Official: 02/05/09 Los Angeles Lakers @ Boston Celtics 5PM PST on TNT

"Listen, I thought in the third and fourth quarter, the game got out of control," Celtics Coach Doc Rivers said. "And I thought the officials allowed it to get out of control. . . . I just thought it was a chippy game in the second half and it didn't need to be."

The game was "chippy" and Doc is salty.
He is the last person in the NBA to complain about rough play. He has thedirtiest team in the league.
omg! i am so happy LO had a good game man, and he actually made the clutch freethrows, my friends were all hittin me up like "your boy actually did goodtonight..! i was like, "you damn straight, and he stood up to kg! chea!"
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

"Listen, I thought in the third and fourth quarter, the game got out of control," Celtics Coach Doc Rivers said. "And I thought the officials allowed it to get out of control. . . . I just thought it was a chippy game in the second half and it didn't need to be."

The game was "chippy" and Doc is salty.
He is the last person in the NBA to complain about rough play. He has the dirtiest team in the league.

I wouldn't say they're the dirtiest team in the league, but they get away with more than most other teams in the league as well as tend toreceive the benefit of the doubt or even perks from the inconsistent officiating more often than not. Giving both Kobe and Rondo technical fouls when Rondo wasthe one shoving Kobe was some straight BS for example. You get a technical now for pointing at someone? What's the point of that if they both cancel eachother out anyway?
OK. Honestly... I think this is one of tha greatest games ive actually watched.. alot wont agree, esp. older heads. im only 20 and aint really get a chance tosee michael jordan and everybody rip it up that. but look at these facts from last night.

1. La vs. Boston been rivals forever.
2. la end 19 game streak on christmas, ended 12 last night
3. Odom. Phil Jackson Karl Malone, and entire halftime crew totally bash Lamar Odom on his recent play and says how he needs to step up in absence of andrewbynum.... lamar only had 2 points at half and 3 (count em) fouls at half time... ends up with 20 points... and great game/plays at tha end. even after tha gametells reporters how he knew he was having a bad start and sent a prayer to his mother.
4. Tha Drama/ Fights.... Garnett vs. Odom, then Kobe vs. Rondo, then Powe vs. Powell. living up to true la vs. boston legendry games and lengends... cantbelieve kobe and powell got hit with techs, Rondo and Powe were totally wrong and outta pocket. esp. Rondo, tha play was over, and he decides to push kobe. heykatt williams said you gotta stay in tune with ya star player.. lol
5. Kobe's Clutchness. He had some poor shot selections, i agree but came thru when it counted.. and HAD THA NERVE, THA NERVE... To smack not one, nottwo.... BUT THREE THREE's on Paul Pierrce. Im so Proud of Kobe, He proves to me time and time again why he is tha best player.. in tha league, tha bestcluth shooter, tha best under pressure.. all the above.
Gasol. Played his part and a solid game. Didnt force it, let tha game come to him. Made Some great shots and some clutch ones at that.
Famar. Started tha run. great fast break. then a 3 point play. too bad he aint make tha foul shot. then that top of tha key threee.. wooooo
6. Tha game period. got a great game overall, great Defense, poor offense because of great d... even went to overtime.

all these factors made it a great game in my eyes.
--Ray Allen is a seasoned veteran. He said he was fouled and he was not. Dude should just take his L and move on.
--Kobe poppin in jersey..NOOIICE.
--So..can "fluke" wins happen twice? Aren't fluke wins those things that are supposed to happen once? hmmm?
As much as I hate the Lakers and despise 99% of their fans, they will without a doubt win the title this season. The Celtics reign on the top was short likeleprechaun.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

As much as I hate the Lakers and despise 99% of their fans, they will without a doubt win the title this season. The Celtics reign on the top was short like leprechaun.
They cant @*%$ with Kobe...what type of ex they on?
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

"Listen, I thought in the third and fourth quarter, the game got out of control," Celtics Coach Doc Rivers said. "And I thought the officials allowed it to get out of control. . . . I just thought it was a chippy game in the second half and it didn't need to be."

The game was "chippy" and Doc is salty.
He is the last person in the NBA to complain about rough play. He has the dirtiest team in the league.


8tothe24 wrote:

watch this

LOL at Allen traveling on that last play.Listen to this garbage from the Boston Globe. (I hope the link works)

Ok that didn't work, follow the link to hear this trash. href="" target=_blank>

this is just funny, a grown man crying like a baby!


this is just funny, a grown man crying like a baby!


Can a guy THAT old be allowed to cry likethat?
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

As much as I hate the Lakers and despise 99% of their fans, they will without a doubt win the title this season. The Celtics reign on the top was short like leprechaun.
They cant @*%$ with Kobe...what type of ex they on?

Please take Kobe's meat out of your mouth my man, it's a team effort.
I was super impress with Phil Jackson, he put the right guys in the game at the right time and stuck with them!!!!!!

No Trevor Ariza in the 4th, Went with second line players alot in the fourth, Phil Jackson is the Dude!!! Rest his stars enough in the 4th and they had justenough for the overtime win!!!!

BEst Win of the Year!!!!
Lot of questionable calls all around the whole game, both sides. Pretty good game though, I would say great if the officiating wasn't so effed up.

As far as the final play, Fish's hold could of been a foul there, it definitely affected Ray, but as much as I hate that little %%!***%+$+ Fisher, I'drather see that not called.

Bottom line, Lakers won.

Oh and 8tothe24 is perhaps the most annoying thing since femalenagging while you're trying to play video games.
Good game Boston fans. My heart is still pounding after this one.

Great D by Paul P at the end, he was awesome. And House was on fire, I have no idea why he didn't play more late in the game.

Kobe's 3's were incredible, even though he sucked most of the game.

We need to shoot free throws all weekend.

KG gotconfused when he was in LO's face. LO ain't no small white guy.

I LOVED seeing the heatedness. That is awesome and it would be a joy to watch these two teams again in June.

Doc Rivers is a bum. Dude was cryin to start the fourth that they weren't letting them get away with stuff, and were calling too many fouls, then wantsnothing but fouls at the end of the game. That is lame. Reminds me of Dunleavy saying in the media, in the papers, and on TV that they are going to foul Shaqand put him on the line, then when the refs call a foul, he would melt down and start crying on the bench.
Well, which is it moron?
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

@ Craig Sager telling Kobe is was a foul.

it was. and that's why kobe couldn't keep a straight face. dfish straight up hacked ray allen with no disregard. i thought the hand-check rules were in effect

Yup, I knew you would be in here with stupid pointless worthless wrong statements that you would type as if they were facts. Thank you for not letting medown. Now go watch the replay.
Originally Posted by kash55

Originally Posted by AC4Three

Originally Posted by kash55

Didn't see the game, but have seen multiple shots of the last shot by Ray Allen. That was not a foul. Not even close.

There was NO foul on the shot. As you can see Ray Allen's feet, he slipped, lost his footing and was not able to get off a clean shot.

Closed Cased.

Fisher should be ejected from the NBA for fouling Allen like that, huh buc?

Celtic fans in here doin good work, they ain't say nothin and they let it go instantly. But Laker haters on the other hand........
OK. Honestly... I think this is one of tha greatest games ive actually watched.. alot wont agree, esp. older heads. im only 20 and aint really get a chance tosee michael jordan and everybody rip it up that. but look at these facts from last night.

1. La vs. Boston been rivals forever.
2. la end 19 game streak on christmas, ended 12 last night
3. Odom. Phil Jackson Karl Malone, and entire halftime crew totally bash Lamar Odom on his recent play and says how he needs to step up in absence of andrewbynum.... lamar only had 2 points at half and 3 (count em) fouls at half time... ends up with 20 points... and great game/plays at tha end. even after tha gametells reporters how he knew he was having a bad start and sent a prayer to his mother.
4. Tha Drama/ Fights.... Garnett vs. Odom, then Kobe vs. Rondo, then Powe vs. Powell. living up to true la vs. boston legendry games and lengends... cantbelieve kobe and powell got hit with techs, Rondo and Powe were totally wrong and outta pocket. esp. Rondo, tha play was over, and he decides to push kobe. heykatt williams said you gotta stay in tune with ya star player.. lol
5. Kobe's Clutchness. He had some poor shot selections, i agree but came thru when it counted.. and HAD THA NERVE, THA NERVE... To smack not one, nottwo.... BUT THREE THREE's on Paul Pierrce. Im so Proud of Kobe, He proves to me time and time again why he is tha best player.. in tha league, tha bestcluth shooter, tha best under pressure.. all the above.
Gasol. Played his part and a solid game. Didnt force it, let tha game come to him. Made Some great shots and some clutch ones at that.
Famar. Started tha run. great fast break. then a 3 point play. too bad he aint make tha foul shot. then that top of tha key threee.. wooooo
6. Tha game period. got a great game overall, great Defense, poor offense because of great d... even went to overtime.

all these factors made it a great game in my eyes.
Originally Posted by Ryda421


I did see that. can not remember exactly when, but I see phil get up at least 5 times barking at the refs.

Phil is that Dude

Phil also has learned through the experience of losing as to what he, himself needs to do to push this group of Lakers over the hump, especially @the Garden/on the road.

It makes you wonder if it works better with certain refs and their crews, if he should do it more often, or if he only does it for the big games.

Well, I'm glad he was up and at em this game.

Boston gonna go on another losing streak?
They have a tough stretch of West games comin, like the Jazz and Hornets and Mavs and such on the road, but they have proven they will beat anybody anywhwere,I doubt they are worried.
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