

Russell Brand: I don't think I'll attend boxing again- it makes me feel a bit sad.Endless love to dear Ricky, he's a beautiful bloke.

Kristie Lou Stout: "Unbelievable. Manny just destroyed him." Manny Pacquiao defeats RickyHatton in 2nd round TKO in Vegas: #news

The Fat Boys: Pacqiao wins by KO in 2 seconds? That fight was shorter than Candyman's careerLMFAO

Andy Roddick
: pacquaio is nasty.... fun to watch

Bobby Phats: Did Hatton ever wake up??? That dude probably needs reconstructive chin surgery.Damn!

Bobby Phats
: Word is...Ricky Hatton's camp just called the police on Pacquiao. They said that wasn't no damn was assault!! #pacquiao

HappySlip: Lost my voice after 2 rounds of yelling for Pacquiao!! Congrats to the Pacman!!!

Jessica Hardy
: Pissed paquio won. Hatton hatton!!!

Bobby Phats
: LOL I just keep watching this Hatton knockout over and over. That %%%* was brutal. Now, Mayweather needs to beat Marquez and it's on!!!

Brian Viloria: At the Pacquiao after party! Manny singing right now on stage...

In addition...

Steve Nash: Pacquiao is the best on the planet. Can we please have Floyd Mayweather Jr vPacquiao?!

Steve Nash: Big love to all my Filipinos for the AMAZING PACMAN! Love how u support him. Iwanna be an honorary Filipino! How do I earn my stripes?
Originally Posted by bright nikes

@ russell brand

@ steve nash

definition of hater...hater b's marry hater n's and have hater kids...iono if you a hater b or a hater kid.
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