**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I'd be shocked if Harrelson gets playing time. Don't be surprised if Pringles wants Jeffries back.
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Honestly it doesn't really matter what he meant. Yall getting on him cuz he wanted a friend to be drafted and that he ranks Selby's value rather highly. Like he can't be mad the Knicks didn't draft him or that his boy's stock dropped a great deal.

Acting like he said or did anything reckless.
  No...  he can't be mad about that.  That is 'reckless'.  It's unprofessional, especially for a guy who is supposed to be a team leader and welcoming young guys to the franchise.  How could that possibly not be an inappropriate way to act??
No it's not. or maybe you don't know what reckless means. You guys are just too sensitive. If anything what Melo did was something to laugh at not criticize. Exactly how are you seriously looking at tweets and then got the nerve to call somebody unprofessional? What tweet was unprofessional? He can't be mad his boy was getting passed up like crazy? A player I'd assume he personally believes in skill and talent wise? A friend? %!%$ outta here with that nonsense.

You acting like he was complaining and acting reckless on television. This is yet another problem with social networking. Dudes want to extrapolate from the littlest things to make it bigger than it is.
As a team captain he can't complain publicly implying that he doesn't like the guy his team drafted, who is about to be his new teammate.  I don't know why it is so hard to understand what's wrong with that.
I thought STAT was team captain? He was publicly going hard for his boy and not happy when his team didn't pick him. It aint like he said "Who the @%*# is Iman?" He didn't imply in the least that he didn't like Iman.

Regardless, yall are overreacting over some tweets. That's how I see it.

Good day.
it isn't an overretraction. he is a face of the team. said something that can easily be seen as a negative about the pick

after the way he got here melo should be careful about what he says. plain and simple

that twitter +*$$ is dumb to begin with for athletes. only causes trouble
Originally Posted by DubA169

it isn't an overretraction. he is a face of the team. said something that can easily be seen as a negative about the pick

after the way he got here melo should be careful about what he says. plain and simple

that twitter +*$$ is dumb to begin with for athletes. only causes trouble
Son said
Teams are sleeping on my son Josh Selby
Ok here we go
Goodnight. I'm out.

He didn't say +%$$ negative. Yall overreacting. Then just for those sensitive over reactors following all his damn tweets he even bothered to backtrack and welcome Iman to the team.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DubA169

it isn't an overretraction. he is a face of the team. said something that can easily be seen as a negative about the pick

after the way he got here melo should be careful about what he says. plain and simple

that twitter +*$$ is dumb to begin with for athletes. only causes trouble
Son said
Teams are sleeping on my son Josh Selby
Ok here we go
Goodnight. I'm out.

He didn't say +%$$ negative. Yall overreacting. Then just for those sensitive over reactors following all his damn tweets he even bothered to backtrack and welcome Iman to the team.

Do you have Asperger's syndrome?
ok here we go (time for knicks to pick)

goodnight. I'm out (that's who we got?)


that's how it reads 
The same exact ##*@*%+ reaction some of yall had in here. Hell most of the media is saying we lost in this draft. How you want Melo to feel when he was actually hype a friend (who he also thinks could help the team) would come to his team? (Not that I agree with that) Then somebody he aint never heard of gets drafted. He suppose to feel happy? Like we really using twitter to overanalyze his reaction and say he's being negative about the pick?

Yall really can't see this being more about the Knicks not drafting Selby than it was about us drafting Shumpert? Yall reaching if you can't see that. Face of the team or not. Like %@%%#! can't have reactions now.

I'm just wondering how many of yall would be making a big deal of this if he wanted the Knicks to draft Faried or Singleton.
He can have reactions, but he doesn't have to post it on Twitter, that's all.

I'm sure he was pissed they didn't take Selby, but he should know by now... anything and everything he says can be examined, interpreted, and twisted... so he should exercise more caution.

Frankly it's a non-issue, I forgot about it twenty minutes after it happened.
ok ill take what i said back... i was surprised last year at landry being picked because i didnt know who he was or if he had game.... the good thing is he turned out to be pretty decent... so im hoping that translates to this guy iman and he ends up being good 
At the worst I think he's a solid perimeter defender that can guard 1-3 and gets minutes in our rotation come playoff time. Anything else and I'm happy/impressed at what he does.

Perimeter defense is certainly a need, not the top priority but for us but I'll take it.
Random but how much better would the Melo trade have looked if we kept Gallo instead of Fields, especially after this pick.

I've managed to convince myself that rook is going to be a player without a doubt. We still need help inside but keeping guys on the perimeter is always helpful when you're the last ranked defense in the league.
I don't think Jorts will even make the team.  He's so damn slow-footed and does not leave the floor.  The obvious comparison is Aaron Gray, but a worse version.  I respected what he did at UK and I'd love for him to be able to hack it in the NBA but I just don't see it.  
It's frustrating that NOW we decide to roll the dice on a big, physical center after passing on all of 'em the last few drafts (ahem, Deandre Jordan).
Jean shorts in New York ?

He better not come uptown with no jean shorts. He MIGHT could get away with it in Midtown.
Toney can finally play the 2 and guard the 1.

This year we shouldn't be subjected to watching Billups and TD on the floor at the same time over a extended period of time.

From the highlights his jumper definitely isn't ugly his form is almost perfect. I hope he perfect that penetrate and dish tactic and cut down on the TO

I have to believe in the draft team. I was one the people screaming how you don't draft Stephenson. Boy was I wrong about Fields.
Hey Patrick Ewing got an interview for the Detroit Pistons job

Don't like the fit for him and I think the job is Zeke's or Laimbeer's but at least he's getting interviews.
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