Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Questionable, Buike's minutes may go down when Steven Jackson is finished serving his suspension.
Proving the doubters wrong​
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
Kapono isn't putting up numbers at all. I don't need threes and thats pretty much the only thing he can offer. Buike may be able to keep in the rotation with the numbers hes putting up right now.
s l a s h a n d b u r n
man i just dropped tyrus for wally world and tyrus goes off.

Team Grizzlies
Rudy Gay for Al Horford, who gets the better end?

"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
i would take Rudy Gay over Hortford any day, any week, any month, any year. In other words, I"d take Rudy in a heartbeat.
Team Grizzlies
Yao for Billups?

I need the another PG that puts up points and assists while he needs the C for rebs and points as well.

Who gets the better end?
TEAM [Scrubs]
.:: | TEAM | TORONTO | RAPTORS | ::.
TeamCanada ~x~ TeamPhilippines​
Yao > Billups, sorry, find someone else you can try and give up, but Yao is way too much, if it were Nash, Deron, Kidd, or Paul, I'd consider, but for Billups? No deal.

Gay > Horford, hands down.

Proving the doubters wrong​
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
Apocalypz, I'd actually say that while it's fairly even, you'd lose out just because of how much rarer great C's are.
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
Who do I start for today...

1SF and 2Util
-Corey Maggette, Jason Richardson, Hedo Turkoglu, Tim Thomas....
Interesting trade. I just got offered Gerald Wallace for Chris Wilcox. Wallace isn't doing so good, has injury concerns and is coming off of a big contract. Wilcox is playing great but I don't know if he can sustain it. I think my squad's pretty stacked, I'm in a ten man league. Would you do it?

PG &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Deron Williams
Raymond Felton&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Chauncey Billups

SG &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Corey Maggette
Kirk Hinrich

SF &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Kyle Korver

PF &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Mehmet Okur
Al Jefferson
Chris Wilcox

C &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Yao Ming
Andrew Bogut

808. PERIOD.

20% with code: JBOAT
Jump on that trade. Now.

And FYI for Felton owners (including myself):
Bobcats' coach Sam Vincent is leaning toward playing Raymond Felton (knee) Friday night if the medical staff clears him. The team would like to give Felton another day of rest, but after being blown out in two straight games, it sounds like they'll try to stop the bleeding by getting him back in the lineup.
"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
Am I starting the right ppl?

Free Mike
^ I would say so.
TEAM [Scrubs]
.:: | TEAM | TORONTO | RAPTORS | ::.
TeamCanada ~x~ TeamPhilippines​
Trade review:

Al Jeff. & Odom


Gil and R.Jeff

I need bigs.
Free Mike
Damn, Felton is playing tonight... only 13 more "Fan Pts" than Nate Rob though, so I lucked out that I got some decent production from him.

Dudes in my league slept on my man Eddie House, I picked him up on Tuesday and he's given me great production for the two games I've had him.
Lamar Odom + Kelenna Azubuike
Steph. Marbury + Corey Maggette

Who gets the better end?
TEAM [Scrubs]
.:: | TEAM | TORONTO | RAPTORS | ::.
TeamCanada ~x~ TeamPhilippines​
^The guy who gets Lamar and Azubuike.
3-4 right now, Cowboys up next!!!​
Who should I pick up, Fisher or Gibson? I'm leaning toward Fish.
1949 1950 1952 1953 1954 1972 1980 1982 1985 1987 1988 2000 2001 2002
^ I would go with D-Fish as well.
TEAM [Scrubs]
.:: | TEAM | TORONTO | RAPTORS | ::.
TeamCanada ~x~ TeamPhilippines​
Input on this trade:


and another possible trade:
Marbury + J. Oneal
Ben Gordon + Stojakovic

better end on both trades?
TEAM [Scrubs]
.:: | TEAM | TORONTO | RAPTORS | ::.
TeamCanada ~x~ TeamPhilippines​
Choiboi46, in this order, Corey, J-Rich, Heod, Tim Thomas...

Koolbarbone, take that trade without quesiton.

MeloVP, you might want to utilize Reggie Evans some games, he's a great rebounder.

MeloVP, I wouldn't do it, but if you're in dire need of scroing, you could consider it. Odom is nice all around, as is Al Jeff, Richard Jefferson is only a scorer, and Gil is streaky.

Apoc, it's hard to say, but I like Maggette, he' snot as good as LO, but Steph is better than Buike, wouldn't be a bad trde, but it wouldn't be a great trade either.

3LAL, Fisher if you need assists, Gibson if you need three's.

Apoc, Stojakovic I would rather have, yet assists are harder to come by. I wouldn't throw in JO and get Ben Gordon in return, getting two of the same player (basically swing men) for two rarer position players, wouldn't do it.

I'm going to edit this post for some guys you could pick up.
Proving the doubters wrong​
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
Some FA's probably on your waiver wire who are worth consideration:

Troy Murphy- He will rebound for you, he's capable of blocking a shot, and he's a decent shooter with a three point game.

Anthony Parker- this guy was autodrafted for me, and I was pissed! :lol:
, but he isn't too bad, he can knock down the three point shot, but other than that, he's fairly one-dimensional. Scoring.

Reggie Evans- Need a rebounder? This guy is killin' it every game on the boards, he's really putting in work this season on the boards.

Louis Williams- Don't pick this kid up yet, but keep an eye on him, a good back-up to Andre Miller, and a nice little jumper, like I said, not a pick-up, but keep an eye on him.

Smush Parker- Made you look... :lol:

Jameer- He's really stepping his game up this year, shooting better, handing out more assists, if he's out there, he's a great pick up.

Hedo Turkoglu- Please don't let this dude sleep on your waiver wire, he has a nice all-around game.

Horford- He's proving that he's going to consistantly put up ~ 10 and 8+ throughout the year, not too bad if you need a little bit of both and have a roster spot.

Eddie House- Let me say, I think this guy's a scrub, but he is the 4th best scorer on the Celtics, and there's going to be nights when he gets some shots off, and he's not a bad shooter. If you need three's, he'll give you a few a game.

Bobby Jackson- He's similar to Al Horford in that, he won't give you a ton of stats, but he will give you what he can. A few three's, a few assists, a few rebounds, ~10 points, not bad if you need a roster filler.

Yi- This kid (I call him kid because he's pretty young), looks like the real deal, he's quick (can steal the ball), he's long (he can block and rebound), and he can shoot the ball all around the floor. Pick this kid up if you have the space or have an inconsistancy.

Bonzi- Is he out there? Need a 15+ ~8 rebound player? that's Bonzi in a nutshell, but I'd take Reggie Evans over Bonzi.

Lowry- for a PG, he's not bad, he gets to the line, he can shoot the three, he can get assists and rebounds, worth looking at.

Jarrett Jack- Probably the best option right now for PG's on the waiver wire, he's a little inconsistant, but he can have big games at least once-twice a week. His good games can make up for his inconsistancy as a backup PG on your roster.

Francisco Garica- How will this kid do when Artest comes back? I don't know, but he's been good for the first 5-6 and hasn't slowed up at all.

Collison- Rebounder, good FG%, around 10/10, not much else to his game though.

Tyrus Thomas- This kid gets rebounds, he shooters at a high %, and he'll give you a block and a steal, he's probably best pick up available.

Brandan Bass- Time to slurp up my own team (just kidding :lol:
Proving the doubters wrong
Ager, Barea, Bass, Dampier, Diop, Fazekas, George, Hassell, Harris, Howard, Howard, Jones, Nowitzki, Stackhouse, Terry​
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