**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

i wouldnt say that Jordans Bulls, Showtime Lakers, and even this years Mavs were that great on defense (real good yes not great). The Pistons "bad boys" were one of the better defensive teams they have 1 championship, even us during the 90s and we didnt win *%@#. Besides for the spurs/pistons the better offensive teams usually won the championship in last 30 years. 
The Bulls had three top 15 defenders in their starting lineup and the Bad Boys actually won two championships...just Saiyan
Being a good defensive team starts with coaching. Even if we have the best defensive players on our team, that won't mean we'll automatically be a powerhouse defensive team.

It starts from the coaching staff preaching defense. We'll never play defense until Pringles preaches it.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Pic's of our throwbacks?

Those jerseys are actually pretty sweet. The white ones are also as nice.

I prefer they leave them this way and not put in a V-neck.
But all were properly balanced..

IMO Jordan Bulls + Mavs were an elite offensive team before they really locked in on D. For me it's about the balance on these teams but all the great teams are great during the year due to talent + elite offensive players who get you through the year. In the playoffs the style changes which is part of the reason why Chicago's offense just stalled. Miami stopped DRose from getting those extra 8-10 points a night off easy run outs and pushing the ball.

Just think more times than not these elite teams were great offensively to begin with then they had to build on the defensive end to reach a certain "championship level." I mean great teams have great players, who are great because of their ability to get their at any time. This is what gets you through the regular season but when the play changes in the playoffs I think the focus is more on the defensive end.

And in no way, shape or form will we ever be Chicago on the offensive end, or anything close to that. They happen to be a PG lead team so if you stop the PG it's a wrap as far as initiating sets and getting others open looks, which is what Bron did to Rose IMO

Originally Posted by nyknicks105

It starts from the coaching staff preaching defense. We'll never play defense until Pringles preaches it.

agree 100%
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

idc what anyone says Nash would be make this team 10x better running the point than Billups can. i'd give the suns 17, fields, TD, walker, chauncy for nash, lopez, and pietrus/hill

great offense > great defense

T.Douglas, Walker, Fields, Billups, 17th Pick For Nash, Lopez, G. Hill.....I would probably do that and Nash contract would be an expiring for a CP3 trade.. R. Lopez--Amare--Melo--G. Hill--Nash........Guess that's okay but we have Coach, and Amare I doubt PHX will send us their all star PG, best defensive player in Grant Hill and their starting center to us
As already stated the reality of the matter is if PHX gives up Nash they're rebuilding so we'd have to take Childress in any trade for Nash.

Don't think Hill can be in that trade since he's a FA
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Alex Kennedy
The New York Knicks are shopping Toney Douglas, sources confirm. They may package him with #17 to move up or move him for another player.

cant wait to see where TD ends up tonight

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

i wouldnt say that Jordans Bulls, Showtime Lakers, and even this years Mavs were that great on defense (real good yes not great). The Pistons "bad boys" were one of the better defensive teams they have 1 championship, even us during the 90s and we didnt win *%@#. Besides for the spurs/pistons the better offensive teams usually won the championship in last 30 years. 

I think great offense>great defense, especially now because of how quick the refs are to blow whistles.  It's become alot like the NFL in that way—offensive players are just so protected that the team on that end has an advantage.
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

idc what anyone says Nash would be make this team 10x better running the point than Billups can. i'd give the suns 17, fields, TD, walker, chauncy for nash, lopez, and pietrus/hill

great offense > great defense

I agree , yall seen what that great Chicago D did to Miami right ? Nothing. Only thing you need are players willing to play defense and a great rebounding/shot blocking big man down low and a potent offense. Miami couldn't outscore Dallas nor out tough them all because of Tyson Chandler and J.Kidd's clutch D down the stretch and damn sure couldn't beat them in a shooting contest .

Modeling your team after the Mavs >>>>>>>> The Bulls
what series were you watching???? The bulls had the heat a team with Bron, Wade, & bosh scoring in the mid 80's all aeries and were in position in the 4th to win almost every game. Only problem is they couldnt score when they needed most.
Bottom line Steve Nash Along with Amare & Melo with Dantoni as coach................. Knicks win 2 at most in the playoffs. Same with the bulls, sure they couldnt score well against the second best Defense in the L but against that knicks D
Some of what y'all are saying is unbelievable right now
the great Chicago and Miami D got them to the CF and Finals respectively in their first year with new rosters/coach and you saying it like that's the norm
come on, Knick fans would KILL to be in the position those two teams were in.
Any hope of Biyombo maybe falling is probably gone by now, he's been invited to the green room as a late addition.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

all the best defensive teams make it to the finals tho

Yeah but Dallas was not considered a great defensive team at all (they did play pretty damn good defense though in the finals though obviously).  Also every team that has won for a while had an elite offense—Spurs, Lakers, Celtics, Mavs (Pistons are an exception but they had a good offense too).  I mean I would say those teams put 50/50 effort into offense and defense.  Teams that focused too much on defense instead of O have struggled alot this decade to advance in the playoffs—see Van Gundy's Rockets or Skiles' Bulls.  Also the two teams that had great defensive systems but questionable offensive systems that made it to the finals (Cavs and Nets) got crushed.
Obviously you are right though that you need elite defense to win.
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

all the best defensive teams make it to the finals tho

Yeah but Dallas was not considered a great defensive team at all (they did play pretty damn good defense though in the finals though obviously).  Also every team that has won for a while had an elite offense—Spurs, Lakers, Celtics, Mavs (Pistons are an exception but they had a good offense too).  I mean I would say those teams put 50/50 effort into offense and defense.  Teams that focused too much on defense instead of O have struggled alot this decade to advance in the playoffs—see Van Gundy's Rockets or Skiles' Bulls.  Also the two teams that had great defensive systems but questionable offensive systems that made it to the finals (Cavs and Nets) got crushed.
Obviously you are right though that you need elite defense to win.

Yea a team that focuses strictly on D will have a hard time.. but you forgot to mention that a team that focuses strictly on O will have a tough time also. Cuz there is two sides on a court.. you need to be very good on at least one side. You mentiones Spurs, Celtics, Lakers having elite offense but they're defense were just as good. Spurs were known for their defense
All these championship teams got to a certain point defensively that's required to win a chip. This year just proves that once again.
Why do you idiots want to draft another shoot first player that does nothing else well? You should be hoping for Biyombo, Faried, Valancunias, one of the Morris brothers, Chris Singleton, Vucevic...somebody along those lines. Not Kemba, Selby or Marshon Brooks.

And you wonder how you guys ended up with Marbury, Francis, Z-Bo, Crawford and Curry. Maybe......just maybe....because those are the type of players you guys always root for.
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