Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

#+!+ me. I forgot to check Murph's injury status and played him instead of Noah

good thing this week is already a WRAP for me
Do you guys think that Barnes can keep this up? I need to drop TJ and Barnes and Courtney Lee are a few of the choices I have.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

I was just offered Nash for CP3
. Fool thinks I'm buying into the hype. No way I'm trading my boy CP for that price. I'm thinking about ripping this guy (league owner) a new one. About to counter with D Wade and Nash
. Haha but to be real I may try to steal Wade and Kidd for CP3 and throw him a bone and give him Josh Howard.

Some dude in one of my leagues offered me Shawn Marion + Sheed for David Lee and Gerald Wallace
How y'all feel about Tony Parker and BJennings? Very disappointing season for Parker and BJ had a pretty average December.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

How y'all feel about Tony Parker and BJennings? Very disappointing season for Parker and BJ had a pretty average December.
BJ's killing my FG%. I might have to trade him or VC.
calderon might come back this wednesday. i'm getting killed in the ast. category, should i pick up lowry or head? i'm getting desperate, lol.
im in a h2h 8 team and im 9 and 1.

i got jennings and lou williams on my bench and im thinking i wanna trade both for iggy.
line up is
kobe, butler, billups, davis,gay, lamarcus,amare, gerald w, bougut kaman.
bench is jennings, mo williams, griffin,yi and lou williams.
what yall think ?? should i or if it aint broke dont fix it?
Damn, my teams falling apart.
Still waiting for Granger to return, Aldridge and Stuckey gets hurt, Haywood is sick, Hedos missed games and then one of my team bright spots (Arenas) mightget suspended for the rest of the season.
Bad enough I dropped one of my top picks in Calderon and still waiting for Granger and now just when he starts playing good he might be gone.
I am so screwed in the Assist category for the rest of the season if he is suspended.

What are the chances of anyoen taking a trade of Arenas for anyone now?
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Duhon or Barbosa?

I'd take Duhon if u can deal with his inconsistency and ugly FG%
Was gonna pick dude up but someone was quicker than me. Nate is on waivers but i dont know... the Knicks man...
. Barbosa doesnt seem like he'll be getting much PT. If he can go back to 2-3seasons ago then that'd be great

Probably the worst thing I did was drafting Magic players. I have D12, VC, Lewis between two leagues and they all have been average/below average
VC and David West.. I know they're not playing their best yet but I would bank on them towards the end of the season. With JR Smith its either a hit ormiss in games with him IMO.

I just traded Paul Pierce for Joe Johnson... Do you guys think its a smart move?
Paul Pierce doesnt exert enough energy more because he's saving some in the tank for the post season. And he's back after a 2 week injury.
Hell yeah, excellent move SoleFX

How about this in another one of my leagues

Caron Butler and Brandon Roy
Kevin Martin and John Salmons
My man steph curry stepping it up. prolly cuz billups is out tho haha. vc is killing my fg% again. nate and manu are on the wire in my league. I need steals,3s, and assts and am considering dropping Yi altho he's heating up lately.
someone dropped carl landry in my league. should i pick him up and drop troy murphy? murphy is always injured but usually a double double when healthy
Originally Posted by Westcoast Balla

someone dropped carl landry in my league. should i pick him up and drop troy murphy? murphy is always injured but usually a double double when healthy
no way. trade T Murph worse comes to worse but don't drop him.
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