Official: 02/05/09 Los Angeles Lakers @ Boston Celtics 5PM PST on TNT

Kobe back jersey poppin I see. Still high off that win last night what a great game.
lol people want a foul called on Fisher for putting a hand on Allen...

then a foul should be called on Allen for pushing off on Fisher.

no foul.

Bob "Homer" Ryan is a baby

--If anything, Ray Allen was kickin his feet out during that shot tryin to sell somethin. Busting a Karl Malone type of play.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

As much as I hate the Lakers and despise 99% of their fans, they will without a doubt win the title this season. The Celtics reign on the top was short like leprechaun.

Naw, can it?


No freaking way.

Originally Posted by Flowsomuch

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

As much as I hate the Lakers and despise 99% of their fans, they will without a doubt win the title this season. The Celtics reign on the top was short like leprechaun.

Naw, can it?


No freaking way.


You're coming around First Born
props to LO hitting those 2 freethrows at the end i knew he wold hit 1 but was shocked when he hit both lol. also what happened with ariza did not see him playthat much yesterday.
Originally Posted by CP1708

They have a tough stretch of West games comin, like the Jazz and Hornets and Mavs and such on the road, but they have proven they will beat anybody anywhwere, I doubt they are worried.

yeah I don't see them going on a loss run like post christmas. But they might lose to NYC(i just see them overwhelmingly pissed off bc of this week/back toback for the Cs and it would help NYC with the playoff run which the Bucks are about to lose out on) & SA. I don't think NO/DAL, although itwouldn't hurt me to see them go into AS weekend with a .500 or below with the rest of their games to that point.
Originally Posted by petozham

Lot of questionable calls all around the whole game, both sides. Pretty good game though, I would say great if the officiating wasn't so effed up.

As far as the final play, Fish's hold could of been a foul there, it definitely affected Ray, but as much as I hate that little %%!***%+$+ Fisher, I'd rather see that not called.

Bottom line, Lakers won.

Oh and 8tothe24 is perhaps the most annoying thing since female nagging while you're trying to play video games.
Ah, my very own E-Hater.
I see you have too much saltin your diet child.

I am honored that you know who I because I could care less who you are.

Bottom line is Laker > your team.
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

ok, i can sense everyone getting wound up including myself.... bottom line is, it's just another game. what happens today is not really going to tell whether either team will have success against the other should they meet in the final. it;s only February. we're not even at the ASG yet....... let;s just have a good game and hope everyone stays healthy.

well if you wanna compare.... boston won both games last year against the lakers in the regular season and won the chip. the lakers won both games this yearand.............................????
Originally Posted by solefob

Originally Posted by 531

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I





some of you guys are like the weasels from "who framed roger rabbit" You'll laugh at anything.

co-sign i smiled but i wasnt rolling on the floor or anything...didnt even chuckle in fact. and im sure peoples response to me would be "hop offkobe"... when really, its just not that funny. lol
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