Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

^ I thought Gerald Green could put up 20pts a night for the T-wolves. I don't how he got himself kicked out of the rotation.
^He would put up 20 points a night if he got 3 "Do Over's" for each shot. Dude will be playing for Zalgiris - Olimpija in the Euro league by2009.
I get:
Jason Richardson

I give up:
Vince Carter

I'm in a 10-person H2H league (first time doing so) in the middle of the pack (damn youuu agent zero)
[table][tr][td]G[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Jason Kidd

(NJ - G)
[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]Mia[/td] [td]L, 91-87[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]G[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Gilbert Arenas

(Was - G)
[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]Por[/td] [td]W, 109-90[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]F[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Al Horford

(Atl - F,C)
[/td] [td]F[/td] [td]@Mil[/td] [td]L, 105-96[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]F[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Emeka Okafor

(Cha - F,C)
[/td] [td]F[/td] [td]Sea[/td] [td]W, 100-84[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]C[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Chris Kaman

(LAC - C)
[/td] [td]C[/td] [td]Chi[/td] [td]Q2 5:28, 26-40
[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Util[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Brandon Roy

(Por - G)
[/td] [td]Util[/td] [td]@Was[/td] [td]L, 109-90[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Util[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Corey Maggette

(LAC - G,F)
[/td] [td]Util[/td] [td]Chi[/td] [td]Q2 5:28, 26-40[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]BN[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Rashard Lewis

(Orl - F)
[/td] [td] F Util BN [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]BN[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Brendan Haywood

(Was - C)
[/td] [td]BN[/td] [td]Por[/td] [td]W, 109-90[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]BN[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Vince Carter

(NJ - G,F) INJ
[/td] [td]BN[/td] [td]Mia[/td] [td]L, 91-87[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]BN[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Jamario Moon

(Tor - F)
[/td] [td] F Util BN [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]BN[/td] [td] [/td] [td]
Beno Udrih

(Sac - G)
[/td] [td] G Util BN [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table]

The only thing holding me back from pulling the trade is that I don't know why Vince has been doing bad before the injury. I've heard it was becausehe's pulling the same old effortless act, at which point i'm more than willing to give up. But then I hear that he's been playing with a nagginginjury from the 1st game, which would make me want to hold on to him since I could use the assists. Also, JRich's FG% is poo. Your thoughts?
A friend of mine is offering me Tracy McGrady, Carmelo, Chris Wilcox for Lebron James and Tyson Chandler.

I'd do it if i were you, you give up a little bit of rebounds/blocks, but T-mac+Melo > LBJ.

who should i get luol deng, manu , or josh howard?

Manu or Josh

[qoute]Richard Jefferson for Arenas?

Whoever gets Richard gets the loss in that one.

I get Richard Jefferson for Kirilenko, good deal? I was offered this trade, Jeffersons doing good this season but I'm pretty much giving up every stats and just gaining more points and 3's. I'll probably keep Kirilenko but I want to see what people think.

Nope, not even close.

AI2 for Brewer and Bibby

nope, Andre Iguodala you're talking about right? Brewer is 3rd scoring option, Bibby is still out, and Iguodala is the 76ers allstar. Your other trade, ifyour getting Charlie V, Parker, Bass, Tawn, and Mike James, no way in hell you do that trade.

ggy & Barbosa for Bosh & Dunleavy

NOOOOO, Don't do that, iggy > Bosh as far as fantasy goes, and barbosa >>>>> dunleavy.

Arenas for CP3

are you getting Chris Paul? if you did, I'd do it.

Nash/Camby/Josh Smith, giving up: Dirk, Iggy, Artest

I'd do that in a heartbeat, Camby is better than Dirk for reboudns and blocks, Nash covers all three's assists, and Smith gets everything. You give upsome points, but hell, you'll be fine.


Sell high buy low. Not many dudes who are doing bad this year, except Gasol..
If you have Salmons, now is the time to move him

Yi and Mike Conley or Bargnani and Finley?

Why do you even have Conley Jr,
, I don't really know though, all but Yi seem like FA's to me, Bargnani has been VERY dissapointing.

Giving up VC for J-Rich

Ordinarily, I'd say no, but with your guys, the only thing you might give up is points and rebounds, but you have 3 huge rebounders, and 2 primary scorers,you might way to drop Jamario Moon, and J-Rich will get you some nice three's, but it's up to you, I would probably pullt he strigger, but it's nota lopsided trade.

Sorry for late responses, been busy.

Should I drop Bogans for either Bonzi or Scola? Or should I hold on to Bogans? You see my team up there... help me balance my team out
I need your guys help! Should I pick up Juan Carlos Navarro? I'd drop Gerald Green or Acie Law. I honestly still have high hopes for Gerald though. What doyou guys think?
Alright, administrative dilemma here...

I've been commish of about half the leagues I've played in since 2001, and I've never had maximum roster moves b/c I tend to let managers pick andchoose how active they want to be in terms of roster changes. But this year, in two of the three leagues I'm playing in, things are getting RIDICULOUS.

Mind you, Yahoo basketball week three is wrapping up today...

In one league, a manager has already made 19 moves...but that's not even the worst one.
In another league, a manager has made 26 MOVES. And two others have made 11 and 9. And the guy with 11 moves has had 3 of his 6 trade attempts vetoed by theleague b/c they were so lopsided.

I'm seriously considering a brief moratorium on moves, followed by resetting everyone to 0 and capping transactions at like 25-30. Am I overreacting?

That's nothing. In my NHL league, some dude makes moves every single day. Dude had 96 moves after 3 weeks!!! He beats everyone 7-1 or 8-2 because its hardto keep up with a guy that has a full schedule every day. The sad thing is, thanks to Yahoo not having a limit, we cant do anything about it.
^^^ There's no limit on Yahoo? I play Yahoo and I was told there was a 100 moves max.
No, I can set a limit in Yahoo basketball, and am seriously considering doing it. I don't think I'm down with players trying to win not on their actualdrafting skill or picking up a guy at the right time, but because they just take advantage of the lack of a maximum # of moves to maximize their games everyday with players that are otherwise inferior.
In one league, a manager has already made 19 moves...but that's not even the worst one.
In another league, a manager has made 26 MOVES. And two others have made 11 and 9. And the guy with 11 moves has had 3 of his 6 trade attempts vetoed by the league b/c they were so lopsided.

26 isnt really alot. There are dudes in a couple leagues I manage that have 40+. They have no lives.
What do you guys think about this trade:

i get Marion, and Chris Paul

I give: Dirk and Pau Gasol
I think that's a very good trade for you. Marion is a top-3 fantasy player overall, and CP3 has become arguably the best fantasy PG in basketball thisseason.
my league has max moves of adds more strategy to pickups.

if you reset the moves to 0 its fine........but its usually better to set that type of stuff BEFORE the season starts
Should I drop Bogans for either Bonzi or Scola? Or should I hold on to Bogans? You see my team up there... help me balance my team out

Keep Bogans, you have a lot of rebounders, and you need some 3pt shooting.

I need your guys help! Should I pick up Juan Carlos Navarro? I'd drop Gerald Green or Acie Law. I honestly still have high hopes for Gerald though. What do you guys think?

I haven't followed Gerald Green, probably because he's not noticable, but I'd drop him for JCN.


I've never been a commish, but I've never played in a league with limited cap.


You lose a lot of rebounds, but you get a lot of assists/points.
I like the trade a lot for GSDoubleU. He's actually not losing too many rebs. 15 rebs total from Gasol and Dirk. 15 rebs total from Marion and Paul, who isa very good rebounder from the PG spot. You'd also be covering a lot of bases with just those 2. FG%, FT%, 3PTM, APG, SPG, and BPG. Unless Pau can mentallyget back into the game (he's been unhappy for a while) or he's traded to a better situation, that trade works to your advantage.
I agree with you with everything except for the fact that Dirk is a bad passer, he's become a very good passer.
^ I hate add and drop daily guys getting cheap wins. I say reset and limit it to 50 moves for the season.
So here's my squad, looking to dump Gasol im sick of his #!!*. The guy im sending trade to is actively trying get rid of A.I. and Oka.
So I'm going trade Gasol & Gooden for Okafor & A.I. (Phil). What's NT's feeling on this?
^ I would take AI and Okafor because you are taking away some REB because both Gasol and Gooden can get on the glass, but you already have Yao and with Okafor,thats just gravy. Also AI gives you some good scoring along with Carmelo and when T-Mac comes back as well. AI can also be a source of assists and a steal hereand there.

Anywho, I want to ask some advice from other NT'ers. I really want to get rid of Marbury and someone offered the injured Randy Foye for him. Should Iaccept? Whats the deal on Foye's injury?
Anywho, I want to ask some advice from other NT'ers. I really want to get rid of Marbury and someone offered the injured Randy Foye for him. Should I accept? Whats the deal on Foye's injury?

Still a few weeks away.
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