Offical Manny Pacquiao VS Ricky Hatton May 2nd 9pmET/6pmPT HBO PPV

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Damn, as hard as he was getting hit, his face certainly doesn't show it. @#+ dude don't even look like he was knocked out cold, look like he was thewinner.
The pics actually from today.

I guess the best way to get over a knockout is to chill poolside.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

As far as this talk about Floyd Mayweather goes, I personally would love to see Mayweather get his brains beat in by Pacquiao. Mayweather is an arrogant *$*#$@! that acts as if he's the greatest fighter that ever lived. I have to respect Mayweather's fighting ability, but personally he's a prick and I'd love to see Pac make an example out of Floyd.
Damn Ricky it's like that? What part of the game is that
? I ain't mad at ya tho Rick do ya thang

Btw is that The new pool at MGM?
we need pics of the GF asap haha
I think that Manny is evolving. When he first showed up in America he was just a brawler. Then the past few fights showed a different style for each fight.First it was the right jab followed by the left cross rinse and repeat. Then it was the double right jab with the straight left. Then it changed into thestraight left lead sidestep right. Now it is the right hook from the southpaw stance. This is just phenomenal. Most fighters have a set style. Manny is notshowing any. The only thing consistent with him is the speed and power. He showed he has knock out power with his right now too. So I truly do want to see himand Mayweather square off. Just to see what new strategy Roach and Manny will come up with. Marquez will be a great fight as well but this new Manny I think ismuch smarter than the one that Marquez fought.
Good thing ricks okay. Id be chillen 2 making 12 mil.

Manny is Major now...good thing he has his two feet on the ground.
These are the facts :

1. Manny beat Marquez in the past 2 fights having a draw in the first fight (which was erroneously scored in favor of JMM) and a win in the 2nd fight becauseof the knockdown and the INTANGIBLE that judges look at, which was who was the aggressor in the fight and made the fight a fight in the first place. Idon't think he has anything more to prove with JMM as JMM will only be as good as what Manny brings him since he is more of a defender and counter puncherso you have to bring something to him before he can bring anything to you. When Manny fights JMM, Manny ALWAYS dictates the fight and having said that, JMMshould have taken the opportunity to CONVINCINGLY win against him, which he has also not been able to do. Why fight a 3rd time?? there is really no point indoing so

2. Manny has fought in like 4 weight classes in his last 4 fights and has DOMINATED each and every fight, I don't know anyone who has done that in just alittle over a year. Even Sugar Ray Leonard, the Great Sugar Ray Leonard has all praises for Manny.

3. Bob Arum was right, Manny does not let his greatness get his head like MOST of the other great fighters do (like PBF, JMM and a host of other greats whokeep yapping and let their talking do the walking), he continually learns and is open to new suggestions, skills and tactics. He is HUMBLE and that's whyhe is blessed. He never underestimates any fighter and even in his victory he never says something bad about his opponent. I guess that's why Manny hasbeen the most successful boxer in recent times.

4. Only he and the Golden Boy have won in 6 weight divisions making him one of the greats todate. He does not need to fight JMM or PBF to prove who is the bestP4P, remember guys, Manny started out at 106lbs and if he loses in the 147 pounds and higher division, that's really not surprising as it is very verytough fighting against guys who are naturally bigger than you. The great SUGAR RAY LEONARD gave credit to Manny for even winning and going up in 4 weightclasses because he said Manny is a naturally SMALL guy unlike other boxers who go up in weight who are naturally bigger with their frame and built so going upin weight does not really take a toll on the effectivity or speed and power. Manny is really a small guy and the fact that he has beaten guys NATURALLY muchbigger than him already makes him one of the all time greats, that's according to the GREAT SUGAR RAY LEONARD.

Manny is a GREAT fighter and will go down in the history books as one of the greatest boxers of all time. That's the bottomline. Manny, even in his recentGREATNESS, still continues to be a STUDENT, HUMBLE, RESPECTFUL and COURTEOUS even to his opponents. That makes him all the more admirable and revered.

Congrats to Manny on his recent victory over Hatton and may he continue to bring pride and excitement to the sport of boxing and to the Filipino nation whodraw unity and inspiration from this guy. God bless you, Manny!!!
^ I agree with most of what you said. Manny is phenomenal, already an all-time great. But Manny is great because of his accomplishments, not 'cause SugarRay Leonard, who I agree is also an all-time great , said so. Whatever SRL says is not THE GOSPEL, just saying...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by miamib30514

wasnt son claiming hatton in 7?

now he all like i been a fan since 03 lets go pac?

wth? dude flipped the script nobody noticed.

stop preaching bo.

When was I like "lets go pac"??? Not at all did I say I'm once again a Pacman fan. I said I lost my respect for him at that 2nd bout with Marquez. I also stated I feel that Marquez is still P4P king (Not even a marquez fan, but dude is just that damn good).

Preaching? Who is preaching? If you feel like anything I'm saying is preaching hit the ignore button. Don't take me out of context if you're not even taking the time to understand what I've been saying. Mad lil ignorant first time fight boxing fans in here.

Man, be quiet already
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Rick ain't makin no 12 mil excluding PPV buys those are Pac-Man #'s

Hatton's drawing power is as good as Pacquaio so you can just knock it off with that non sense

Ricky Hatton has gotten not one BUT TWO mega fights in his caree and it ain't because of his skill in the ring
Ricky Hatton gets 13 million for stepping into the ring

life just doesn't seem fair right now


he should just go the Mayorga route from here on out

He better invest that money wisely

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Bergstyle

millions of filipinos can't be wrong... pacquiao is as invincible as anyone ever will be

Word? Marquez didn't think so...
You ride JMM as much as everyone does Pacquiao, so you doing the exact same thing, so just deal with the fact that Pacquiao is A LOT better than you actually give him credit for. You just a hater, PERIOD. Pacman winning is like your worst nightmares, and your posts shows it.
How do I ride JMM? By stating the fact that Pacquiao has yet to defeat him decisively? Or the fact that he's better than everyone is making him out to be?

Stating facts makes me a hater?

How have I hated? By stating my distaste for all these Pacquiao fanboys who don't even follow him or the sport of boxing? By being disgruntled with his out of character ducking of Marquez? I was a fan of Pacquiao when before you knew what a jab was dude...

Fall back simp.

Btw I've never taken a bit of credit away from anything Pacquiao has accomplished except for the one (VERY) questionable victory he had over Marquez in there 2nd bout. I've followed his career long before he was a common name.

Why you acting like Manny be telling Bob Arum "Please Bob don't schedule me to fight JMM he's too good for me please Bob i'm begging you!"
. Maybe Bob Arum or whoever feels like JMM could put up a fight, but don't be acting like Manny be dodging JMM personally.

Dodging him personally or dodging him finacially is still dodging him

If Manny and Arum want to keep getting paid then they're going about it the right way

JMM deserves a rematch.

JMM doesn't get knocked down, he wins that fight and he's the P4P fighter....
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

JMM deserves a rematch.

JMM doesn't get knocked down, he wins that fight and he's the P4P fighter....

But there's so many people that are split on this I don't see how that fight doesn't do numbers from what some people are arguing.

I don't know why you're still trying in here String, more power to you
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

JMM deserves a rematch.

JMM doesn't get knocked down, he wins that fight and he's the P4P fighter....

But there's so many people that are split on this I don't see how that fight doesn't do numbers from what some people are arguing.

I don't know why you're still trying in here String, more power to you

I wasn't around on fight night so I haven't gotten my fill of these knuckleheads just yet

They're making me hope Pac loses just to come in and post the biggest rolling emoticon imagineable

I'm already in Bad Chad mode for next week.
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