Official: 2007-08 Chicago Bulls Season Thread

^^^Y is Skiles still our coach is the good question^^^He put's grown men in the doghouse?! No wonder our team look like JV. J Kidd HATES skiles and I thinkBig Ben does too. He tries to be a disciplinarian, but for what?

He needs to bench players for taking those idiot "quick offence" jumpers and discipline those who don't look for dribble penetration. Obviouslythe post up ability of the bigs is shaky at best.
This is getting ugly. We definitely need Deng back.

lol do you think Kobe still wants to come to the Bulls?
i see skills throw Free Money under the bus, Thomas have always given a good effor when he was on the court this year get that jogging crap out of here
If Pax and Skiles weren't making love with eachother Skiles would be gone. Skiles sucks. I hate him.

This team is not that well constructed either. That falls on Pax. I want them both gone if Kobe Bean Bryant isn't wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey sometimethis year. They blew it. I would have traded BOTH Gordon and Deng to get Kobe in here. Ben isn't clutch anymore. He was when he was a rookie but notanymore. Deng is soft. He has crazy talent but is soft.

I am sick of the garbage effort these chumps are giving. I am going to get some tix and go to a game just so that I can boo them. Its the same crap every year.Start terribly, have a strong middle of the season, finish so-so, then get beat down in the first or second round of the playoffs. Not good enough for me.
Horrid season so far. Kirk is playing god awful. 35% from the field, 10 PPG 5apg to 3 TOpg. Gordon is getting 18PPG on 36% shooting, 26% from 3. He also gets aTO for every Assist. Duhon is shooting 33% from the field and 32% from 3. Thabo is shooting 28% from the floor. Look at our pitiful guards. Its gross. Theylook terrible out there and their "production" is even worse.

Deng is playing good but thats about it. Nocioni is starting to play alittle better. Tyrus is getting ZERO minutes. Skiles is such a sack of crap. This dude.Our once WEAK frontcourt is actually carrying this team through games. Not getting us wins but the backcourt is a mess.

I would love to see all of our backcourt guys go. I want 1 of Rose, Mayo and EGordon running our team instead of these bums.
Another loss after we played horrible. Im starting to wonder if we are going to get on track at all this season. We are starting to play better but we have tostart winning, we are getting close to 1/4 part of the season. The east isnt as weak as was in years in past, so its going to be harder to get back into theplayoffs. We need to start are playoff push very soon but its going to be hard with Detroit and Boston coming up
Sooo......this thread has gone dormant. Freakin losers of a team. Boylan should be 5-0
this has been a huge waste of a season so far. the east is a lot better this year than last year. i really dont understand the direction of this team. or whytyrus gets no burn? the bulls need help and need help fast
Is it time to tank already?

When players like Ben Wallace and Adrian Griffin are organizing a mutiny against the youngest guy on the team, AFTER THE COACHES REPRIMANDED HIM, it looksreally bad.

Wallace is one of the primary reasons why the team has played so poorly. He's hardly working at all on the floor. I don't care how much work he puts inoff the court, he's been a ghost all season long.
So...the Lakers got Gasol for a bag of marbles. He was only rumored to come here for a year now....and he goes to LA....the team you were supposed to get KobeBryant from......nice moves Paxson.......nice of you to improve this lousy excuse for a team...
I wouldn't mind tanking at this point, we could use another young player. Hopefully it's not a PF/C that has no offense.
After watching tonights game i wouldnt mind packing it up for the rest of the season. When BG is putting up 34( or whatever he put up) there is no reason thatwe should lose. Nobody else can hit a shot, Noc fouls too much, Artest was abusing Noah off the dribble, Kirk is missing open shots, Tyrus is playing hard butmaking too many mental errors. I could go on for days. The Kobe trade is over, Gasol is no more, this team is just a flat out joke and still living off thesuccess of last year.

A team with the talent they have should not be performing like this. Honestly no matter who we get in the draft will not help in a way because we have playersthat can play 1-5 but its just the mental errors and lack of TEAM play that hurts more than anything
its hard to watch the bulls anymore
we are struggling against teams that aren't good
well i guess we aren't good either
this year was so hyped
and its nothing
its hard to watch the bulls anymore
we are struggling against teams that aren't good
well i guess we aren't good either
this year was so hyped
and its nothing
well maybe we should focus to what should be done in the offseason or before the trade deadline. What # draft pick and who would you like to see the bullsdraft or what would you like to see done? I think we're all in agreement Wallets needs to go....
The sad thing about it is.....if the Bulls were to somehow on a 10-4 streak...they'd be smack dab in the playoff hunt.

Honestly though, I'm looking at the draft.....With our luck we'll pick like 7th or 8th....We're always off a few picks from landing a stud.

I'd love Beasley though, but he'll be top 2 for sure if he comes out.

Ben Wallace needs to go, but who's gonna take on that contract of his. I think Deng will sign longterm, and BG will probably sign a one year deal makinghim an unrestricted FA after next season.

Maybe make a run for Elton.....or just get ready to throw everything and the kitchen sink at LeBron or Kobe in a couple years. (dreaming)

Stupid !#$ Bulls....make me sick.
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