**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

What was rautins thinking? the shot he took is the actual LAST shot we shoulda took. 8 seconds left and you hoist a 3 ball?

he probably thought that 8 was a 3

I know that was our second team out there but still.

and yes, A Randolph always looks like he's about to have a tantrum and cry
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I can see Toney Douglas stealing the starting spot from Felton.
What was rautins thinking? the shot he took is the actual LAST shot we shoulda took. 8 seconds left and you hoist a 3 ball?

he probably thought that 8 was a 3

I know that was our second team out there but still.

and yes, A Randolph always looks like he's about to have a tantrum and cry
i agree iwth allen 100% in regards to randolph. i already got a text from a friend saying he sucks after tonight
I dont want Amare to be the 5 and chandler at 4...

We wont win chips like that.. let the 5 play 5, 4 play 4, 3 play 3 n so on.

Start Moz at C, Chandler at 2 with Walker backing him and Douglas at 1
after going to the open practice and seeing today's game....safe to say i dont like felton and i want douglas starting. i said before we signed felton though that i wanted to see douglas get a shot.

AD just playing too hard. he wants to impress everyone but he's trying too hard. he needs to let the game come to him. and he cant be calling for the ball every play
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

I dont want Amare to be the 5 and chandler at 4...

We wont win chips like that.. let the 5 play 5, 4 play 4, 3 play 3 n so on.

Start Moz at C, Chandler at 2 with Walker backing him and Douglas at 1


Recap: Celtics 104 Knicks 101
BY TOMMY DEE ON OCT 13, 2010, 10:20 PM


We’vetalked a ton about Amar’e's talent and how that’s anexciting thing and if he can ever learn to drill jumpers consistentlylike KG then…wow.

Speaking of KG, you can thank your localNBA officials for allowing one of the game’s best to get ejectedbecause of rabbit ears and a new rule enforcement. If you’re anNHL fan then you know what that all means.

But give the Knickscredit. They adhered to the keys and Amar’e carried them in a tonof ways. To me, Gallinari isn’t nearly firing on all cylinders,neither is Felton. It didn’t matter, but it will.

Speakingof Will, Chandler was fantastic I thought. Just played a really strongfirst half. But like against the Wolves, he disappeared in the 2nd.Have to like how the 2nd unit battled Rondo and Pierce on the floor formost of the 4th.

As far as the key stats:

Who on the teamis going to get to the rim offensively and defensively? Who is going tobox out then go get the ball at the rim defensively. Getting to the rimand boxing out takes little skill. Zero talent. Those are effort playsthat go unnoticed.- Knicks won that battle…
Will Gallo shoot more three’s or FTs? What will the team FT #s be? 6 3s/ 7 FTAs
Ifthey are out-rebounded on the offensive end and lose the FT battle,they will force themselves to have 4-5 players shoot over 50% for thegame and they’ll have to make at least 8 or 9 threes.-4 playersover .500 from the field
Boston’s Stephane Lasme is a playerI’ve always appreciated. He’s fighting for the 15 spot, andis a shot-blocker.- didn’t overly impress…
Do you haveto force the ball out of Pierce’s hands on that last possession?For me not even close. I want to see Randolph get a stop after how hefailed to finish off the game. As far as the last second callsoffensively, if you sit your starters then you can’t put them inat the last second. Doc wanted to win more than D’Antoni did, whyelse is Pierce and Rondo on the floor in a preseason game?

The only question would be why is Turiaf catching the ball when they should know he’ll be fouled down 3…
Yall people quick to jump on Felton in what, 3 pre season games and an open practice? G T F O.  That's ridiculous.

I like Douglas as well, he'll get more exposure this year with no Nate.

- Thought it since the end of last year and still do, Bill Walker definitely belongs in the rotation.

LMAO why don't you like Rautins, though? YES that was a HORRID shot and poor decision making, but he's ok.  Not gonna fully comment until he gets more PT.

Randolph def was trying too hard to make a big play, too much adrenaline.

Amare, Amare, Amare...

Gallo? Where art thou?

Chandler was solid in the limited min he had, def worked on that jumper.
I just don't think Rautins can play in this league. I think it's a head coach being reminded of themselves in a player. Mike needs to realize he also spent his time in Europe, not the NBA.

I think Donnie let Mike have his one with that pick and roster spot. He's a charity case.

I'm not worried about Felton. He has a track record as a starting PG in this league, and it's solid. I don't see it being any different during his time here.
my bad i wasnt able to watch the game.

i woulda blown up nt if i was posting so yeah whatever

but i peepd the box score/stats

stat finished with 5 boards? whats good...?
I really liked how Landry was getting after it on the defensive end. Him and Toney were getting alot of deflections and steals.

I'm with Allen. Play AR. This team is so young. Let them play through their growing pains.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

my bad i wasnt able to watch the game.

i woulda blown up nt if i was posting so yeah whatever

but i peepd the box score/stats

stat finished with 5 boards? whats good...?
he didn't even play the 4th

stat is one thing nobody needs to worry about. we got other problems
Again, Felton is stepping into a new team, new offense, much different than what he's used to, and he's supposed to be the leader... it will take time.

It's too early to be making excuses, but people seem to want him to be a failure to agree with their prediction after a couple preseason games and a practice. Fact is, he's been a starter in this league... he was the best PG on the market and we got him for a win-win contract. Either he works out and he's cheap, or he doesn't and he walks in 2 seasons. People are really thinking he's the same as Chris Duhon? Let me find some game discussion from this past season and see how people were liking Chris back then.

And with Douglas... I'm as big of a TD fan as anyone since I'm a Seminole fan, but his best role will be a spark plug, defensive guard off the bench. I won't want him as my starter with this current team. Point guard shouldn't be the issue to be concerned about right now, give Felton at least a few REGULAR SEASON GAMES before people want to banish him to the bench.
TD is best suited to come off the bench and lead the 2nd team. Missed the game but I've heard good things. Stat will continue to be an all-star. Trust

I'm saying...Felton is a good stopgap until a real PG comes through. Too bad Ridnour wouldn't do the one-shot contract.
http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ba...Season-Preview-New-York-Knicks?urn=nba-276953[h2]BDL's 2010-11 Season Preview: New York Knicks[/h2]
By�Kelly Dwyer


Last year's record
? 29-53, missed playoffs

Significant departures?David LeeAl Harrington,Chris Duhon.

Significant arrivals?Amar'e Stoudemire,Raymond Felton,Anthony Randolph,Kelenna Azubuike,Ronny Turiaf.

Projected record, as predicted three months ago in time to publish inYahoo! Sports' NBA Preview Magazine? 41-41

Why I think that sounds about right?

Whoa, I wrote that? 41 wins? July was a strange month, man.

This is a team full of shooters, who will shoot a lot, but not expertly.�Danilo Gallinari,�Azubuike (recovering from a major knee injury), Felton, and�Wilson Chandler�can all get streaky-hot from outside, but none of them are the 40 percent lights-out guys that you want in that role. Amar'e is a master in the pick and roll, but so was David Lee; and as awful in every respect as Chris Duhon was last season, the man can throw a bounce pass. Felton? Not as sure about that.

But there's something about this team. I don't know if I'm drooling over the thought of Stoudemire, Randolph, and Danilo on the break, or if I'm too smitten with the changes. I'm not coach Mike D'Antoni's biggest fan, I know Randolph is still as raw as he was two years ago, and that Danilo tends to be consistently overrated (Dirk Nowitzkiaveraged 22 and nine at Danilo's current age, you think Gallinari is ready for that?), but the depth is intriguing.

And I think Turiaf, of the crazy shot-blocking skills, will really surprise people at center.

Why I think I could be terribly, terribly wrong?

Because I just picked the Knicks to win half their games

They won't defend well, and they won't be nearly as efficient offensively as they need to be to make up for that.

Perhaps I'm relying on just about everything going right. And sometimes, as you saw to a far greater extent in Oklahoma City last year (when nobody missed time with injuries), things go perfectly. Toss in a season sweep of the Raptors, three out of four from the Sixers and Hawks, and a few stolen wins from the Bulls, Celtics, Pacers ... those things add up.

Do they add up to 41 wins? I think a lot of that rests on Felton, and Randolph. Felton hasn't had options like this since college, and these passes have to be absolutely on point. And Randolph has to start scratching that potential; because while Mike D'Antoni might be the perfect coach for him, we also said the same thing about Don Nelson.


We'll be missing you


Vaya con dios, David Lee. It�has already been saidin many more words, with many more facts, by much more talented people, but it bears repeating: During a dark, dark time in Madison Square Garden, your play was frequently the only thing that generated a smile. Enjoy the Bay. Bask in the sunlight of making an Eddy-for-Stephen trade in the Curry department. Have fun out there, and thanks.

I think most Knicks fans share his feelings about Felton, but I feel like he's gonna find his way after the rough first few weeks of the schedule.
Never liked the Felton signing from day 1, could have gotten him for 1-2 years max.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Never liked the Felton signing from day 1, could have gotten him for 1-2 years max.

 We got him for 2 years $16 mil with a 3rd year team option. Basically one year then he's an expiring trading chip.
i saw good flashes last night and we coul've won that game.. Mike was just feeling the 2 unit out and I respect that ... Doc was coaching like we was in game 6 of the ECF's ...
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