**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

I didn't watch Georgia Tech this year, but the year previous with Favors the biggest knock on both of their guards was they couldn't feed the post and turned it over too much. Hopefully Shumpy figured out how to do both well because we're gonna need it.
I feel like Kwame Brown = Jerome James. I say no thanks.

2 bum %$@ centers who only had half decent seasons during their contract year and probably will get overpaid because of so and the lack of serviceable big men at their size. Ive heard the story before. Kwame is a scrub, it shows something that he was a #1 pick, had potential, but only shows something at all when he is playing for a contract. Hell take the $ and be the same bum he has always been. I would sonly be semi-ok if it is a cheap one year deal because he could be even more  motivated to prove himself/stay long term/make $/possibly rejuvenate his career from the NBA's all time biggest bust if he can help the Knicks go far into the playoffs. However he also has not been much of a shot blocker really since he came into the league.

I still kinda wish we would have taken Faried at 17 and looked to get Iman with a later selection and if not went with Selby which we obviously could have done, but whats done is done so im over it by now. I actually really like his game and wanted the Knicks to draft him, its just that i was hoping to get him later and choose somebody who fills a need like faried with #17.

I still think that Faried is gonna turn into a great glue/energy guy for a winning team who works his %$@ off, plays d, and rebounds, and we will regret not walking away with him the other night... especially come playoff time but #@@# it im a fan of Iman. Always has been.

And #@@# that dude Marcus Morris. Who the #@@# is he? Its funny cause not only has he not done +##! at the NBA level yet and he has no right comparing himself to an NBA perennial all-star right now, let alone putting down any part of his game when he wishes he can be half the player that melo is. BUT ALSO dude played 3 seasons collegiately at Kansas with his twin brother and probably a better team than Melo had in everyone of his seasons AND YET he failed to ever reach an NCAA final 4 even while Melo led Syracuse to the NCAA title AND won MVP... also Melo was a way higher pick in a MUCH better draft and the Cavs would be sweating if there was a Melo-like player AT ALL in this draft... seriously dude SHUT THE #@@# UP

Seriously what the #@@# is up with these rookies in Houston running their mouths like that? They were mid-late 1st round picks in a horrible draft and that Montiejunas dude probably wont even play in the NBA for 2-3 more years. And Marcus Morris needs to shut his mouth, i remember he also called himself the most complete offensive player in the entire draft

I really cannot wait for Melo to school this $+%%*%* clown
I agree with you on Kwame and Morris

With the pick though I would've preferred Singleton over Faried. I feel Faried is gonna get semi-exposed due to his height and not be the player everyone thinks he'll be.

I do wonder how far Iman would've fell if we hadn't picked him. As far as Selby fell perhaps?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by PMatic

Did not expect this.
Sources: David West to be free agent

Despite suffering a season-ending knee injury in March, New Orleans Hornets power forward David West is expected to opt out of the final season of his contract this week and become a free agent, according to sources close to the situation.

West has a June 30 deadline in his contract to notify the Hornets whether he will invoke next season's $7.5 million salary or opt for free agency, but sources say that the Hornets are already bracing for West to make his opt-out decision official before Thursday's buzzer.

The Hornets have anticipated all along that West would become a free agent, even though the former All-Star was forced to undergo surgery in April to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee suffered March 24. The reason: West still figures to be one of the two or three most coveted players on the open market in spite of the injury after years of consistent production and averages of 18.9 points and 7.6 rebounds in 70 games last season.

The Hornets, sources said, would still love to sign West to an extension before Thursday's deadline. But it's believed that West -- even in a financial landscape forecasted to be more restrictive starting next season and even factoring in his injury -- will eventually earn more in free agency than he could in an extension that would have to be calculated with next season's $7.5 million salary as a starting point.

Free agency will be delayed if the NBA, as expected, imposes a lockout July 1. But sources say only an unforeseen rehabilitation setback in the next 72 hours would change West's plans.

The New Orleans Times-Picayune reported on Friday that West has been rehabbing twice daily and started on that schedule even before New York orthopedist Dr. David Altchek reconstructed the torn ligament. Altchek re-examined West's knee in New York two weeks ago and proclaimed him ahead of schedule in a rehabilitation period that initially was expected to last six to eight months.

West told the newspaper in a story published Friday: "I just want to make sure that whatever it is I do, I want to make sure it's the best thought-out decision. I'm not 100 percent clear yet. What I will say is I feel good. I feel confident in my rehab and my knee. And I'll keep looking at it. I'm not worried about my knee.

"Whatever decision it is, and to me it's probably a bigger deal to other people than it is to me, it's just something I'm waiting to do," West continued. "I wanted to finish this week in particularly because this is a good point in my rehab. After this rehab (session Friday), I'll have a good long conversation with my agent (Octagon's Lance Young) and go from there."

Hornets general manager Dell Demps told the Times-Picayune last week: "Whether he opts in or opts out, our goal is to keep David West here. We said it from Day 1: We want David West to retire a Hornet. He's been great to us on and off the court. We're hoping his recovery continues on pace as it is right now. He's right on schedule to come back next year and play.

"We're hoping for a speedy recovery. Our goal is to keep him. There's room for both (West and free-agent power forward Carl Landry). Our goal is to keep that core together. We're not changing off that plan."


Wouldn't mind grabbing up (a healthy) West for one year to play center.
David west playing center wouldn't be a good look IMO. After that whole injury, maybe he comes off the bench but you know some team is still going to give him the $ to start at the 4.
Yes, Ronny is a better shotblocker, but Kwame is a better defender and rebounder. Wouldn't mind taking a shot on him for 1 year.
Turiaf is a FA. Can't package him until we resign him.

Only guys on our books are Melo, STAT, Billups, Fields, Balkman, Walker, Rautins, and Iman.

I'd rather keep Iman anyway. Doubt PHX wants a rookie combo guard. If they're giving up Nash they're finally admitting they need to rebuild with youth so I doubt they want Billups either.

So Nash would have to force a trade or we find a 3rd team wanting Billups that is willing to send picks to PHX. I'd say we should be trying to acquire picks but we need assets to do that. So our only option is signing FAs to one year deals and may some minimal trades.
West to play center has bad news written alllll over it

He's another one that's not signing a one year deal. If he was going to do that and wait until 2012 for free agency, I'm pretty sure he would have picked up the option and stayed in NO.

Phoenix is going to want a building block for the future if they ever decide to trade Nash. We don't have one of those.
I am not in love with Kwame as a player but I would take him for a one-year deal. I highly doubt the Knicks are going to sign any big man past a one-year deal this offseason which is the right move. Just got to get a stopgap center for the time being. I like the plan of managing the cap to have flexibility the following offseason as I truly believe that is the right move for this franchise.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

@alanhahn Alan Hahn

FWIW: from what I understand the last order of business for Knicks before June 30 (lockout) is to make qualifying offer to Derrick Brown.

Potential trade piece I'm guessing? Unless Knicks coaches are seeing something I haven't.
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