Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

^no, hinrich is doing horrible this season and arenas will come back eventually. you'd be giving up a lot of 3's and get about the same amount ofassists
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Phil, no.

Apoc, I'd probably do it, Diaw is alright, gives you all-around stats, I never had him as a fantasy player but he seems alright.

So you would say it would be a good trade? I'm worried about the REB because Emeka can get me a lot more than Diaw and Davis
i'm trying to make a trade that'll land me Turkoglu/Jason Williams for Marvin Williams and David Lee. Basically, I have a lot of rebounds and am in aneed of 3s. what do you guys think?
Trying to get this trade done..

Granger and Salmons

Mike Miller and Randy Foye

This trade I made earlier, just pending and waiting for Commish.

Anthony Parker
Mike James

Big Z
Tony Parker
Who gets a better deal? I'd be crazy to accept right?
[h2]Kiddin Like Jason (Players to Trade)[/h2][table][tr][th=""] [/th] [th=""] [/th] [th=""]
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Fan Pts
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Mike James

(Hou - PG)
[/td] [td]@SA[/td] [td]151[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Sasha Pavlovic

(Cle - SG,SF)
[/td] [td]Uta[/td] [td]349[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Charlie Villanueva

(Mil - SF,PF)
[/td] [td] [/td] [td]120[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][/table][h2]JBLACK (Players to Trade)[/h2][table][tr][th=""] [/th] [th=""] [/th] [th=""]
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Opp: 11/16
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Fan Pts
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Stromile Swift

(Mem - PF,C)
[/td] [td]NO[/td] [td]360[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
J.R. Smith

(Den - SG)
[/td] [td] [/td] [td]140[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Daniel Gibson

(Cle - PG,SG)
[/td] [td]Uta[/td] [td]332[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]0.00[/td] [/tr][/table]

I know you see this KLJ.....
Japanair your second trade is very profitable for you.

Does anyone know if tmac will be out for long due to his injury yesterday?
I've heard they're thinking about a week, but you never know with T-Mac. Now that Marbury is back with the Knicks though, I dropped NateRobbedthedunkcontestobinson and picked up Bonzi Wells, just in case. He had a real nice line last night.
What do you guys think about this trade:

I give up Josh Smith and Kirk Hinrich for Ray Allen and David West

Here's my roster:
Andre Miller
Gerald Wallace
David Lee
LaMarcus Aldridge
Brendan Haywood
Tony Parker
Raymond Felton
Michael Redd
Nick Collison
Anthony Parker
you'll be really weak in ast....i wouldn't do it

on its own i would, but looking at your team you dont need to imo.
Eh, I don't really like it for you. Yes Hinrich is doo doo right now, but I think he picks it up, and you gave up one of the best all around lines in thegame in Smith. Ray Ray is nice, but I'm not too big on West, particularly with his injury history. I think you could have gotten better.
I'm playing in a keeper league. Should I make this trade?

I give up.
Rashard Lewis
Joe Johnson
Sam Dalembert
Mike Redd

I get.
Josh Smith
Dwight Howard
Derek Fisher
Jason Maxiell

Any thoughts? Thanks.
I'd accept that trade. Josh Smith, Dwight Howard, and Jason Maxiell? 2 guaranteed beasts for years to come and 1 potential upside player. But then again,I've never done a keeper league before so I don't really know the value of young players v. older players. Currently though, you'd be killing onthe Defensive end.
I need advice on this trade proposal?

I give: Kevin Martin, Buike, and Nocioni

I get: Deron williams, and David West.

I really need a PG


In another league i got proposed:

I give up Big Z

I get: Mehmet Okur and Martell Webster.

Should i do it?
GS, id do that deal if i were you. Id get a need and CONSISTENCY. who knows what the heck nocioni is going to bring thanks to his coach. David west willgive you a ton of boards. Both are dwill and west are decent FT'rs...basically thats what youre losing with kmart. Kmart tho, is the 2nd leading scorerin the league right now; but that wont last because of artest. watch his avg dip to the 22s soon.

Mehmet will catch his wind soon, not to mention, him and Tmurph are the only centers who can give you 3s and at least 6 RPG and slightly decent FT. Webster caneasily light it up..he just needs to be a bit more consistent. How is Big Z's durability btw?

BTW, i totally dropped that artest is back, im sure he'll eat up minutes and shots....i really dnt think that hes good for Kmarts game.
Need help quick. Would you do this?

I give up: Jason Kidd, Richard Hamilton, and Richard Jefferson

I receive: Steve Nash, Rashard Lewis, and Ray Allen

I really am leaning towards yes just need some assurance.
Originally Posted by HOOPERVILAA

GS, id do that deal if i were you. Id get a need and CONSISTENCY. who knows what the heck nocioni is going to bring thanks to his coach. David west will give you a ton of boards. Both are dwill and west are decent FT'rs...basically thats what youre losing with kmart. Kmart tho, is the 2nd leading scorer in the league right now; but that wont last because of artest. watch his avg dip to the 22s soon.

Mehmet will catch his wind soon, not to mention, him and Tmurph are the only centers who can give you 3s and at least 6 RPG and slightly decent FT. Webster can easily light it up..he just needs to be a bit more consistent. How is Big Z's durability btw?

BTW, i totally dropped that artest is back, im sure he'll eat up minutes and shots....i really dnt think that hes good for Kmarts game.

THanks for the advice. I got to wait if the guy accepts the 1st offer. So i should do the second trade? Any more opinions?
Originally Posted by gko2408

I'd accept that trade. Josh Smith, Dwight Howard, and Jason Maxiell? 2 guaranteed beasts for years to come and 1 potential upside player. But then again, I've never done a keeper league before so I don't really know the value of young players v. older players. Currently though, you'd be killing on the Defensive end.

based on just this season, do you think this is a good trade? Anymore opinions before I pull the trigger? Thanks.

Here's what the rest of my team looks like.
Ben Gordon, Tayshaun Prince, Peja, Diop, Drew Gooden, David West, Battier, Brendan Haywood.
Hell no that trade is not even, that trade is heavily in favor of you Kobe, if you still have it, take the deal.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Somebody tell jblack that that's a fair trade.

That's not a fair trade... That's a lopsided trade... in favor of jblackcat13...

If I were you jblackcat13, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Kiddin LikeJason doesn't know what he's losing... and what you're gaining.
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