Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Originally Posted by Apocalypz

What do you guys think about Kelenna when Jackson comes back? Less production or still consistent numbers?
I think he'll still get pretty good minutes, I think Pietrus will take a bigger cut in mins than Azubuike will.
As for Yahoo, so from now on, if I don't have Startracker I won't be able to see their current stats like before?

You'll be able to see it AFTER all the games have finished so you can compare the day after I believe.

But, no more live stat updates, it's always been like that.

As for the Shawn Marion trade, Kelenna is a player that can probably be replacable, and if your getting Shawn Marion, do it man.
Thanks guys. I just accepted.
Harlem, the first week is free, and after that you have to pay 10 dollars to see the rest of the season.

I just check the boxscores, same difference, just have to remember which players you have. It also lets you see who else is doing good for other teams.
Yea the stattracker is a nice and convenient thing to have but I can easily see the stats by clicking on the box score as well.
I need some help for my Wednesday line-up. Gone through a bunch of combinations, and I think these two are the best, so which would you go with?

Option #1...


Option #2...

Harlem, I don't think so, maybe you got something I don't, but it's never been free.

Blazer, I'd put Calderon on the lineup, just becuase he can rack up major assists.
I need another help in deciding. Law isn't performing well enough. I was going to drop him and get Foye when he gets better but Foye got picked up lastnight. Now I have a choice to drop Law and pick-up Eddie House from the FA list. Is it a good idea or no? I know Eddie House is 4th or 5th option in Boston butscoring isn't really a problem with me and in need of assist and 3's. House also got Law beat in all stats except steals but only by two. One downsidewith house is his a SG while Law is a PG/SG, I'm not exactly sure if that's a big deal but I feel like there will be times when that will be a factor.House seems a perfect fit in my team (compared to Law) but does anyone believe I should hold on to Law and take a risk?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks guys. I just accepted.

Smart move. That's a great trade for you; Marion is arguably the best player in fantasy (definitely top 3), while the guys you're givingup are at their absolute peak right now in terms of value. Classic "sell high" move right there; not very smart by the guy that offered you that.
Naw RFX, just let Law go, there's a PG logjam in ATL, and it's not worth risking your stats every night when you can get a garunteed player in Housewho will knock down three's all day (That's all he does, is chuck three's..
) I recently picked up House in one of my leagues as well, so Ithink it's a good move.

I'm very upset with the production of Gilbert Arenas.. He couldn't make ONE DAMN THREE tonight, and if he would have, I would have won all my fantasyleague match-ups this week, and the ******ed thing is, the league I lost this week has my best players. Stephon marbury, Mike MIller, Carmelo Anthony, JoshHoward, Shaq, Dalembert, Chandler, Kenyon Martin, Haslem, Gasol, Lee, Arenas, Mobley, Mo Williams, Jason Williams, and I lose because of ******ed Technicals,Ejections, and a couple missed threes. Damn you Arenas, DAMN YOU!

7/8 so far isn't bad, but I wanted to win (was playing a friend
Thanks for the help JA21, I'll pick him up now before someone scoops him up. Really appreciate it.
Is there anyone else on your FA list that you were looking at? Or was House pretty much the only dude out there?
In terms of 3's, Bogans is on top of the list and was just dropped. Next is Delfino, Damon Jones, Stoudamire and Radmanovic. Out of all of those, I feellike House helps me more especially I only have room for a guard. I also picked up Rasual for the 3's but do you think Bogans might be a better choice?Actually, by looking at the stats, Bogans seems to be a better choice than Rasual. You think I should pick him up right away? Bogans is still on thewaiver's list though and I'm 12th on the line for him so I'm not sure if I have a chance.

For more help on the assists, top of the list is Duhon, Arroyo, Telfair, Brevin and Lowry. Again though, the players I'm trying to replace is either House(just dropped Law) or Rasual for 3's and assist. I think both House and Rasual provides 3's and some assist, I also have Calderon, Cassell, Garnette,Kirilenko and Torkuglo (sruprisingly) tops my assist production. You think those are enough?

Oh yeah, turnover's a big problem for my team too. I'm losing by 20-30 turnovers so far on both match-ups. I don't think there's anything I cando about that though.

Sorry if that's pretty confusing. Also, any suggestions or help is appreciated. I'm still in the learning stages in Fantasy B-ball.
Well, what I usually do, I almost pretty much GIVE UP one total stat if I can excel greatly in another, and for me that's usually assists or turnovers... Idon't suggest doing it just because it can be a lot harder to win if your handicapped each and every week, but it's a POSSIBILITY. In each and everyleague I play, I always lead in FG%, Points, Rebounds, and blocks, it's just the way I build my rosters.

Your assists seem fairly even, Calderon, KG, AK47, Turk, and Cassell are pretty good, no one player that will give you a ton, but there's not many outthere. The only guys I would CONSIDER picking up are Knight (who's still inconsistant thus far), Duhon (who is a back-up, and other than Calderon, back-upsare usually eh), and Lowry (this kid can't make up his mind if he wants to be good or not

Bogans would probably be your BEST best if you wanted to drop Rasual, I believe he's the starting SG for Orlando (and his back-up is JJ isn't it?
), so I wouldn't be too agianst picking up Bogans, it's up to you and it wouldn't be a bad move.

If you feel like you're too handicapped on three point shooters, you could pick up both House AND Bogans, but I have a feeling House will be good for atleast 2-3 a game.

Unless a player is a sixth man (Like Stackhouse [even though he's not anymore, but you get what I meant!
]), they usually aren't going to be toogreat, and the margain of difference between players isn't too significant, it's really based on how they perform...

Case and point, I started Gilbert Arenas over Stephon Marbury tonight, hoping Gilbert would hit some three's, he was 0/4, while Stephon hit two of them.Would have changed whether I got an L or an W, but it's just random choices you have to make sometimes.
^^^ Is your league H2H or Rot? My league is H2H and I rarely have to pick someone to bench, I usually just have enough. I see what your trying to say though.On friday's game, I needed 3's and didn't require much points or rebound (i was up about 100+ pts & rebounds) and needed a higher percentage inft's, I played Villanueva instead of Shaq. Shaq played a 25/10 game but I got Villanueva's single 3 which put me on lead by one and his higher ft%.

I'll try and get Bogans for Rasual since he can provide more 3's (hopefully) and more rebounds and assist as well as more playing time. From what i canread from your analysis, it seems like I have a decent production when it comes to assists. Cassell is pretty inconsistent too but I believe he'd give morepoints than Knight. Knight just isn't getting equal playing time, which might change overtime but as long as Cassell is healthy he'll get thosept's. Plus Cassell gives high ft% and 28 pts today.

Thanks again for all the help JA21. I'll try and keep all your suggestions in mind and hopefully do well in my league.

One quick question though, how does waiver's list works? I'm #11 and Bogans was dropped today I believe, if I try to pick him up right now, does thatmean it would have to go through #1-10 if they want him and then if no one wants him I get him? Is that how it works?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Harlem, the first week is free, and after that you have to pay 10 dollars to see the rest of the season.

I just check the boxscores, same difference, just have to remember which players you have. It also lets you see who else is doing good for other teams.

Ever since I started playing fantasy sports in 2001, I've been just checking the box scores and remembering what players I had. But I purchasedStatTracker last year for fantasy baseball and it was cool. What I like with StatTracker is that if it's H2H and it's Sunday, I see that I'mguaranteed a win in PTS, REB, AST, but I see that I'm losing in TO, I could bench whoever hasn't played yet to hopefully get the win in TO. It was justuseful in fantasy baseball and dealing with ERA and BA.

So I just purchased StatTracker for fantasy basketball this year and they made it look wack. Last year's fantasy baseball's StatTracker was formattedhella better. I don't know why they were slacking on the NBA version of StatTracker
One quick question though, how does waiver's list works? I'm #11 and Bogans was dropped today I believe, if I try to pick him up right now, does that mean it would have to go through #1-10 if they want him and then if no one wants him I get him? Is that how it works?

I believe so, but shouldnt' be a problem. I dont' think anyone would pick him up, and it shouldnt' be a problem unless he was just dropped.
Ehh, I dropped Brendan Haywood for Shaq. Thoughts? Yeah Haywood is having a pretty solid season, but i'm thinking Shaq will turn it around especially withWade coming back. Ehh I guess i'll find out how it works out soon enough.
I wouldn't have dropped haywood for Shaq. Shaq has worse FT%, Asst/TO ratio and RPG. Also, I figure his PPG will drop once Wade comes back.

On the other hand, if Blatche keeps seeing increased min. i feel like it'll cut into Haywood's production.
I need help with this trade fast.

I trade away: Josh Smith and Kevin Martin

I would get: Mike Miller, Gerald Wallace, and Martell Webster.

I would appreciate multiple opinions.

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