Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Scott Hastings (Nuggets commentator) was keeping track of Ty Lawson vs. Mikki Moore in the rebounds category.

Lawson ended up taking it 5-4.

And Andersen is averaging 6 RPG on the season while not healthy, and did last season as well, so I don't really think 8 rebounds is too deceptive. Is he going to be averaging 8 RPG come season end? More than likely not, but I don't think 7 RPG is out of thequestion.
Ellis didn't get hurt did he? I noticed he didn't play from mid-way through the 3rd and sat the whole game.
Jacksons departure has really bumped up his value and has solved my teams scoring problem but I hope him not playing was just due to the blowout.
^ It's cause they were getting blown out, dropped Rudy Fernandez for Q Rich, dude is getting no PT right now
damn im getting smacked. dude im facing has kidd, calderon, oden, allen all exploding and LBJ has yet to play. i have less games than him i might take a L. ohyeah the dude dropped Bogut i guess he couldnt hold on to him any longer so when i saw Bogut play i swooped.
i was offered Mo-Will and Aldridge for Marc Gasol and S-Jax im stacked with big guys (Jamison, Frye, Bogut, Duncan, Nene, Brand) and i dont have any PG'sat all Billups and Tyreke

Someone in my league dropped AI a couple days ago when it was reported that Eddie Jordan said he knew nothing of the AI signing.

I put in a waiver claim to drop Richard Jefferson for AI. Then I canceled it the next day and instead opted to drop Redd for AI.

I was #9 on the waiver wire and still ended up with him.
It was reported that AI was going to play Monday. That could change though of course but that is what I read he is slated to play.
Should I drop Anthony Randolph for Jameer? I mean the kid's PT has been sporadic due to Nellie's dumb #^@ and I don't know if I should keephim.
he's not very good and is also injured, out 2-4 weeks. if it's a small league i would do it.
is A.I. a good pickup in a 8 man league? im low on guards and the only players i could drop for A.I. are Brand, Frye, and S-Jax should i do it?
maybe for frye...
im not too sure though. i would wait and see if he can put up #s the way he use to.
or you can attempt to do a 2 for 1.
Everyones on the AI craze and I am considering on picking him up now too.
I'm not sure who to drop though, I feel like I have a pretty solid team now.

Stuckey, E. Gordon, J. Williams, Dunleavy, Thompson, Granger, Hedo, Bosh, Ilyasova, Haywood, Kaman, Arenas, Bogut, G. Wallace, Nene, Aldridge, Calderon andEllis.

The only players I see that could be dropped are J. Will and Ilyasova.
I do not really want to drop J Will as long as Nelson is out, hell theres a chance Nelson might be out a whole season again.
Ilyasova is playing great right now too and it isn't easy to drop him for AI at the moment.
What do you guys think?
NYK is infuriating but i'd expect chandler to be picked up soon. it's a wash pick-up IMO.

don't drop ersan. i'd consider dunleavy.
Oh and my team is Harris Bryant Ariza Harrington Stoudemire Brewer Hill Okafor Smith Iverson Jefferson Okur and Curry. Should I drop any of them for Chandler?
wash as in a simultaneously gain and loss

curry may be considered for dropping. but they're essentially the same player right now, especially with curry getting minutes on an injury plagued rosterhe might be better.
Looks like Mbah a Moute is returning soon, maybe in a game or two, so if AI is still available by then, I'll drop Ilyasova for him.
Kevin Love may be coming back soon. worth the pickup? I have J Tom and Haywood, who I'd prolly have to drop for him.
Nate rob was just dropped in league, is he still worth a roster spot after his DNP today against the magic?
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Kevin Love may be coming back soon. worth the pickup? I have J Tom and Haywood, who I'd prolly have to drop for him.

Drop Haywood for sure and pick up Love.

My team has been stinking it up this week. I was in first place for 3 weeks but after this week, for sure I'll be dropping. I need AI to put up some#'s.
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