Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

hmm still unsure. got to wait and see him play. Love isn't a big blocker like Haywood and I think he will score and rebound just as much as Haywood if notless. Thinking about trading Rondo and Haywood for Monta and J Oneal. good deal/ likely trade?
I wouldn't drop Haywood at the moment. He has been healthy and producing almost double-double every game with a couple or steals and blocks.

This week isn't too good due to these blowout games. First Ellis sits the last 18 minutes of the games yesterday and tonight Bosh only had 2 pts and 5 rebin a big blowout against the Hawks.
Kaman is getting used to shooting jumpshots so he isn't getting as much rebounds and has been shooting horribly.
Claderon and Hedo also didn't play much due to the overwhelming lead by Atlanta, JWill inconsistency continues, Ilyasova was in foul trouble and Bogutunderperforms.
Not to mention G. Wallace played horribly against the Boston defense.

Dunleavy stunk it up but it looks like he might be taking Rush's starting spot soon though so there is an upside.
The way the week has been going, I can't afford to drop anyone for AI and wait half a week.
I need those essential production numbers as much as possible.
I didn't know Bogut was coming back on Monday

I am mad so mad he had a really good game
I'm thinking of dropping Hedo for Hawes. Yay or Nay?

Either Hedo or Dunleavy. I just picked up Salmons and he seems to be coming around and Iverson is coming back so I'll have enough SGs. You know those arehard to come by.
Hedo has been somewhat inconsistent but I think he has more upside since he can give 15/5/5 plus 3's on any given night.
I wouldn't drop Hedo for Hawes but it is up to you.

Michael Redd: Drop'em or Keep'em

I'm 27-47-1, 8th in the league and need help in all facets.
In one of my 8 team leagues, I just traded: Caron, LaMarcus and Beasley for Dwayne Wade.

I picked up:
J. O'Neal (Hawes is also available)

Dropped Jr Smith for Ersan Illysavoa too.
hedo and hawes both are inconsistent. if it were me i'd pick up hawes-- a big that can get blocks, 3s, randoms is pretty rare

mike redd-- shoulda been dropped a long time ago imo, but up to you.
a lot to give up for wade up there. you made some nice pickups to make up for it though.
i would hold onto picking up RIP.
i have him and dudes just been sitting on the bench for me. he better produce well when he comes back or traded to somewhere where he can.
maybe its me, but i dont see the hype in picking up dunleavy. sure hes taken rush's starting spot, but hes always been injury prone and somewhatproductive. i would keep hedo or hawes, but thats just me.
I'm thinking of offering this trade up

Jose Calderon
D. West



who should I target more, IGGY or Granger?
Granger is playing hurt while healing from another injury but we don't know how AI will affect Iggy so it's a coin flip I think.
If you want a more guarranteed, consistent stat if both plays the whole season, I say Granger.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Granger is playing hurt while healing from another injury but we don't know how AI will affect Iggy so it's a coin flip I think.
If you want a more guarranteed, consistent stat if both plays the whole season, I say Granger.

I hope granger plays the whole season, dude is on a tear right now, but like you said only thing holding him back are his injuries.
The whole AI effect might cause a slight dip in IGGY's numbers, but I don't want to have him and Thad on the same team, so I'll probably go afterGranger than.

dude is launching 10 3PT tries a game.

also contributes defensively and in nearly every category.
whats wrong with having him and young on the same team?
either way, you're not losing on that deal.
What to do with Kevin Martin and Lou Williams? Just sit and wait on them or what? They're going to be out forever it seems.

And would you trade Iverson for Devin Harris?
if im receiving harris, in a heartbeat.
then i would package him with someone else.
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