**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by DubA169

pro, my fear is that we get into 5th place, we lose in the 2nd round and sign dantoni to an extension for 3 years. in those years we never get over the hump. he's not the worst coach in the league but i don't think the guy pushes this team over the hump.

that's why i want him out now and not when he finishes his contract next year.

JVG and dolan hate each other. people need to stop clinging to him coming. it's not happening! just keep the good memories you have of his stay here and forget about him
So if you get rid of Toni, who would you want to replace him?
i was NEVER one to blame d'antoni for anything. i always thought people were really harsh on him throughout the entire regular season. he'd be blamed for everything, and never get any praise and i thought it was unfair.


this playoffs when I'm outcoaching him as far as lineups from the couch, when you see all these set plays that lead to buckets the celtics have vs. our "LETS GO LETS GO" offense, and running a lineup with NO pg when you're going against rajon rondo and we have AC sitting on the bench....

i've had enough. and i'm not saying this because we got swept since there are factors he couldn't control such poor refereeing at times and injuries.

he's just not a good coach and it looks like the players have lost faith in him. the thing is that there's no other coach we can bring in that's realistic, and a legit upgrade over him besides maybe Adelman.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I'd rather give it to a no name assistant coach to be honest if we switch coaches instead of some recycled crap.
QFT. none of these middle of the pack recycled dudes are what we need right now. Im not looking to sign a Rick Adelman to coach this team, no offense. Mark Jackson has great coach written all over him, sometimes you just gotta be like %#%@ it and take the risk, its not like it hasnt been done before, and its better than keeping D'Antoni and its better than bringing a guy like Larry Brown back here who put together the worst coaching season i have ever seen throughout my life watching basketball, and yes i am saying that with the pieces he was given, and yes i watched every single game when Isiah coached here. Mark Jackson has that swagger to him that has been missing since and i hate to say it but Pat Riley.

Why don't we just bring Clyde out of the booth? The only differencebetween those 2 is Clyde actually won a title and didn't openly mockour team/act like a **** when he came back with a different squad.
ok, these clyde comments are killing me. i know alot of yall are being sarcastic but i dont know why his name keeps being mentioned. some of you are acting like "paying dues" is the most impotant $++$@#+ thing in the world. just because someone has paid more dues and may deserve to be a coach more, doesnt mean they will make a better coach especially in NY. Jackson has that.

and about him coming back here and being a ****, yes i hated him but come the %#%@ on we gotta swallow our pride a little bit and look at the situation through his shoes. I know we all hated the Pacers, but Mark Jackson is a $++$@#+ competitor. He is from Brooklyn, played at St. Johns and than was drafted into his dream spot as the starting point guard for the Knicks. And right away he had a phenomenal rookie season and won rookie of the year, and he was being hailed already as the best knicks PG since Clyde. THEN the offseason after we take the NBA champion Chicago Bulls into 7 games, where he puts together a geat playoffs, and we solidify ourselves as a legit contender right when he is about to reach his prime, we ship him to the $++$@#+ Clippers none the less. I mean come on now, ive played sports, im a competitor, and i couldnt even imagine his spot. If im Mark Jackson and im playing in heated playofff battles on the Paces i wanna $++$@#+ kill the Knicks as well and show them the mistake they made. You cant still hold that against him, or tell me you wouldnt do the same. Yes as fans we all hated him but to hold that against him in 2011 for a coaching spot is stupid to put it best. If anything that makes me want him more, shows me he can carry a chip on his sholdier and play with some $++$@#+ pride, something i didnt see D'Antoni getting us to do at MSG this playoff series.... dont be foolish, trading a 26 year old Mark Jackson to the Clippers after losing in 7 games to Chicago is NOT the same as trading an aging veteran Clyde Frazier after he had already won 2 rings here. and than Jackson came back mad old with nothing but class and was a great floor general for us even when he was like 37 years old. if that cant show that the man cant coach, idk.

idk maybe its just me but i dont see any coach on the market having the potential to take us to the promise land unless it is Mark Jackson, i give him his start but thats just me. i think he is smart enough, as hes shown as a player, to run an offense that would work and could definitley draw up a better play than D'Antoni, hes watched other teams and have broken them down just as any other coaching candidate has as a commentator, and he would get some heart out of our guys unlike i saw during the $++$@#+ playoffs at MSG which was just a MOCKERY with all the hype that came with playoffs back at MSG. I could live with a loss like game 1 or game 2, but for the 1st to playoff games in the worlds most famous arena in 7 years to come out with that kind of effort, idk im pinning that a little bit on the head coach especially after i found out that the only kind of heart they showed was when they went against D'Antoni.

I honestly dont even think D'Antoni is a mediocre coach, i truly believe he is not a good basketball coach. he brings nothing to the ##%%!+* table. I can coach a bunch of super athletic and super talent NBA players and tell them to run and shoot and i will put up 120 points per game or whatever. That to me does not make him some kind of "offensive genious." you want to show me you can coach some offense how about you for once in your life utilize your players properly, and run a $++$@#+ play out of a timeout that doesnt leave me thinking "you gotta be $++$@#+ kidding me." Seriously, Isiah was better out of the timeout than D'Antoni is. And speaking of time outs, it seems like we never have any left when we need them and when we do like i said he cant do $+!! with them and the only $++$@#+ thing he says in the huddle is "Lets go!" sickkk dude. I truly dont believe D'Antoni is a good basketball coach, and especially for a NY basketball team. Maybe that $+!! will fly in Phoenix or in Italy or wherever the %#%@ he goes but in NY we want to see some pride and some heart and this cheese ball doesnt do it for me and he never $++$@#+ has. For those of you who know me on here although ive kinda been ghosting it lately i am saying NOTHING that i havent been saying for years.

yes we were outmatched vs boston but he was even more outcoached and it showed. my defining moment for him during the playoffs was the end of game 1, after TD hit that gigantic 3 to put us up 3 with less than a minute, sure i cant blame him for not getting stops. but he gets ##%%!+* burned by Doc ##%%!+* Rivers and we allow the LAST possible thing we need to happen when KG gets the oop off the in bounds pass which gives them 2 points in less than a second. THAN he runs the same !*+$ that hasnt been working all game on offense, even when Amare clearly has the hot hand and if we gave him something besides a pick and roll giving our 6'10 athletic freak with the hot hand the ball anywhere besides the top of the key or some !*+$ hed be able to go to work. but again, we give the ball to melo just as Doc predicted and i dont necessarily agree with the offensive foul call, but either way nothing was happening. and than after Ray hits a 3, we (shocker) have no timeouts left cause this fool cant manage a game and even if we did hed probably run the same bull !*+$, leaving Melo to take it up the court and jack up a 3 ball... oh yeah in game 2 we didnt have a time out left either when we were down 3 making melo throw up a 3/4 of the court shot... i wouldnt even want the time out for the play cause lord knows d'antoni cant draw up a fuctional play but we needed that half court in bounds pass. i mean sure boston is better down the stretch than we are, but if that isnt being out coached during crunch time i dont know when you can EVER blame it on the coach. And i was in Boston for game 1, heart broken, and being tormented by ##%%!+* $%#%*%@#$ Boston fans

and JVG is my favorite coach of all time but he aint coming here, especially with Dolan being the owner. not happening.
- supposed to be writing a final paper. fml
What If Mark Jackson turns out to be say, idk...Terry Porter?

if that's a risk you're willing to take, cool. For me, it's not. I need to see something, anything on his resume to feel comfortable.

& if we want someone who knows and understands NYC and 'Knicks basketball'...there are still more qualified options than Mark Jackson.

Patrick Ewing, Charles Oakley, Allan Houston or Charlie Ward for starters all either have been NBA assistants or in the front office. I'd be more open to one of them than Jackson.

Heck, Derek Harper is a broadcaster now. Greg Anthony, too why not them? What does Jackson truly have over them other than the recognition he's received from being on the ABC platform?

Even John Starks coached a SlamBall team.

Gr8...my biggest issue with this is we had the same exact debate 3 years ago.

he had all that time to do something, anything. Be an assistant, be a D-League head coach, go to a front office, coach an AAU team, etc. 3 years later, still nothing.
For the longest time, I thought Dantoni was just too smart for his own good. Like all these new and weird rotations, assignments and choices he made, were just him testing things out so he could surprise people later on. I just got sucked into thinking the refs had it out for the Suns.
But that's not true. There is no Break Glass In Case of Emergency with this dude. He doesn't understand how any team of NBA-$%% players can't score 120 pts, or why that isn't a good goal to have. He's only managed to figure out 2 positions in basketball and only in one direction, point guard and swingman.

I mean...here's praying he's not the Scott Layden for what comes next, but the rage in my heart if I had to hear his press conference after another playoff exit.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Why not ask Jeff Van Gundy to come back? The previous players from his tenure are gone, news ears to listen to him, he's defensive minded, but smart enough to find ways for Amare and Melo to do work as needed scoring wise. Brings a solid credibility, can handle the media, etc etc. Is his bridge completely burned out in NY?

I think after everything terrible after him, that made people forget how he helped start the bad times, he could come back.

But nah, I ain't with it.

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Even John Starks coached a SlamBall team.

I forgot about that. 
Amar'e was there too judging a dunk contest.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

What If Mark Jackson turns out to be say, idk...Terry Porter?

if that's a risk you're willing to take, cool. For me, it's not. I need to see something, anything on his resume to feel comfortable.

& if we want someone who knows and understands NYC and 'Knicks basketball'...there are still more qualified options than Mark Jackson.

Patrick Ewing, Charles Oakley, Allan Houston or Charlie Ward for starters all either have been NBA assistants or in the front office. I'd be more open to one of them than Jackson.

Heck, Derek Harper is a broadcaster now. Greg Anthony, too why not them? What does Jackson truly have over them other than the recognition he's received from being on the ABC platform?

Even John Starks coached a SlamBall team.

Gr8...my biggest issue with this is we had the same exact debate 3 years ago.

he had all that time to do something, anything. Be an assistant, be a D-League head coach, go to a front office, coach an AAU team, etc. 3 years later, still nothing.
i know ive literally been saying the same $@!% for years now, But D'Antoni has yet to prove me wrong

i just dont like the argument that experience makes you more qualified. Sure it should be in the argument no doubt about it, but in no way do i think it should be the deciding factor because coaches have done great things without experience.

if you really think that guys like Ewing, H20, Ward, Oak, etc are better choices for a head coach than Jackson that is your opinion, but Mark isnt leaving the booth for an assistant coaching job and i really cant blame him for that, however i dont think that is the reason we should discount him as our guy. The guy has been around basketball and hes no Terry Porter. Im just saying that around 80% of NBA Head coaches currently played guard collegiately or professional on some level and Mark Jackson was perhaps the most savvy point guard in the NBA for an entire decade. He was not the most talented player but he was a coach on the floor. I mean after Indiana traded him for Jalen Rose in 96 they went from an elite team in the East to 10th place and out of the playoffs, and it forced Donnie walsh (our GM right now) to trade back from him that same year and brought them right back and was thei starting PG when they made the finals in 2000. The guy made a carreer out of being a coach on the floor and it is the reason that he is 2nd all time in assists, and was a successful player way into his 30s when he still couldnt shoot the ball that well, and could barely even move. This is all without mentioning he is a New Yorker and Brooklyn-ite just like Melo. He fits in here perfectly. imo.

im just saying, there is a reason that Mark Jackson is the name floating around (even by Donnie Walsh himself when he was choosing coaches in 08) over guys with more experience coaching. Hes a better candidate and i think all of that out weighs any coaching experience that he has imo.

Just some facts:

Doc Rivers first job was with Orlando in 2000, just 3 years after NBA retirement and he won coach of the year and later a championship with Boston.

Larry Bird had no coaching experience but had a 58-24 record his first season coaching and led them to 3 straight playoffs and won the division all 3 years he coached

Even Isiah Thomas took over for Bird and led younger players to 3 straight playoff seasons, and we all know what an awful coach Zeke was

Danny Ainge led his team to 3 straight playoffs with no experience. His 2nd season was a 56-26 record.

all of those guys have at least achieved some success as an NBA head coach without first being an assistant and ALL of whom i believe just from watching their savvy on the court/leadership i think Jackson would be a better coach than, AND Jackson would be taking over a better roster than all of those guys BY FAR. Any coach can take this team to the playoffs, i truly believe Jackson is the one we need to take us further. i dont think well win the finals right away but i think well be a %#$% lot more closer next season and way more competitive in the playoffs with Jackson on the bench and with a few more pieces and Jackson eases more into his role i dont see why he cant take us to a finals within the next 3 years if he runs a good offensive system which i think he would and gets this team to play some defense as well which i believe he would also do. Jackson knows what its like to play in NY and in MSG and he knows what its like to play in intense playoff series as a Knick, he knows how important it is to have New York on the front of the jersey. D'Antoni dont know $@!% about that. Even without that i still would think Jackson to be the better candidate cause D'Antoni is awful, but i really think Jackson has all the pieces that we need BESIDES experience and i think its a mistake to let that 1 little negative outweigh all he would bring to the table.

- just saying
Chauncey Billups is unsatisfied with how the Knicks' season ended. Not making it past the first round? Not coming close to a championship?

That doesn't fulfill him.

"Just getting swept in the first round, I don't do this. This is not fine with me," Billups said yesterday. "I don't come into the season saying, 'Man, I just want to make the playoffs.' I don't know when's the last time I thought like that. I go into the season saying, 'All right, so how are we going to win it? How are we going to win it?'

"And obviously we've got to get a lot better before I can feel that way."

Billups, who believes one of the Knicks' most critical needs is a rebounding, shotblocking center, said he has successfully recruited players with the Pistons and Nuggets. He also believes players will want to come to New York, citing the presence of Stoudemire/Anthony, the chance to be in New York and the opportunity to play at MSG.

"And we're on the way up. We're on the move," Billups said. "It's just how fast can we take that elevator up."

full article From NY post: http://www.nypost.com/p/s...e_8StvrDq0L4kBWWN3mDTfzK
i really don't see the fascination with mark jackson other than him being from ny and playing for the knicks... but you can say that about a lot of people who did the same thing... the only difference is hes a broadcaster... i don't see the credibility either... he has 0 experience whatsoever.... i rather give the keys to this team to ewing before him
mark jackson to coach david lee, nate robinson, danilo gallinari, and wilson chandler....fine.

mark jackson to coach amare stoudemire, carmelo anthony, and chauncey billups....no.

or any new coach for that matter.

so lets stop talking about them. the egos combined would destroy any first time coach unless its someone who commands respect the second he walks into any room e.g. larry bird.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

mark jackson to coach david lee, nate robinson, danilo gallinari, and wilson chandler....fine.

mark jackson to coach amare stoudemire, carmelo anthony, and chauncey billups....no.

or any new coach for that matter.

so lets stop talking about them. the egos combined would destroy any first time coach unless its someone who commands respect the second he walks into any room e.g. larry bird.

%@*+ Larry Bird!
Thank you baby Jesus for letting the Pacers lose tonight. I was getting sick of the Knicks being the only eliminated team of the playoffs.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

mark jackson to coach david lee, nate robinson, danilo gallinari, and wilson chandler....fine.

mark jackson to coach amare stoudemire, carmelo anthony, and chauncey billups....no.

or any new coach for that matter.

so lets stop talking about them. the egos combined would destroy any first time coach unless its someone who commands respect the second he walks into any room e.g. larry bird.

%@*+ Larry Bird!

Larry Bird has coached a team to an NBA finals. Granted it was mostly his assistants ( from all accounts) But he has instant coaching credability as well as the fact hes one of the all time greats.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

its hotter then a mug in my room right now, what is this mid july?!
Word! I hate city this time of year. Central Air is still pumping heat & if I open windows, I get all the latest bugs coming through for a sleepover.

And I have the biggest man crush on Chris Paul right now (pause). I know what his game is about, but I just don't get to see it often. He is like, literally, the perfect pg for our situation. Completely comfortable with being 2nd or 3rd fiddle when it comes to scoring. Has the ability to be #1 option, that we all know. One of them dudes that gets under your skin both offensively and defensively. And nothing need be said about setting people up.

Is it possible for players to restructure contracts? Do you think these dudes are really talking to each other (ala "The Toast")?
Last edited:
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

mark jackson to coach david lee, nate robinson, danilo gallinari, and wilson chandler....fine.

mark jackson to coach amare stoudemire, carmelo anthony, and chauncey billups....no.

or any new coach for that matter.

so lets stop talking about them. the egos combined would destroy any first time coach unless its someone who commands respect the second he walks into any room e.g. larry bird.

%@*+ Larry Bird!

not saying i want bird, just saying the only way a first time coach would succeed with our big 3 is they have instead credibility.
It doesn't matter what they do at the coaching position. It's all about Melo and Amar'e willing to play defense. You can't have 3 of five playing defense most of the game.

I swear they better work in communication. You would think all 5 people zone out to their assigned man only
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