Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Not worth it IMO. I think Josh Smith gives you more than Gerald Wallace, and Martin is better and more efficient than Miller. Adding Webster doesn'tmitigate that enough, IMO. And
@ your avy.

I've got another potential deal in the works, so I'd like some opinions as to whether I should pursue it. Right now my trade of Kidd for Billups andOkur is pending league approval until Wednesday. Presuming it goes through, this is how my roster will look:

Chauncey Billups
Joe Johnson
Raymond Felton

Dwyane Wade
Ricky Davis

Stephen Jackson
Peja Sojakovic

Rasheed Wallace
Mehmet Okur
Al Horford
Ryan Gomes

Al Jefferson
Tyson Chandler
Nick Collison

Now I still haven't seen this team produce yet since the trade hasn't gone through, and Wade and S-Jax haven't even played for me yet. Nonetheless,two potential moves I may be looking to make:

1. Give Ricky Davis for Zach Randolph (I think there's a good chance that the other owner would accept)
2. Give Joe Johnson for Tony Parker and Leandro Barbosa (not so sure other owner would accept)

Particularly with Davis I'm concerned with how he'll fit in when Wade gets back, so I'd like to move him while he's still been having goodproduction. However, I don't know if this 20-13 production of Randolph's will continue, or if Eddy Curry will eventually cause him problems.

Any thoughts on either move would be greatly appreciated.
Ehh, I dropped Brendan Haywood for Shaq. Thoughts? Yeah Haywood is having a pretty solid season, but i'm thinking Shaq will turn it around especially with Wade coming back. Ehh I guess i'll find out how it works out soon enough.

Not a bad drop/add, you'll get a few more blocks with Shaq, and FG% will be higher as well. Good move.


I don't think I would do it, Gerald Wallace hasn't been doing too wellt his year, Mike Miller hasn't been shooting as much, and Martell isn't aprimary scorer, while Kevin Martin is THE primary scorer and shooter for Sacramento, and Josh Smith is Josh Smith.


If you can get those deals done, DO IT. No reason not to. You have a nice line-up if you get those three guys.
Why is Gerald Wallace being very inconsistent this year? Even with the addition of J-Rich, his still getting the same amount of playing time and his healthyfrom what i know. I think he'll get better through the season but I hope he gets better a lot sooner.
wattsup guys. so i got a trade offer and just wanted to know what you guys thought about it. I'd be giving up Allen Iverson and Mo Williams to get JermaineO'Neal and Brandon Roy. I'm thinking it's a good trade for me but JO's injury history scares me and AI's been killing it lately. Here'smy current lineup if it helps.

PG/SG - Allen Iverson
SG - Kevin Martin
SG/SF - Antoine Wright
PF/C - Nenad Krstic
SF/PF/C - Andrea Bargnani
SG/SF - Ronnie Brewer
PG - Mo Williams
SG/SF - Damien Wilkins
SF/PF - Rashard Lewis
SF/PF - Shawn Marion
PG/SG - Kirk Hinrich

honestly I could really use that center spot but I was just wondering if it was possible to get something better than this?
What do you guys think of me trading away tyrus thomas, grant hill and tj ford for deron williams???

Dwill--more durable than tj, better 3pts, more assists...i really realize that im going to end up losing a lot of misc stats that tyrus thomas CAN bring..butim hoping to get caron butler for that...

Hill is not doing good right now..rahter have buike..

tyrus is just waaay too inconsistent...

so i had 2 open spots and got devin harris and devin brown or m pieturus (leaning on pietrus)

BTW...JAPANAIR, im sure youre thrilled with brandon bass...dudes a beast in the add him if im not stacked with kg, chandler, howard, and LA.
Damn JapanAir I have been thinking about that trade and I seriously might do it. This would be my lineup if I did it.

PG- Chauncey Billups
SG- Allen Iverson
G- Joe Johnson
SF- Richard Jefferson
PF- Tim Duncan
F- Carlos Boozer
C- Jermaine O Neal
C- Tyson Chandler
Util- Baron Davis
BN- Ron Artest
BN- Richard Hamilton
BN- Udonis Haslem
BN- Monta Ellis
BN- Udonis Haslem
BN- Kelenna Azubuike
BN- Paul Milsap

That is an amazing lineup for a 10 team league.
I wouldn't trade Gerald Wallace just yet. He started off slowly last year too and picked it up like crazy later on. It's only been a couple of weeks,the season is long. There was a reason people picked him so high.
I have Gerald Wallace in 2 leagues and I think he will pick it up soon.
Who will get time with VC out: Wright or Nachbar?
I need help with this trade fast.

I trade away: Josh Smith and Kevin Martin

I would get: Mike Miller, Gerald Wallace, and Martell Webster.

I would appreciate multiple opinions.


Any more opinions?
^No. I wouldn't even consider it. Kmart can only get better and J Smith fills up everything. Memphis isn't running as many plays for Miller and Websteris nice but I don't know if he can keep it up all season long.
I'd keep Josh Smith and Kevin Martin. Martin is the only option in Sacramento and Josh Smith, well he's Josh Smith. You know you're going to getthe blocks, steals, boards with a sub-par fg%.
mike millers previous year was..the past..i really cant see him doing it this year...martell webster is a shooter, but nothing else..hes kinda like ronniebrewer..except brewer can get 3 steals a night. do you guys think i did when i traded for deron williams..did i give up too much????
^^^ I agree JA21, that you'll get more out of Smith and Martin than Wallace, Miller and Webster. Wallace isn't performing well at the moment. Martin isgetting his minutes and performing really well. His also giving the same amount of 3's as Miller. As stated before, Martin is the King's #1 scoringoption so his a keeper. Josh Smith provides with pretty much everything on the board except 3's, TO's and FG% so I would keep him too.
can anyone give me opinions about this trade ?
i give up:
Ben Gordon
Damien Wilkins

i get:
Lamarcus Aldrige
Leandro Barbossa
gordons FG% is really hurting my team, he has like a 35% fg so i was expecting aldrige and barbossa to bring it up. wilkins is just a throw-in, didnt reallyneed him for anything
I just got a trade offer:

I give up: Yao Ming + Paul Pierce + Earl Watson (I needed a 3rd person)
He gives up: Andrew Bynum + Jermain O'neal + Jason Terry

^i wouldnt do it because you're giving up good FG%,FT%,AST,RBD,and points. you get in return only decent amount of rebounds and assists. JO hasnt beendoing great this season and i just traded him away for Chris Paul so i wouldnt recommend trying to bring him to your team. Bynum has yet to prove himself.Terry is good but not good enough for Yao or Pierce
Apocalypz, I don't think I would do that trade. Yao may be the best fantasy center there is, and you know what you're going to get out of Paul Pierce.has been pretty solid thus far, but you always have to worry about Jermaine. He is always getting hurt. Jason Terry has been killing it this season shooting acrazy percentage from the field, but can he keep it up?
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